This has been quite a challenging week for me in many regards. It started off with the holiday weekend which was absolutely wonderful, don’t get me wrong, but it deletes a day out of your “normal” work day routine which is essential when you have a child in first grade who gets more homework than any child I have ever seen. Okay, maybe the homework is “average” compared to most but they must not have a child who drags her feet and complains endlessly for 20 minutes about a ONE page worksheet that she has to do. We’re instructed to do “20 minutes” of homework a night … if I followed that rule, the Peanut would still be doing first grade homework when she turns 45.
Another challenge this week for me has been trying to fit in running when I can. The holiday weekend brought us to Tahoe, our home/heart away from home. The Trailmomma family has been itching to get away to our “usual” Tahoe place and all the stars aligned at the last-minute to allow us this amazing get-away.

I am not complaining in the least. The girls had an amazing time just running wild and riding their bikes.
Vans and I had a chance to relax and unwind leaving work worries behind as well.
We just did what we normally do when we go to Tahoe and that is chill. I was given a day of running while Vans was given a day of biking. The girls just found whatever adventures they could find throughout the property.

After a few days spent in Tahoe, we then moved to Donner Lake where we joined our friends in our Annual Camping Trip. You can see the other annual camping trips here: Camping 2013, Camping 2012, Camping 2011 and Camping 2010.

The one downside of our trip was when we realized that we had forgotten to bring the ADULT sleeping bags. We had to steal some of the girls’ blankets which they clearly noticed, but if we didn’t, Vans and I would have either frozen to death or gotten divorced … neither one really appeals. 🙂
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Overall, the camping and Tahoe trips were a success. While they took away from our usual routine of things, it was nice to get out of town.
When I had to return to work, I tried to run on my lunch hour to squeeze in an extra few miles wherein I think I almost left my lungs on the side of an old deserted street in Rancho Cordova. Why does a flat fast few miles kill me more than running uphill at 3,000 plus feet of elevation?! Ouch.
Combine that with some Rouxbe cooking assignments that I have been putting off. We are in the “Batch Cooking” segment of the course which I love the idea since I batch cook my grains all the time on weekends. Still, my first real graded assignment was a risotto, which I love, don’t get me wrong but a risotto requires time, patience and a little fineness.
This little assignment came about at about 9 pm on a Wednesday evening after I put the girls to bed since I really could not fathom finding time to do this assignment once Vans left for Canada. Yes, he has left for Canada to visit Be-Well-Run and her hubby Dokeg to participate in the Whistler Grand Fondo! I am super excited for him and I hope he has a fabulous time but cooking and cleaning dishes at 10 pm at night on a Wednesday was pretty grueling.

Now I am a solo parent trying to schedule a night at concert in the park, a birthday party, a soccer game, a girls morning and a swimming clinic this weekend. Easy peasy right?
Or….maybe we’ll just hang out in our monkey jammies all day and call it good. 🙂

Happy Trails!
What an awesome life the four of you lead. Those girls will certainly grow up with so many happy memories.
Thanks Debbie! I sure hope so. 🙂
Great stuff! We just bought a time share in Tahoe and haven’t had (made) time to use it yet. Meanwhile, school starts and I can’t adjust my schedule to include running. It’s all soccer and teaching all the time. I already dropped one race from my schedule and I just sit around getting fat and slow!
I hear you! It is so hard to find time when the kids have school now! So many vacation ideas out the window. You’ll find your balance eventually.