It is the final week before the Way Too Cool 50k and typically the time when most runners start getting antsy and germ-aphobic as they prepare for the race they have spent the last few months training for. I can’t say that I am entirely anxious about the race which I guess is a good thing. Honestly I just have a lot going on this week to be bothered worrying about it.
Last weekend the training schedule called for only 10 miles which was a welcomed relief after all the 20 milers Pigeon and I have been putting in lately. Â We had decided to meet at Cavitt School and run 5 miles out and back towards Twin Rocks. This is part of the American River 50 Mile course and consists of some nice easy rolling hills and some nice flat sections.
To change things up we had TiggerT and Diane from Folsom Breakout Fitness join us on our run. Â It was as if all my exercise words collided at once! It was fun. We ran, we laughed and we enjoyed a run without any rain.

The skies looked quite daunting but they never really opened up on us yet the trails were definitely muddy and slippery.

We ran all the way to what Pigeon and I call “The Overlook” which is really a nice spot that gives you a great view of Folsom Lake which is very slowly filling with water.

Yes, that is Folsom Lake in the background, not a river. The 5 miles back were pretty uneventful. I almost slipped a few times but was able to catch myself and not do any damage.

In the above photo you can just catch TiggerT trying to leap over the puddle!! She made it too!! When we finished we all stretched as quick as we could as the skies were starting to drizzle and we knew the rain was coming.

I felt really good after the run and immediately raced home to get the Peanut to a birthday party. Actually Vans took her and I stayed home while Squeaker napped and tried to get some homework done.
I have been taking some online classes from Cornell trying to get a Plant Based Nutrition Certificate. I am on my last course and the work is definitely ramping up. My next two classes involve quizzes and papers. I worked all Saturday afternoon on studying for my quiz.
Sunday I worked at Gold Country Run and Sport and then came home and tried to work on my paper while Vans took the Peanut to swim clinic in a rain storm.

It has definitely been the kind of week where I have had so much going on that I just haven’t had time to think about running a 50k this weekend. At my full-time job I have been spending the last three days in a classroom type training class which is just agony on my legs and back. I am not meant to be sitting for 8 hours straight.
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On top of that, I’ve been consumed by the sudden end of friendship that began almost 20 years ago. Honestly, it has left me more dazed, confused and a little broken hearted and I am trying to move past it. We weren’t super close, but I did cherish it.
In an effort to clear my head I decided to go for an easy run tonight. I had good intentions of running before work but Squeaker is back to her usual sleepless antics again and I know how important sleep is during taper week.
When I got home from work I changed into running clothes and grabbed my flashlights and reflective vest. I knew just what I needed … I ran 1.5 miles to the Ridge Hill and I ran one long slow ascent up the hill running the entire way. It was a physical and mental purge and it felt amazing. That is of course, until I fell on the way down.
Yup. I fell. Only Trailmomma would do a complete somersault FOUR DAYS before a major race. There I was under the glistening stars with just the last bit of the sun glimmering as it set thinking how beautiful it really was outside when my toe caught a rock and I flew.

I can’t even describe the way in which I fell. I scrapped my left hand, my right forearm and elbow and both knees. I know I rolled in a very dramatic Hollywood action film way.

However, while my scrapes and cuts are minor (they didn’t even burn in the shower) I do seem to have a couple of goose-egg bumps that are growing. The one on my forearm in the photo above is interesting but seems minor.
I do have one on my left knee and that is the one that has me the most concerned. You see when I fell, my left knee hit the ground hard but it wasn’t the dirt that it hit, it was another rock.

I was able to make it home where I showered and iced my knee and finished up my homework and put the girls to bed.
I guess it is a good thing  that I am not stressing about this race otherwise tonight might have me in a tailspin huh? No time for stress when I have two smiling faces ready to give me a hug goodnight.

Happy Trails! (Don’t Trip)