I know my blogging has been sporadic at best. Life has been busy but the good news is that I have a few posts stewing around in my head that just need to come out. So forgive me if they are a bit wordy. 🙂
Mother’s Day weekend I decided to take the girls with me back east to visit my family in NJ. I choose this weekend in particular because there is a very special boy who is the man of honor at my childhood town’s 5k race. Dylan’s Dinosaur Stomp 5k held its 4th annual stomp this year. I attended two years ago and I just knew I had to make it back again.
Dylan’s Dinosaur Stomp benefits the Dylan Flinchum Rock On Foundation.  Dylan is the son and nephew of two very special people who grew up living next door to me and in my heart, are like brothers to me. Dylan is suffering from a rare, degenerative disease known as metachromatic leukodystrophy, often referred to as MLD and every year, for the past four years, my town (which is very hilly) pulls together and participates in a 5k walk/run. The event is planned and run by some very special people who love Dylan and his family and I am blown away at how amazing this event turns out. It takes my breath away.
As I said, I participated in the run two years ago when I brought the Peanut home with me before she started Kindergarten. This year, I got daring and I brought both girls.

The girls were crazy excited to get on a plane and fly to NJ. They were even more excited to see their Poppy and Gramie.

As we boarded the first plane, the pilots called the girls into the cockpit. At first they were too nervous to go but I nudged them a little because, hello!? How cool is that! 🙂
The flights were typical. We landed in Arizona and had to race to our next gate to catch our second leg. The girls were super stars. They each had a backpack. We also had entertainment…

We landed in NJ at 5 am Friday morning and Poppy picked us up at the airport. Needless to say, that first day we were a bit like zombies between the time change and jet lag.
Saturday was the race. One of the best features about The Dylan Dinosaur Stomp is that the race doesn’t start until 10:00 am! It is a family focused event and I think that is a great idea. I know from personal experience how hard it is to get the whole family out the door early in the morning. I love the start time because it means I can adjust to the lack of sleep and grab some Dunkin Donuts before hand.
The second best feature of the race is that my childhood home is literally just a few blocks from the starting area AND the race passes by my house not once, but twice! That’s so awesome. Actually, the course is designed so that the race passes by both of Dylan’s grandparent’s houses. Kinda cool. My dad likes it because he can sit on the front steps with his cow bell and cheer on all the runners.
The third best feature is that the race starts and ends at a park. With a playground. Another smart move. My kids spent a lot of time at this park.
I walked to the race start with Gramie and just watched in awe as I saw lots of familiar faces. The morning was chilly but not too bad. The day prior had been very hot and humid.
They start the race on time and they start it, on a hill. Not just a tiny hill, but a pretty decent size hill. This year I positioned myself in the middle of the pack. I’d been running, just not a lot of hills and my hometown has hills.

I wasn’t too sure how things were go but I was mainly just excited to be there and be a part of it. At 10 am they blew the horn and we were off running. The walkers started later. Up the hill I ran, my lungs slowly adjusting and then down the other side past my house. My dad was standing on the steps and I waved to him as I passed. He rang his giant cow bell and told me that both girls were still asleep! This happened the last time I ran this race. The Peanut was so exhausted she missed seeing me both times. Poppy was determined to not let that happen again. 🙂
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As we passed my house and started yet another climb, I saw Matt, directing runner traffic. Matt is Dylan’s uncle, my childhood best friend, my neighbor and one of my Bridegrooms at my wedding. I dodged a bunch of people and I ran over to give him a big hug. He pushed me away and told me to keep running! Matt is my oldest and dearest friend. Seeing him brought such a smile to my face.
I just kept running. Up and down. Up and down. We get to run past the high school and then up another hill. It was on one particular hill that I vividly remember from the last time I ran this course, that I decided I was not going to walk. No matter what. I just put my head down and started running up the hill. I passed a couple of people (sorry Pete!) and I also set my sites on a ponytail ahead of me. By nature, I am more competitive with myself then I am with other people but it is good to have a focus, a goal that you want to accomplish and unfortunately for that ponytail in front of me, she was it.
I passed her on a climb and I heard her sigh. I just kept running we were on our way back to my street. Matt was busy directing cars when I ran by so I just kept going. I saw my dad on my front steps and I saw Squeaker outside bouncing up and down. I heard my dad call to the Peanut who came running out the front door too. They both smiled and cheered for me. I only had to make it up two more hills, one of them pretty darn steep.
Once again, I put my head down and I just ran. The volunteers told me that I just had to round a corner and I would be done. I crossed the finish and grabbed a water. I had no idea what place I was in or what my official time was except for what was on my watch. I chatted with some old friends for a bit and then decided that I better run home and get the girls so they could enjoy the finish area too.

The girls enjoyed the park and they wore their Stomp shirts with pride. Some day, I hope they will want to try and run it too. When I went back to get the girls, I also picked up my phone and I noticed that I had a text message from the race timing company that had my time and stats from the race! It told me that I was second female over all. How freaking cool is that!? Not that I was second female, but that within 30 minutes of having finished, I had race information sent to my phone!! That is pretty darn cool.
Of course I was excited to also get second place female. The first place female blew me away, it wasn’t even close. However, the highlight of the day was getting my photo with Dylan. This sweet boy was sound asleep when I snuck in and got a photo with him.

Unfortunately, soon after the girls arrived, some clouds moved in and the rain started to come down. It rained for maybe 20 minutes or so but sadly, it was enough to scare away some of the families, including my girls. I stayed however. I couldn’t bring myself to leave. Seeing the volunteers and the families pulling together really touched my heart.

I also got to spend some time with Matt. It has been two years since I’ve seen him and boy did I miss him. It was fun just hanging out with everyone and talking about things. I’ve missed a lot these people. They are good people.
Soon however, I did have to head back to Poppy’s as I knew the girls would be waiting. As it turns out, they were stolen away to visit Gramie for a bit so that meant I got a nice hot uninterrupted shower.
This race truly has my heart. I would have been there last year for the 3rd annual but unfortunately a lack of vacation time kept me away. I am definitely hoping to come back for the 5th annual Dylan Dinosaur Stomp. The girls had a blast in NJ too. They got to spend a lot of snuggle time with their Poppy.

They also got to spend time with their aunts and uncles too. We arrived on a Friday morning and we left on a Monday afternoon but we crammed in a lot of visits and hugs during our time.
I love my east coast family (friends included). 3,000 miles is a long way away but at the same time, I love how sometimes we can just pick up right where we left off … like the best of friends.

Happy Trails!
PS: If you would like to support Dylan and you can’t make it to his Dinosaur Stomp, check out this donation link. No running necessary. 🙂
It was great seeing you guys! We missed you too. It was fun catching up on old times. Had a blast. Congrats on your run time. Thanks for being there for our family. Love Always, Matt & Martie
I wish I could come home more and that we could hang out more. I love your new place. It looks great. I have to figure out a way to stay a bit longer or something so I can hang out more with you and Martie. The girls are still asking about the kitties. 🙂
Pam, I love reading all of your blogs about your running events, but this one touched me so much.
What an awesome event for Dylan and I am glad that you were able to make it out there to participate and that the girls are seeing a wonderful example that you are providing for them. Way to Go!!
It truly is one special race and a very special family. I think about them daily. It is hard being away from those we love, you included!