If you have followed this blog since the beginning (which is probably no one but Pigeon and maybe my NJ family) you may recall back in 2010 when I was training for my first ever ultra.
I was part of the Fleet Feet Ultra Training Group (the first one there ever was) and that is where I met Pigeon, Coach Nikon, Captain Kirk, Kuni the Beast, Miss P and a whole host of others who I still see both on and off the trails.
But what stands out most that training year was the RAIN. We had multiple runs where we were soggy, muddy and just down right drenched. I would venture to guess that was the last time we had a “real” wet winter here in Northern California.

This year is starting to look and feel more and more like that crazy water-logged 2010 year did.

Last Saturday I found myself running with Pigeon and Stonegate. We decided to run 16 so we carpooled to the Auburn Damn Overlook (ADO) together.
We knew that rain had been forecasted for the most of the morning but when we started our run it was only spitting.
We set off for the canal with plans to run down Cardiac hill and out towards Avery’s Pond. I happen to love this section of trail.

After a rough work week (eeerrr month), I had energy to spare and was pretty excited to be out running.
Pigeon is working herself back up to where she left off last season and was content to let me and Stonegate run off ahead like two little kids in a toy store. 🙂 And boy did we!
The mud was thick and slippery and there was no use trying to dance around any puddles. Needless to say, our socks and shoes were pretty wet fairly early into the run.

We had some good laughs along the way. I was on high alert because a few years earlier Pigeon and I had run into a mama bear and her cubs on this very trail … something I didn’t really want to repeat.
The trails were pretty busy with various groups and people out running or walking their dogs. Every once in a while the rain would come down a bit harder but for most of the run, we were dry (well, minus our feet). I even took off my jacket after a while and ran in a t-shirt as I was getting quite hot.
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We ran past Avery’s Pond and eventually turned around and made our way back the way we came.

Oddly enough, a tree had fallen after we passed it and was blocking the trail on our way back. Thank goodness it fell well after we had run by.

Stonegate is signed up for the American River 50 Miler, her first 50 and it was neat showing her exactly what she will be running on her last 8 or 9 miles.

Like I said before, I just love these trails. They cleanse my head and fill my heart every time.
Soon we hit the bottom of Damn Hill where Cardiac starts back up.

We paused to have some food and take in the river which was actually flowing one more time before climbing our way back up Cardiac towards the Overlook.
Once we reached the top, we stopped to take a few more photos. Stonegate wanted to get a better shot of me and like any good friend would, she climbed through the canal to get to the other side just to take the photo!

The rain started to come down pretty hard the last few miles but it felt good. We knew we were almost done and we all had smiles on our faces.
I know we need the rain because we have been in a drought for so long but running in the rain always requires a bit of extra work and tends to slow down the run (darn mud) overall. No matter what though, it always makes for an adventure and I am looking forward to many more of these wet and muddy adventures as training season continues!
Happy Trails!
Love it! Great run my friend. JC and I have been waiting for this post. Can’t wait to hit the trails agin.
Thanks! Looking forward to this weekend’s run for sure!
Just realized you were running on the MLK holiday and not skipping out on work. Running in the rain is for those who REALLY enjoy running. Do we know anyone like that? :-)))
Thanks! This run was on Saturday, not MLK but I was off. 🙂 And yes, running in the rain can be FUN! 🙂