2016 has arrived and I have yet to blog about anything. Mostly I just don’t have anything that I would consider “post worthy” to take up your valuable time. Trust me when I say that I value time these days. I seem to have very little to spare since the new year has arrived.
So much so, that my blogging here has suffered.
I could list out my “New Year’s Resolutions,” but I won’t.
I could list all the races that I am planning to do, but I won’t.
I have both, I just don’t feel much like writing about them. Perhaps I will write about them as they come up?
One big thing for me in 2016 is that this is the last year that I can say, “I am in my 30s.” Come December 11, 2016, that phrase will no longer ring true. Not that being 40 is a bad thing, 40 IS the new 20 or so I hear. Okay, maybe I made that up but it does signify a big change.
Not only do I move to a new age bracket when it comes to racing and running, I also move that much closer to being able to get the senior discount at the movies! Alright, I am being a bit dramatic I agree.
But have you SEEN that Full House is coming back to TV, only now will be called Fuller House and that DJ, Stephanie and Michelle (who I guess isn’t on the show) are all grown up and have kids? That show started in 1987 and I was a loyal fan. Okay, I was a loyal fan to a lot of 80s/90s TV shows (I wanted to marry Kevin Arnold, be best friends with Laura Ingalls and be adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Brady OR the Keaton family – it changed daily).
Still, time is FLYING and I can’t seem to stop it no matter how hard I try. The Peanut is taking guitar lessons and is really into music. It happened on a whim and now she seems to enjoy it.

Squeaker will be entering kindergarten this year and will finally (after years of doing a terrible commute) be in the same school as the Peanut. She’s becoming such little girl instead of a “baby” these days. She’s funny, smart and man, if that girl doesn’t love fashion.
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I just love spending time with them yet with all our activities and that thing called work there just isn’t enough time. I want more.
So blogging has been moved to the bottom rung of things to do these days. I am sure once we get into the swing of our routine in 2016 I may blog more. With El Nino here, my trail runs should be way more exciting almost reminiscent of my 2010 training days which will surely warrant a post now and then.
I want to get back into editing some trail videos too like I did here as well as my family’s home movies. We just have to figure out that “storage” problem on our computer (ahem, Vans).
I have quite a few travel plans already scheduled for 2016 too so of course I’d like to blog about those as well.
But for now, be patient. Things will resume to a new-semi-normal routine I am sure. Too normal is boring but semi-normal is sustainable.
Happy New Year to all of you! I hope you seek and find whatever adventure you may be looking for this year. Cherish the time you have with those you love. Life is way too short and way too precious.

Happy Trails!
So love your blogs. Living so far away from you, Charlie and the girls makes me feel so isolated and out of touch with your lives, but thankfully, I have your blogs to look forward to. I love seeing how the girls are growing up and am so happy for them that they have two awesome parents that keep them very active. I know you are a very busy woman, but, if you can, keep those pictures and status updates coming. Love hearing about all of your adventures, including your runs and Charlie’s biking!!!