…to old habits … don’t worry, Trailmomma.com is not going anywhere. 🙂
This week seemed a little less crazy and hectic than the week before. Sure we had a bunch of random activities and things to attend to almost every night of the week, but either they seemed less stressful or maybe we are used to the crazy train routine now. Who knows. The Summer has definitely been jam-packed with all sorts of things lately which generally makes us happy, but it also makes us realize how quickly the days are flying by.
The one thing that happened this week that was sort of a surprise to me was the fact that the place I have been going to every morning at 5 am for the last two years closed its doors. Breakout Fitness Folsom closed on Friday. Diane, the woman behind the gym, has decided to go back to coaching and training outside instead of inside. She wants to coach fewer days too. So while she is still coaching, the park where she is now going to hold classes, is a bit too far for me to manage and be able to get to work on time each day.
At first I will admit, this made me angry. I am normally okay at adapting to change but this was MY thing. This was what I did each morning that I absolutely loved and that has changed my fitness in ways I cannot describe. It helped me fall even more in love with TRX and showed how important core work can be (and how far I have to go to get a strong core). So to have this part of my day removed from my routine was a tough pill to swallow.
I want nothing but the best for Diane, I truly do. She has always been one of my biggest cheerleaders whether it was training for something, encouraging me to step outside the box and pursue some things I am passionate about or just improving my fitness she always was a voice of encouragement.
Needless to say, I did some research on my own and located a place closer to my house (I think) that has 5 am classes that are similar to what I was doing at Diane’s. You would be surprised to find that many places (gyms included) do not have early morning class. I guess many people just go to work later or work out after work but those are not options for me. I need 5 am. I also need more sleep but that second part is my own fault.
Wednesday I will be testing out a new gym with new people. Stepping outside my comfort zone a bit and trying something new. I hope it works out. I’ve been talking with Gold Country Girl too about potentially doing our own workouts in the mornings that would involve the same type of things that I did at Diane’s. Gold Country Girl is a personal trainer and has her own clients, but like most personal trainers, she doesn’t get to workout herself if she is coaching others. She, like a lot of women, has to squeeze in her workout before her hubby goes to work in the morning.
Speaking of Gold Country Girl, the Peanut had another swim meet this week in Loomis and once again, Gold Country Girl’s family let us crash in their tent while at the meet.

The Peanut has been struggling lately with diving. She wants to do it, but cannot get over the fear of the belly flop. Finally, towards the end of the week while at practice, she managed to figure it out. She was determined to try it at the meet this weekend but not from the starting blocks (they are really high).
When her first event (25 yard free style) came up, she looked nervous but she stood on side of the blocks while a lot of the other kids stood ON the blocks. When they said “take your mark” she bent over like a pro. When the buzzer went off, she dove! She actually did it! While probably not a 10 on the dive scale, she actually did it and then she started to swim. You can tell she wasn’t give it her all but she was doing it and she ended up in 2nd place for her heat!

Vans and I were super proud of her and you can tell, she was proud of herself. Next up was her 25 yard back stroke (which in real-time didn’t happen for another hour or so after the freestyle swim). Not sure what went on in her little head but her mood changed. While standing in line, another kid from the opposing team bumped or hit her (I am sure it was accidental) and this set her off. She started to cry and couldn’t regain her composure. When it was time for her backstroke, she got in pool. When the buzzer went off, she just swam. She didn’t kick off the wall, she barely even moved her arms. You would have thought she was just floating down the pool instead of racing. This killed Vans and myself. No matter what we feel like, we always try and give it our all. I know the Peanut is still young and she can care less about competition (even if it is with herself). As a parent though, it just breaks my heart (and lights a fire in me) because I want to see her succeed. I want her to see herself the way WE do. She is a pretty good swimmer, I would say better than average and even at such a young age, the mind games are playing with her.
She has a week off from any meets so I am hoping this down time, even though she has practice still, will recharge her batteries.
Speaking of recharge, I needed to recharge myself with a little trail run. Gold Country Girl and I had decided that we’d attempt a super early run on Sunday trying to make it home before our kids were awake. I also had to work at the store so I wanted to be home in time to have some down time before I went to work.
We agreed to meet at 6 am at the trail head down the street from my house and conveniently, hers as well. She invited her friend, Mom in Motion who is also going to run this 50K in November. Our plan simple, a two hour run however far that would take us. One hour out and then one hour back so we could all be home.
We decided to run towards Folsom Lake, my usual jaunt these days when running local and it was beautiful morning for a run. The trails were quiet, no dog walkers and just a few mountain bikers.
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The lake was pretty as always but the area surrounding everything is dry and brown. We have had some fires recently in the area and things are getting a little dangerous because all the brush is just dried up. One little spark, and everything could go up in flames.
When we got to the point where we were going to turn around and run back, I decided we needed to take some photos. Pigeon is used to my “selfies” on the trail but both Gold Country Girl and Mom in Motion had not experienced running with me yet (and becoming blog victims).

After I snapped one of them we decided to try and get a group shot. I personally cannot stand the “arm stretched out let’s take a selfie shot” because no matter what I do, I look like I have a tree branch for an arm and a double chin.

Gold Country Girl looks likes a creeper in that photo so we decided try it again ….

Okay, not only do we have mega large heads, the flash went off ….

That would be the weird arm in the photo trying not to have a double chin pose … this is when I decided that whoever is on the OUTSIDE of the group, needed to hold the camera …

We’ll get there. We are new at running with each other but come September, our miles on the trails together will increase tremendously as we start training for our 50K.
When we finished our run, we parted ways and I made the trek up the hill to my house. My tummy had started to revolt so I was happy to be done as I don’t think I could have made it another mile!
I guess this is a good start to a week of new things. A longer run with two new friends, trying out a new gym on Wednesday and the Peanut learning to dive. We all need to step outside our comfort zone a little I think once in a while. Try new things. Give it your all no matter what otherwise, you’ll never know what you might be missing.
Happy Trails!