It has been a while since I last blogged. As many of you can relate, tis the season for many things! With my Rouxbe Cooking School nearing completion, the holidays, running CIM and just well working full-time and having two wonderful kids, my life is a little crazed at the moment.
That is not to say that I have not been running. I have had some great runs the last few weeks with some pretty awesome people.
Two weeks ago, I ran with Pigeon for the first time in what has probably been months. Truly. We met and drove to Auburn and ran 14 miles on some familiar trails. It was a glorious run and then we did something new. We stopped and had a cup of tea together before each going our separate ways. It was the perfect way to recap on our lives and get back into the swing of running together. Pigeon will be running the Salmon Falls 50K come February as well as embarking on her own personal ultra called parenthood. 🙂

This past weekend, I had the privilege of running with Stonegate. Burning Girl was called into work unfortunately so Stonegate and I decided to head over to Salmon Falls and run our 16 miles in our own hood. The last time I ran this same trail, I rolled my ankle and ended up at the hospital. I am pleased to say that no crazy things happened on this run other than some laughing, good conversation and the fact that we were in awe of the beauty surrounding us. This is going to be one amazing race. The views are outstanding!

Running on those trails today really got me excited for February’s race. There is a lot of training to be had before then but this little jaunt brought back some of my missing mojo. I’ve been sucked into the holiday vortex complete with cold temps and large quantities of food and wine which makes for very low mojo when it comes time to hit the trails.
These last few runs have definitely helped combat that and are hopefully getting me back into the swing of things.
Overall, the holidays were a hit at the Trailmomma house. The girls both were “good” this year and Santa was kind. They are at that wonderful age still where everything is so magical and you can’t help but believe in it yourself.
Happy holidays and Happy New Year to all my “faithful” readers – even those that don’t comment 😉 Comments are like presents to me. 🙂

Happy Holidays!
Happy Trails!
(no proof reading has occurred – sorry)
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I don’t comment but I do read and love your blog. Thank you for continuing to write even when things are crazy. Good luck in your race and good luck to Pigeon in her journey into parenthood. I will be running my first ultra this year, either Black Canyon or Mesquite Canyon here in Arizona. I miss the Northern California hills. On my long runs, I imagine the pictures you have posted and zone out.
Thank you for commenting Kris! And congrats on trying your first ultra. Be warned, super addictive. 🙂 Best of luck to you in your training! And thank you again for reading!
What a wonderful Kropf family picture. Can’t believe how fast those girls are growing. Also, all the activities that you are involved with, obviously your proper eating habits are giving you the
strength to carry on. So enjoy reading your blogs and being able to keep up to date with your family events!!
Thanks Debbie! Time is flying. You are always my most loyal reader and I think of you when I take pictures on my runs thinking “Debbie would like to see this!” 🙂