“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.”
– Mother Theresa
I am excited to announce my recent partnership as a Rep with Rice Love Bags. I stumbled across this company quite by accident actually. I have a small (okay, huge) addiction to bags. Some women buy designer shoes or high end purses, I buy bags or backpacks. I’m a nature girl who loves to travel after all.

But lately I have been purging and cleaning out the closets in my home and was realizing, that we have a lot of useless junk. I am tired of purchasing frivolous items and instead, was looking for a way to do something a little more meaningful. Enter, Rice Love Bags.

When I discovered Rice Love I started digging a little deeper. Who are they? What are they all about? Essentially, they are vegan bags made out of old rice sacks (side note: I love rice! 🙂 ) . The company was started by two guys who met in Hawaii. One was from California, the other India. Together, they came up with the idea to help the 450 million people in India who are starving.
Worldwide, there are roughly 795 million people in this world who do not have enough to eat. With every item sold, Rice Love gives away 1 kilo of rice.
Now 1 kilo of rice (2.2 pounds) wouldn’t help a family of four very much. Instead, Rice Love gives each family (or person) 20 kilos of rice at a time and they don’t wait until a bag is sold to do so. They give away the rice as they are making each bag.
Currently, Rice Love is feeding India (1/3 of the world’s hunger population), Nepal and are working on expanding to Hawaii as their homeless population is also growing at a rapid rate.
Rice Love is a pretty unique company. How often do you support a company that claims to help those in need but you never actually see who you are helping directly? Well Rice Love shows you and lets you hear from them.

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And let’s be honest, the bags are super cute, vegan and 100% unique. They are handmade in India, which also provides jobs for those needing work. Their supply is limited because each bag takes time.

If you are interested in helping or just want a really cool bag, then check out Rice Love Bags (www.ricelovebags.com) and if you purchase one, use the code TRAILMOMMA at check out to receive 20% off your purchase . . . every time you purchase. This is not just a onetime code. They make really great gifts too.

The Peanut loves her Rice Love pencil case and she was really interested in seeing who she helped give a bag of rice to as well.

This opportunity has also opened up a lot conversation between the Peanut and I about hunger, other countries and food. She was shocked that the dad in this family, only earns $1-2 dollars a day as a construction worker but has to support his family of four.
So take some time, if you can, and check out www.ricelovebags.com. Read their story, check out the bags and take a look at who they are helping. If we all take baby-steps, it will some day create leaps of change.
“From small beginnings come great things.” – Proverbs
Happy Trails!
I love this! I’m going to order pencil cases for my kids for xmas and maybe a bag for me 🙂
Thanks for the lead
Awesome Rebecca! Thanks. I am itching to get one of their backpacks too once they are made. 🙂 Thanks for supporting them! Christmas gifts are a great idea!
Just saw your post and had to share! Also, purchased a bag myself!! Do you habe IG? I am an outdoor mama myself! Would love to connect!
I do have IG. You can find me there! Love my Rice Love Bag!