Fingers crossed everyone, this site has been saved! Thanks to those of you who reached out to me and notified me that my site had been hacked. 🙁 I had suspected as such as I had noticed some weird activity recently but I did not realize how bad or how deep it went.
Last week was a pretty stressful week for me. My main page had been hacked, and was redirecting my address to a Viagra site of all places!
After a lot of help support, stressed out crazy texts (sorry Ami and Corey!) and a lot of digging and reading on my part, I am hopeful that things are back to normal.
Thank you for your patience. This blog is a labor of love that I have had since 2009 (starting from a blogspot address that still exists). I do not make money off this site, I do it to share adventures, recipes and a lot of the time, to have something for my kiddos to look back on. I want them to see that mom was a crazy bada$$ ultra runner living on plants and living life to the fullest with all my crazy adventures. That’s the point of this site. I make mistakes, I share them and I move on. So thank you to all of you have stayed with me thus far. I truly appreciate your support for my tiny little old blog that means the world to me.
In the meantime, I ask that you please continue to be patient with me as I navigate through some different appearances for the blog. Still trying to find the best one that won’t cause the same problems as before. 🙂 Change is good right?
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Happy Trails!