Today my baby girl turns SEVEN!? That’s three years short of TEN!? I know, I know, I realize that is an insane way to think, but that is how my mommy brain operates sometimes. And when she turns 10 I am sure I will say “that is three years short of thirteen!” 🙂

It is amazing how things can change in just a year. I read my birthday post from last year and actually laughed out loud at how MUCH things have changed. That whole “spelling words thing?” Well you can forget about that, we can’t spell squat around this kid now. She is more of a sponge than she was as a toddler!
Still, she’s our girl. Our little mermaid swimming, book reading, sarcastic little wisen-hymer. And we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Dearest Peanut ….
When you turn seven, you are excited to think that you are catching up to “the big kids” at school not realizing they too, are turning another year older.
When you turn seven, you have moments where you want to be little again but yet you relish in all the things that you are allowed to do, that your little sister cannot.
When you turn seven, you develop a level of sarcasm that at times is inappropriate and yet oddly funny.
When you turn seven, you can read. Plain and simple. (Note to self: don’t leave blog posts open on the computer.)
When you turn seven, you moan about how annoying your little sister can be but when no one is looking, I see you take her hand to cross the parking lot or I catch you reading her books in your room.
When you turn seven and you get into trouble, you immediately start talking back, fighting for your rights and defending yourself. As frustrating as that is as a parent, I applaud your emotion and ability to argue (must be a Jersey trait).
When you turn seven, you are still pure, honest and sweet. You see the world in black and white. You trust in everyone and you love unconditionally. I hope you never lose this.
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When you turn seven, you become your own person. The comments and observations that I hear from teachers and other parents are often sides of you that we never get to see. You are becoming you on your own. As you should.
When you turn seven, you become self-conscious. No matter what we say to ease your fears or concerns, you have sadly started having negative thoughts about yourself. Don’t. Love yourself the way you love others.
When you turn seven, you want to wear every single color and every single pattern of clothing that you own. At the same time. Rock it kid.
When you turn seven, you start to understand the concept of time. Literally. “Just a minute” becomes a challenge, and 60 seconds later you are at my side reminding that a minute is up.
When you turn seven, you want to be a lifeguard so that you can save people.
When you turn seven, you despise your homework. Something tells me that I will be writing this same sentence for many years to come.
When you turn seven, you have your future before you but you cannot see it. You want what you want now and cannot wait. Welcome to life kid.
My dear sweet Peanut, you are my sunshine, my being and my reason for waking up every morning. Without your smile every day, life would be a dark unhappy place. You have the ability to make others laugh and you warm the hearts of everyone you meet. You are kind, you are thoughtful and your father and I love you more every day and we are so proud of the person you are becoming.
To the moon and back again, Peanut …
Mom & Dad
So beautifully written. Hard for me to read though with tears in my eyes.
Thanks Debbie