The last few days of school are upon us. While my kids are super excited for summer to start, they will miss seeing their friends on a daily basis.
However with the end of school, comes the end of school treats and celebrations.
Just this week, the Peanut had pizza on a field trip even though I packed a lunch for her (sigh – she paid the price with a tummy ache later). She had donuts in class the next day for their “free day” celebration. Finally, the classroom parents planned to have an Ice Cream Sundae Bar for the kids on the last day of school. They sent out an email requesting parents provide the following:
I know the kids would love this. I know MY kid would love this (and then pay for it later). I replied suggesting perhaps fruit popsicles could be an option instead combined with a classroom activity. I wasn’t rude and I even offered to supply all the popsicles for the class.
The suggestion was well received but only as an ADDITION to the sundaes bring provided. Fine, that’s okay with me. I just wanted an alternative even though I know going up against an ice cream sundae bar, there will most likely be many left over fruit popsicles.

I know and I understand that my thinking and way of eating is unfortunately in the minority compared to most people. I get that.
My intentions are not to completely eliminate food as treats at school but I do believe, that if we are going continue to have these “treats” then a balance needs to happen. Provide healthy alternatives OR alternate treats with activities! Such as jumping rope, hopscotch or kickball etc. Get our kids moving instead. I remember at the end of school our classroom “treat” was getting to play Heads Up 7-Up in class (who else remembers that game?!).

I know of one other parent in the class whose child cannot handle dairy. They appreciated my suggestion. We’ll see how many kids choose the popsicles.
My simple suggestion however, caused quite the uproar among some of the parents. They were almost angered by the idea and some how felt perhaps that I was being unreasonable for suggesting no ice cream at all.
I see this a lot. I have been plant-based for over 20 years. No one questions my diet anymore but I see it often with Vans when he turned plant-based 4 years ago and with Stonegate when she turned plant-based a little over a year ago. THEIR dietary changes and choices seem to offend people. Why!?
It isn’t as if they rub it in other people’s faces or scowl at whatever it is someone else is eating. They just do their thing and make their choices but they get questioned or made fun of, a lot. Now honest genuine inquiries are fine. I know they both try their best to educate but I am talking about people who are down right upset by the fact that they no longer eat meat. Their personal choices upsets these other people.
It baffles me. I like to think that I live by example. I try not to push my way of life on others. Yes, yes I can get VERY excited if you ask me about it. I am passionate about plant-based living. Guilty as charged but I never force my opinions or views.
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Vans ate meat for the first 7 years of our marriage. It wasn’t me who changed him, it was a combination of things. It was watching Forks Over Knives and Vegucated. It was (I like to think) seeing me eat this way and then finish countless ultras over and over. The biggest factor I think however, was how he FELT!
For my daughter’s school, I just want OPTIONS and BALANCE. Is that terrible of me?

Next year, both Squeaker and Peanut will be in elementary school. Some parents have advised me not to bother trying to change things. It is a losing battle. Stay quiet. I just think a little education is needed. Some compromise perhaps.
I don’t think it needs to be a “battle” but I am not afraid to try and institute a little change and perhaps provide some education and insight.

However I am often reminded of a quote from Jeff Novick, MS, RD, LD, LN, “If you have to convince someone of the information, then it is not the right time.”
I don’t know when the “right time” will be but I do know that some people genuinely do not understand the correlation between what they eat and how they feel.
People also get very upset and offended when it comes to food. It is a very sensitive topic. You might think you’ve insulted their parenting style or something by their reactions sometimes. Even if the only thing you have done is picked a veggie burger instead of a hamburger at a picnic.
Again, I like to think that it is just lack of genuine open communication. I hope the school will be more open to increasing food education and perhaps institute some compromise when it comes to classroom treats next year. I know I plan to talk to both of my kids’ teachers by making some suggestions AND offering to help.
Maybe I am naive but I have hope and I have a voice. I hope the parents, teachers and the school will be open-minded enough to discuss possible changes.
After all, we all have the same end goal: We want a healthy happy thriving child.
Happy Trails!
Your popsicles were well received and your email was well received. Unfortunately you were overshadowed by the ridiculous comments made by a constant complainer. Next year, jump in at the start of the year and try to add a positive change.
FYI the donuts were not part of any “free day.” They were someone’s birthday treat!
Thank you. I plan to be more involved next year. My youngest attends a daycare downtown so dropping off and picking up both kids make my commute a little hectic since I work in between. Next year, both will be at the same school. I also plan to attend the PTA more. I was went to one meeting this year when our scheduled allowed but again, I will have way more time next year without a commute. I am looking forward to being more involved. Thanks for the comment and thank you for reading. I heard the popsicles were enjoyed by quite a few kids, and I apologize, I was told the donuts were brought in by the teacher. My information sometimes relies on that of an 8 year old. 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful summer.