Dearest Squeaker,
It is hard to believe that you are turning 5 years old and leaving the only “school” you have ever known. Daycare is over my dear. Welcome to Kindergarten. Welcome to life!

Besides getting taller, not much has changed with you in a year. You still wake up smiling (most of the time), eager to get dressed so long as you can pick out the clothes. You are always ready to start your day.

I love that you tried soccer, basketball and t-ball this year sometimes as the only girl on the team. Always in a tutu.
I love that despite your hesitations, you tried out for the TAZ Swim Team and now join your sister in practices, laps and laughter.

I love the sing-a-longs during our long commutes home. I will miss belting out Bon Jovi and PINK lyrics with you while dancing down the freeway each afternoon.

I love that you are eager to learn. You ask us, “How do you spell ….” probably 10 times a day at least.
I love that you get frustrated with the boys at daycare “for not listening!” Honey, that may never change. 🙂

I love when you get excited that Daddy is home and you run to the garage to help him do yard work or fix his bike.

I love that you still adore your sister even when she is not nice to you. I also love that you call her out when she is being mean. You can push her buttons better than anyone but she is still your everything.
I love that when you grow up, you tell people that you want to be a mom. My heart grows about tens sizes every time I hear it.
I have no doubts that you will be a fantastic mom.
I love that you have such a connection with your Poppy and that you ask to talk to him all the time.
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I love that your energy and laughter is infectious. Your giggles make those around you smile.
Most of all Squeaker, I love that you see life as one giant adventure. You are forever curious, forever attentive and always ready to go.
I hope you never lose that spark I see when I look at you and I know others see as well. You have something kid, something special and I know that you will go far if you follow your heart.

You make us proud Squeaker. You make us laugh. You make us love. You make me happy to be your mom.
Thank you for blessing this family with your imagination, your sense of humor and your unwavering love and kindness.

Happy Birthday Squeaker!! Â We love you to the moon and back!
My heart always,
Some classic Squeaker memories …

Tears of Happiness, a special , not so little anymore, Beautiful girl!
Well Done MoM & DaD
This is so beautiful, and totally made me cry :). You guys are such awesome parents!!! What a wonderful legacy you are creating for your darling girls! Thank you for sharing.