So a few days ago, I posted my very first give-away on (you can find and enter that give-away by clicking here).
Since that day, I have had quite the reaction to that post. Some friends on Facebook commented or “liked” my post, but did not “enter” the contest. I had friends approach me on the street about the blog, who looked at the syllabus and thought “Oh geez, I do not have that kind of time!” I have had friends and/or family email saying that they do not think they could “stick” with the course for a full six months.
I probably should have written this post sooner but I will be completely up front about my experience with Rouxbe to date. And no, I have not been paid to do this. I paid for my tuition (granted, with a discount from the company when I stressed the same concerns that have been expressed to me) out of my own pocket. But in no way, am I being compensated for doing this give-away. I am already enrolled. My time is committed. I do not get ONE single thing out of whoever wins this giveaway EXCEPT the knowledge that I have given the gift of learning more about plant-based cooking, being more efficient in the kitchen and how to live a healthier happier life.
The students in my current course class, are not all 100% plant-based. They are not chefs or professional cooks. Some of them have battled diabetes, celiac, being over weight or even cancer. They just want to know MORE and so should you. Why not? My give-away is FREE. What does it matter to you? If you don’t find the course to your liking or a fit for your family, then don’t finish. I would hope that you would notify Rouxbe and let them know. They truly value the opinions of others. If they didn’t, I wouldn’t be enrolled right now. I stressed my concerns about the course in an email, and because I Â did, I was given a tuition discount. Note, not FREE tuition, just a discount.
So the bottom line is, what does this mean for YOU right? Everyone wants to know that. It is a valid question. Our lives are valuable. Our time is critical. We have jobs, families and commitments. Why should YOU give up some of your time? More precisely, just how much of your time will you give up if you enter my give-away?
Rouxbe’s prediction is 5 hours a week. Some weeks may require more than others. Right now, I am on the fourth unit. So far, I have not logged into my course dashboard every single night. How can I with swim lessons on Sundays and Tuesdays and soccer on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays and let’s not forget my full-time job and the job that I work on Sundays and oh yea, that 50K and marathon I am training for later in the year. Am I more of an extreme case? Yes. Absolutely. Are my “assignments” the absolute best of my ability? Probably not but I try.
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The “tasks” you see in the course syllabus vary. They can range from 2 minutes to 10 minutes. Some of the more extensive assignments involve a bit more cooking or prep but that just turns into dinner for our family. For example, the baby green beans that I steamed were given to the girls, the rest that was sautéed in a miracle mix of shallots and garlic (easy and simple) were enjoyed by Vans and myself.

So basically, I want to say, whatever questions you have, whatever reservations you may fear, please let me know. You can email me at: if you want to ask private questions. Remember, the give-away is open until August 31st. You still have plenty of time to enter. You can enter the give-away by commenting on this post (click here).

The entry requirements may seem daunting too and I did not mean for that to be the case. You are not required to do all five. You can do one or even two and that could give you two “tickets” into the drawing. All I am saying is think about it. Do you want your family to eat healthier foods? More vegetables maybe? Less processed? I am sure not every dish I am going to make with Rouxbe will be fabulous. But it will be is DIFFERENT. It will be something I didn’t think of before. Something that I didn’t realize I could make so easily at home and more importantly, something unprocessed, something natural.
On a side note, I created my own Trailmomma Facebook page but I have yet to make it public. I am holding back but part of me wants to let it go because I want that to be the place where people can go for this type of information. My personal Facebook page is mostly for family and friends and I honestly feel like I am imposing upon them when I post things like this. If I go “live” I will post it here but in the mean time, take a look at what Rouxbe is offering you … FOR FREE. Five minutes of your time is all it takes to share on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and to comment. In the grand scheme of things, isn’t five minutes worth it when it could mean five less pounds? Five more minutes in the kitchen? Five more years of your life?
Happy Trails!
~Trailmomma I myspaced it on my entertainer account since I have so many active users following me! 🙂 Tweeted.
Good to see your mileage back up! I haven’t been following you for a bit, looks like I have a lot of catching up to do 🙂
Hey stranger! Good to see you!!