This is not a race report or a recipe. It is not like any of my normal blogs but it is one that I felt compelled to write. I guess, in a way, I wanted to say goodbye to a place that has meant so much to me over the last nine years. A place that brought us peace, beauty and encouraged our family to get out and be outside, together.

When we moved to our town in late 2010, we did not know a lot of people or anything about the local trails. The following year, on the anniversary of our move-in date, we were robbed. This town we had just arrived in, was not as welcoming as I had hoped.
However, slowly over time, we’ve met some great friends and some of those friends shared with us the local trails. Some trails, we discovered on our own as a family. This would be one of them. We nicknamed it simply, “The Look-Out.”

This is the oldest photo that I could find but I know we lugged our stroller out there well before Squeaker could walk. 2013
The Look-Out was where we went after dinner to watch the sunset or during the holidays to walk off a big heavy meal.

The Look-Out was nothing more than a beautiful glimpse of Folsom Lake. It wasn’t perfect, it had power lines across the best part of the view but it also held a beautiful oak tree and jagged rocks perfect for climbing. It was also right outside our door.

Every Christmas morning after coffee and presents, Vans and I would make the girls get dressed into warm clothes and go with us to the Look-Out. We would take photos, talk about what Santa brought us and who was coming over later for Christmas dinner.

Last night, Vans and I went for a walk to the Look-Out. It had been a while as we’ve been on vacation. The summer itself has been full of visitors, sports, coaching and work. To be honest, I had not been to the Look-Out in quite a few weeks but we knew that homes were being built. A road had appeared last year and foundations were set. We knew it was only a matter of time before our special place would no longer be accessible.

When we arrived, we saw that lines had been set up around our Oak Tree and holes dug for future (very large) fence posts. Our special place will very soon be someone’s back yard. I wonder if they will love it as much as we have over the years?

The Look-Out is where Vans came to after his bike accident last year. An easy walk among the trees, dirt and grass.

The Look-Out is where I would walk to when I needed to think. When my friend Phil died late last year, I came here, sat down and cried. I cried until a bird crowed at me and I realized that Phil, my friend, would not want me shedding tears for him but instead enjoying life.

The Look-Out is where I came after my hamstring tear and procedure when I was missing running on the trails more than my heart could take. It reminded me that I was doing what needed to be done, in order to heal.

For a long time, I didn’t share or tell anyone about the Look-Out. It was our family place. Then one day, a friend came to me upset about something and I took them there as well. I figured if it could help me, maybe it could help them. I don’t know if it did but I know they enjoyed the view.

I know that nothing lasts forever but I wish housing developments would not be so aggressive. I know it isn’t the fault of the people whose home is being built on our special place, I mean, who wouldn’t want a view like that? I just wish, we could have our place for just a little bit longer.

I wish a path could be created that would allow us to be able to share this view whenever we wanted with the people who own it but I know that’s a silly dream.

Most of all, I should be grateful for the walks we have had and the time we’ve spent at the Look-Out. Perhaps a new spot will be discovered? I do know, whenever I see an old Oak Tree, I will think about our Look-Out and the memories we’ve had here.

The Look-Out helped us heal, laugh and love. It got our blood flowing, our energy moving and our minds wandering. It has given us more than what we could ever give back in return.

I guess that is partly why I wanted to write this so that the memory of what this place looked like and meant, lives on even after the fence is up and our tree and view cornered off.

Thank you Look-Out and Oak Tree. I hope your new family loves you just as much as we have over the years.

Oak Tree, I hope they keep you and allow you to grow. I hope they take family photos by you and let their kids climb your branches and rocks. I hope the fence they install is one that will make you look even more beautiful.

Thank you for taking the time to read about our special place, our Look-Out and our friend, The Oak Tree. I can only hope that everyone has a place so close and so special touch their lives. Mother Nature and being outside means so much to me and to my family. It does feel as if a part of our family, is leaving for good.

Go outside. Look around. Really look around and soak in what is around you because the world is changing so quickly.
And so, I leave you with this poem.
Happy Trails!
by Johnny Ray Ryder Jr.
A mighty wind blew night and day
It stole the oak tree’s leaves away
Then snapped its boughs and pulled its bark
Until the oak was tired and stark
But still the oak tree held its ground
While other trees fell all around
The weary wind gave up and spoke.
How can you still be standing Oak?
The oak tree said, I know that you
Can break each branch of mine in two
Carry every leaf away
Shake my limbs, and make me sway
But I have roots stretched in the earth
Growing stronger since my birth
You’ll never touch them, for you see
They are the deepest part of me
Until today, I wasn’t sure
Of just how much I could endure
But now I’ve found, with thanks to you
I’m stronger than I ever knew