This weekend was very eclectic for me. Friday started off with the end of the year Luau at Squeaker’s daycare. That is always fun because the girls just go crazy in the bounce and it completely exhausts them!

Saturday morning I had an online class with Hol-Fit. I signed up to take her Healthy Sustainable Kitchen Back to School Edition class on PowHow. Ange is amazing at what she does and I always find her classes interesting and informative in some way. I also always feel a tad bit guilty because I always feel like I am not doing the best for my kids in regards to the food choices I let them make. Anyone with kids knows how hard it is to get them to eat certain things and my two little bugs are seriously two of the pickiest kids on the planet. I know every mom says that, but the Peanut truly is the pickiest kid ever! She doesn’t like fruit (NONE! not bananas, not applesauce, nothing!), no smoothies, she dislikes most breads, most meats (other than chicken nuggets) and no crackers! Seriously. We just recently started her on eating peanut butter but she really even doesn’t love that (this alarms me as she cannot be my child if she doesn’t like peanut butter). So packing her lunches for school has been more than an arduous task to say the least. To add fuel to the fire, she’s also stubborn. That saying “when they are hungry they will eat” doesn’t fly with her. She just doesn’t eat. For a month she let her lunch box come home from summer camp with barely a bite taken. She just chose not to eat (I wish I that kind of power).

Ange’s class included some new recipe ideas and just different ways to approach packing lunch but mostly, it involved how to make the most out of the time you have on the weekend and a few minutes each week night to put something together so you are not always in the kitchen. The Peanut actually likes the school’s “hot lunch” plan so we are compromising and letting her have two days a week of hot lunch which means I need to pack a lunch (and snacks) for three days a week. This makes us a both happy in some regard. I don’t love leaving her to eat the school food entirely but if this avoids little wars at night, then so be it (for now).

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Enjoying Quinoa Crusted Chicken (hmm all my photos are blurry aren’t they?)

Other happenings this weekend is I went for a run (the Ridge Loop of Death) and my ankle was in such excruciating pain that I wanted to chop it off. I have complained about my ankle for a while and it was basically the reason I’ve stopped running the mileage I have this last year. I don’t think I have shared on here before what is going to happen but I am finally having ankle surgery. I have a bone spur on my talus bone which is mostly likely a result of a gnarly sprain that happened in 2009. It is finally getting to the point where it is too painful to run, squat, drive and pretty much do anything that involves me flexing my foot. So, in two weeks, I am going under the knife and having the bone spur sawed off and the talus bone burned to prevent further growth. I’ll be out of commission for a while. Geez, if you thought this blog was boring now, can you imagine what it will be like in two weeks! Stay with me, I promise to try and find a purpose for this blog! Also, I have high running goals for 2014 and I need this surgery and recovery to be a success so that I can accomplish those goals.

I purged my closet a little and gave quite a bit to Good Will today. That always makes me feel good. I also (finally) purged our freezer. You see, Vans has been a vegetarian for almost a year now but our freezer still looked as if a meat eating bachelor lived here. He is a sucker for sales or clearance items and so our freezer was full of boxed frozen dinners, pizza, pie and lord knows what else. Vans also has very high blood pressure and the last thing that he needs is a sodium laden frozen dinner. I don’t stress out making healthy dinners for us each night to have him die of a heart attack before he’s 45. No way jose so I purged the freezer and it felt darn good!

Anyway, at some point I plan to point this blog in a direction. Right now, it stems from my previous blog where I blogged a lot about running and all my adventures. Sadly, I don’t have any adventures anymore.  I guess you could say I am looking for a purpose. I am looking for that “thing” that I am good at and trying to foster and excel at it but as sad as this sounds,  I cannot think of one thing that I am “good” at doing or that people look to me to do or handle. They say, the thing you do best tends to be the thing you put off but I haven’t really found anything. Sad, I know. And I am almost 40! Some day.

I leave with you photos of the weekend …

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Date Night!!! Supporting our local CCI.

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C’mon, how cute are these guys!?

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The perfect Sunday morning. My book and my patio.


I love this photo more than words can say. Sisters, giving each other a lift!





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