I can’t believe it is August already. To be honest, I am kind of happy that July is behind us. It has been one crazy summer.
June was full of swim meets, Squeaker’s birthday, Father’s Day and a wonderful visit from Poppy. July quickly arrived with a holiday weekend, more swim meets and a weekend spent in Tahoe for Pigeon and crewing her for the Tahoe Rim Trail 100 mile race.
July ended with the Peanut and Squeaker’s Swim Championships which consists of a three day affair out at Sierra College.

The girls swam great but it was one hot long weekend. The Peanut qualified to swim in the comp freestyle event at the end of the day which was super exciting for her.

Overall the team took second and went 6 and 1 for the season. On the last day of the swim meet, the Peanut was asked to swim in the comp freestyle relay which was one of the later events in the day.
We were just hanging around watching all the other swimmers and being the klutz that I am, I took things to a whole new level.
I was walking down some concrete steps to the pool, took a second to glance at the time on my phone and missed about four large steps. BAM! Down and out just like that.
I didn’t have time to think much about it since we had the rest of the meet to get through so I just powered through the rest of the day as best I could. Fast forward to the next day and …

I found myself in a boot and on crutches. Ugh. Not going to lie, it was pretty painful.

The first few days was hard. Mentally and physically I was just down because I couldn’t do ANYTHING and I hate crutches.
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Since I don’t do “resting” or “sitting” very well, I sought out a second opinion. Sorry Kaiser, you just need to employ more doctors who are hard core athletes and not text book readers.
My second opinion told me to ditch the boot, the crutches and the ice. I did all three. I did a few other things and did my best to rest and elevate when I had the chance. I’ve been working hard at strengthening and stabilizing the ankle too.
Within a week, I was walking almost normal again. Yes!
Today, I went for my first long(er) trail run. I started back easy this week walking some of the more technical downs on my morning runs and gauging how my ankle feels when I am done but today, today, I enjoyed a lovely trail run … right outside my door.

Things are still not 100% but my heart is happy and light again. Funny how just a short time away from something you love so much, can really just bring you down if you let it.

With school starting soon, Fall (my favorite season) will soon be upon us. Fall is my favorite time to run and I am looking forward to just running for enjoyment, laughter and fun. Too often we take things for granted until we can no longer do them.

I plan to cherish every moment out on the trails and you should too!
Happy Trails!
Love your positive attitude, usually can get you healed faster, but I must say that looked nasty, so proud of the girld and all they have accomplished!
Thanks Debbie!
Eew! That was one ugly ankle. Definitely PG-13 or worse. Glad you recovered so fast. Carry on,trailmomma! Maybe you should share the “other things” you did that helped your ankle recover. PS if you can shoot me the better quality (not to speak of more pleasant subject-wise) digital image of the girls in their “Olympic” costumes BEFORE you uploaded it, I’d love to computer print & frame it.AP