Today I bring you a recipe for BEET HUMMUS (and a story so hang tight). I love hummus and I love beets so that means BEET hummus has got to be the best right?

So I was super excited to make my beet hummus but when I went to make it, I realized I was out of beets. 🙁 DOH!
Not to worry though, I improvised and I am incredibly pleased with the results.
Now for the story ….
Disclaimer: If you know me, you know I am not a “supplement” kind of person. The only supplement that I consume is Vitamin B12 and I wouldn’t consider what I am about to share with you as actually a supplement as much as it is a life saver when the need occurs.
Backstory: A few years ago during training I developed some digestive issues that flared up notoriously right when I was at mile 5 of any race or run that I was doing. I was frustrated because for years I had been fine.
After a lot of trial and error I decided to try a smoothie before I headed out the door for a long run. On the daily, I don’t usually drink smoothies as I am much more of a, as Chef AJ would say, “the whole fruit and nothing but the fruit” kinda girl and fully believe consuming the whole fruit and/or veggie is best but I needed a solution and I needed one fast.
Consuming smoothies before a run essentially removes the “digestive” process of eating because the blender ultimately digests most of the food (aka fiber) for you while still providing you with an adequate amount of calories to go run (or other activity) for three plus hours.

In preparation, I wanted my smoothie to count and not just be a lot of sugar and fruit. I put some thought into my pre-run smoothie and what I came up with was super delicious but more importantly, it WORKED!
Through all my plant-based certifications, coaching and reading I know that beets (and especially beet greens) are super good for us.
Why? What do they do?
Glad you asked. So when the body consumes beets, it takes the nitrates from beets and converts them into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide improves overall cardiovascular health (it helps blood flow better). You hear Dr. Esselstyn shouting its praises and you can often find professional athletes these days using beets in their training as well.
Tart Cherries have been known to help manage joint and muscular health because of their phytonutrients called anthocyanins.
So I wanted those two things in my smoothie. Ultimately my smoothie contains: frozen bananas, frozen cherries, medjool dates, some defatted peanut flour or nuts (if I have any and the run is super long). What I needed was beets! If you have ever put beets in a blender, you know what the consistency is like. I wasn’t a fan. I can eat them raw, steamed, right off the BBQ whatever but I can’t stand them in a smoothie! Yuk! So what to do?
Enter BEET BOOST! Beet Boost contains two ingredients: beets and cherries. That’s it, nothing else. I added that to my smoothie and voila! It kicked the flavor up a notch and I have been set ever since.
Now, back to my HUMMUS recipe. When I realized I was out of steamed beets, I had a food processor full of garbanzo beans … so I pulled out one of my Beet Boost packets and tossed it in. Perfect! You can make this recipe using steamed beets but then you’ll have to adjust your liquid ratio a little to make it creamier.
- 1 can of low sodium garbanzo beans (liquid reserved)
- 1-2 cloves of garlic (or to preference – I did 2)
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 packet of beet boost
- Veggie broth
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Add the first 4 ingredients to a food processor. Add the liquid from the canned chickpeas and veggie broth slowly until you reach your desired consistency. Voila! It’s as simple as that!
You can dip crackers or veggie sticks in it OR use as a base on a veggie sandwich! It’s also great on top of a baked potato with steamed broccoli. Yum!!!
Lucky for you, if you want to try Beet Boost whether in your training or just to give this recipe a whirl, the fine folks at Beet Boost have provided me with a discount code to share!
At check out, use the code: TRAILMOMMA and you’ll receive 15% off your Beet Boost order. Super sweet. I am stoked to be supporting a company that is based in the USA and contains only 2 simple ingredients (unlike other brands on the market).
If you make the recipe above, please let me know! Until then …
Happy Trails!
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