With the whole Trailmomma house home today for Martin Luther King, I decided to make plans for Vans and myself. Something that I have always wanted to do … Â BREAKOUT FITNESS! I know I know, I go to Breakout Fitness every day at 5 am what is the big deal? Well, I took advantage of Vans being home by I signing us both up for the 9:00 am class and asked Diane if she would mind if I brought the Peanut and Squeaker along for the ride. She said we could give it a try and Vans agreed so I figured why not!?
Vans knows that I love Breakout Fitness. He has seen the change I have made over the course of a year but of course money is always at the forefront of his mind. He’s often made the comment that I could get a local gym membership for way less than I pay to attend Breakout Fitness. While I will agree that this is true, I’ve often told him that Breakout Fitness is “different” and I have tried to explain how but of course he didn’t get it. What better way to explain something than to show you right!?
Today Vans and I brought the girls to Breakout Fitness in Folsom. I set the girls up with the iPad on some nice yoga blankets in the back of the gym and left them to their CareBears movie while Vans began his warmup.

After foam rolling Vans had to participate in our newest challenge … jump roping!

It looks like he is the only one in the gym but really we had about 6 of us total. He was however, the only guy. He was awesome. It didn’t phase him at all.
We’ve been working for weeks now doing various Spartacus style workouts and this week we’ve made it to 50 seconds “on” with 20 seconds of “rest” and the list of moves was long! Vans had the opportunity to do TRX low rows, TRX hip lifts, bosu ball spider man push ups, kettle bell swings, sand bell slams, tricep push ups and mountain climbers (not a complete list of what we did mind you). He was sweating and doing his best. It was fun having him in class. During my normal 5 am group, there is one married couple (there used to be two) and it is so neat to see them working out together. Maybe some day Vans and I could go but I highly doubt he’ll ever wake up and do the 5 am workout since the 9 am was hard enough for him. 🙂
When all was said and done, he agreed that if he came on a regular basis, he’d be much stronger. He saw the difference between going to Breakout Fitness and just having a gym membership. I am curious how he will feel tomorrow or the next day. 🙂
The girls were fantastic. No one heard a peep from them the entire time and many commented on how well behaved they were. In all honesty, they’ll do anything if promised a treat and a chance to squeeze in a movie.
After we treated the girls to some pastries from Coffee Republic, we made our way over to Browns Ravine. If you’ve seen anything on the news lately, Folsom Lake is practically empty and it isn’t pretty. It is however, causing massive amounts of people to visit the dried up lake in hopes of seeing some of the ruins of the old Mormon Island town.

The girls walked/hiked a long way from the road to the lake. At first they didn’t quite understand what it was we were doing but after some explanation and the fact that we found seashells and other artifacts while we hiked, the reality set in.
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While I admit that seeing all this stuff was really cool and oddly surreal, it was actually quite sad to admit that we were standing IN Folsom Lake. Just 12 years ago I was water skiing on this lake for the first time and now it looks like a dried up piece of land.
It was also insanely hot considering that it is late January. The girls were troopers (for the most part) walking all over the place looking at random things left in the mud.

Overall, I think it was a good family outing and was definitely something different to do as a family. Hopefully not something we will see very often though (bring on the rain please!!).
After our family hike it was time for lunch, naps and yard work. I was also able to squeeze in four miles which included a couple of hill repeats on the Ridge Hill. My legs felt pretty good despite the workout from this morning.
I love long weekends like this. I will try not to think about the fact that my  next long weekend isn’t until May. I hope you all were able to get outside and do something active as a family. Make memories!
Happy Trails!
So sad to see the pictures of what was Folsom Lake, but thank you for sharing, quite
What an awesome day. I will never get d to go to crossfit. But they started a kids class and we go every Saturday. So fun to make it a family event.
That’s awesome! I agree, it really makes it better when the whole family can do it together!
I’m sore!
Love you honey! Thank you for trying!