Things have definitely been busy. Training for my November 50K has officially started, Vans is getting ready to head international for a fondo and the Peanut had her very first soccer game. Squeaker is doing great, becoming quite the dancing queen actually.
This past weekend I ran a fairly “new-to-me” trail, Salmon Falls. I have been there only once before. Super close to my house, these trails offer some beautiful views and some pretty technical terrain.

Stonegate (formerly GCRS Girl) and Burning Girl suggested this run and I was down for a new adventure. We had planned on running 10 to 12 miles as it was the first weekend of soccer games for all kids as well as Van’s birthday weekend.
The girls picked me up and we headed to the trail. It was a cool and quiet morning. We saw one mountain biker head out before us. The trail starts up hill which is always a great way to wake up the legs and lungs. Speaking of legs, mine had been quite tired prior to this run. We had done some hill repeats earlier in the week and I don’t think mine ever recovered from that effort. We didn’t do too many and I felt amazing after and during but the days following left me with some pretty slow turn over.
Regardless, I just plopped myself at the back of the train and followed the girls as we continued up Skunk Hollow. Stonegate and Burning Girl run run, they don’t walk, not even the climbs. Even though we were not going that far mileage wise, I would hike the climbs especially since we were all just chatting away. I think they got the hint as they started hiking with me. One of the biggest misconceptions of a trail ultra is that you have to run every single step. I have heard countless interviews with elites who agree you have to power climb the uphill sections if you want to survive the longer mileage of an ultra. Running with new(ish) people is always interesting and I adore these girls. We just have to figure out our groove. I know how Pigeon operates when she runs and now I have to adjust to these two awesome girls.

We finally had gotten into a groove and were running down hill. I was in the back and I was watching the ground noticing all the rocks, mentally telling myself “Watch out for the rocks! Do NOT roll your bad ankle.” What do I do? Hit it a rock with my GOOD ankle. Snap! (Yea, I heard a snap). Instead of just running through it and shaking off the pain, I was sidelined pretty quick. To be honest, I was pretty afraid I broke or tore something in my foot (not necessarily my ankle). I made the girls wait a few minutes with me to see if I could power through. Eventually I thought the pain was subsiding enough that I could continue on and so they put me up front so as to dictate the pace. I was feeling okay for about three-quarters of a mile and then we hit another down hill section and I could feel twinges of pain shoot through my foot. That’s never good so I called it. I don’t generally quit things but having had a history with ankle issues, I didn’t want to risk making things worse.
We turned around and ran the 3+ miles back to the car, hiking the ups. 😉 At the car I took off my shoe (I know I know) and there was no swelling OR bruising but it hurt like HELL. It hurt even more when Burning Girl dropped me off in my driveway … hobbling was pretty much all that I could do.
Inside I iced and elevated it and thought things were fine. I felt well enough to head to the Peanut’s soccer game. There was no way I was going to miss her very first soccer game as a Hummingbird!

Soccer means a lot to Vans and myself. We both grew up playing (starting at an early age) and we also met each other while playing soccer. The Peanut didn’t want to play but we encouraged her to try one season.
While at the game, I tried sitting down as much as I could but with Squeaker in tow, who is DYING to play soccer … it was a bit hard.

My foot started throbbing severely. I had worn some loose-fitting shoes thinking that it was better than wearing flip-flops. Wrong. People around me were concerned. I looked pretty terrible but I kept cheering!
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Later that afternoon when we finally arrived home, I was done. I couldn’t bear any weight. I couldn’t wiggle my toes. I was crawling on hands and knees all around the house until I could put my foot up and ice it. I called a Doctor who advised I take some Tylenol and they scheduled x-rays for Sunday.
The Tylenol did wonders. The throbbing stopped and I was able to bear weight again. Whew! Sunday came and I took myself to the hospital while the family slept. I met some Sunday Doc who said she didn’t see anything in my x-rays that screamed “broken.” So she gave me new shoe and sent me on my way.

Throughout the day my foot would feel better but there was no way I was going to be able to put on a shoe. I also didn’t love the boot so I opted for some supportive sandals instead. 🙂
Monday came and I saw my miracle worker Dr. Lau. He thinks there may be something else going on and advised me to get new x-rays which I did. Now I am just waiting to get those results (my foot surgeon doctor is reviewing them). Overall things are feeling MUCH better. I tried going to the gym and wearing a regular shoe and it was ‘ok’ but not great. It looks like more rest is in my future right now and wearing regular shoes is not exactly high on my list.
I am rolling with it though. Just letting this brief period of rest happen. I know it is nothing serious so I am just riding this train and letting my body heal. Vans’s trip will also be a form of rest for me since I will be solo-parenting (love me some girl time). I am just looking forward to getting back on the trails healthy.
Meanwhile, I will dive deeper into my Rouxbe Cooking Course (don’t forget you can enter to attend as well for FREE – see my post by clicking here).
And of course, watching my girl experience soccer for the first time. She may not love it at the moment, but she does like the social time she gets with her friends and it is a few hours out of the house and into the sunshine (go Vitamin D!) which of course we love!

 Happy Trails!
When Sutton broke his elbow in 2 places they said it was not broken. I asked to see the X-rays and diagnosed the breaks myself! Fingers crossed it keeps healing. The post-game snacks made me laugh! My kids often pass. Mason (bless his heart!) takes his own raw, vegan protein bites for halftime. Often they pass on the after game snacks. When they are not used to it, they quickly realize they don’t like 70% of it. She will come around. 😉
Well I was a terrible eater for a LONG time … I just hope she comes around sooner than I did! 🙂
Eew, cheetos! OK, so yummy in the mouth, but so eew in the tummy and beyond.
P.S. I think the boot (above- is that it?) is kinda cute. Hope whatever footwear you’re in helps you heal soon. Probably the only way you’re gonna rest is when you’re forced to stop moving so enjoy it.
I was more repulsed by the gatorade! haha Yes, that’s the “boot” shoe I was given … so far so good, things are feeling better. 🙂 As you know, resting is not my strong suit.