Every mother knows what it feels like when your oldest child has a birthday. You spend weeks planning that child’s special day but inside you also remember that moment when you first became a mom. That moment when you were handed this tiny infant who looked to you for life and happiness and your heart melted (after freaking out just a bit) and it grew about a million times bigger. From that day your life changed forever. Your priorities changed to include another beating heart (and mouth). Now, you would do absolutely anything in this world to make sure that child is safe and smiling.

So 6 years later I find myself looking to the Peanut for my life and happiness and she delivers daily. I am smiling because of her. I wrote this post here when the Peanut turned 2 and I can honestly say, I feel exactly the same way. I wrote this post when the Peanut turned 3 and now realize that I really miss the birthday post tradition so I think I will start again.

When you turn six, you believe that you have grown quite a few inches overnight. You feel taller and more confident and I can see it too.
When you turn six, you are in kindergarten with homework, a backpack and you talk about what happened at snack time the way I tell Daddy about my day at work.
When you turn six, you are so literal. When I tell you to pick up the pen and finish your homework you tell me “it’s a pencil mom.” Pardon me dear.
When you turn six, you ask me questions like “How do babies get IN a belly?” and luckily responses like “I’ll tell you later” still suffice, for now.
When you turn six, you tell me the little boy in your class is cute and my heart skips a beat wondering when that day will come when you’ll have your first crush and subsequently your first heartbreak.
When you turn six, I hear you trying to parent your little sister. You comfort her when she is in pain and you try endlessly to make her laugh when she is sad.
When you turn six, you make it harder for dad and I to spell around you. You know what C-A-N-D-Y spells but luckily not C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E … yet.
When you turn six, you still can’t leave the house without a hug and kiss goodbye from me. I hope that habit never ends.
When you turn six, you no longer look little to me. With your golden blonde hair and your chocolate brown eyes, you look so beautiful and so mature that a small part of me longs to rock you and shush your fears away.
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When you turn six, you show me every single day how many “wiggly” teeth you have even though it kind of grosses me out.
When you turn six, you have mastered the monkey bars at the playground and you feel like you are on top of the world.
When you turn six, you think the “S” word (stupid) is a bad word and I can’t help but smile at your innocence and your kind heart.
When you turn six, you mom and dad love you more than you can ever realize and we know that we are so lucky to be your parents.
Thank you sweet Peanut for choosing us. It has been an amazing ride and I look forward to watching you grow. Don’t ever stop being the loving girl that you are and remember to always smile that beautiful smile because it brightens everything around you.
Love you Peanut.
~Trailmomma & Vans
Beautiful words that Sierra will cherish forever. Your writing brought a tear to my eyes
I probably would mess up spelling chocalot
Hope she had a special day and a fantastic year! Time flies so cherish every moment.
With Love, Matt & Martie