Today felt like the first day of school all over again for me. Pigeon and I had planned a run together and at the last minute we decided to join a group that she has run off and on with out at ADO (Auburn Damn Overlook). I had a feeling that I would know a few people, but the majority of everyone I met for the first time.


Everyone was very nice and made me feel welcome, as trail runners typically do. It was just sort of funny being the “new kid” on the block. As I have mentioned before, when running with Pigeon or TiggerT, I feel like I am in the presence of a celebrity as everyone they pass says hello to them by name.

As we started off down the trail, it was definitely a bit chilly out. My lucky arm warmers were still in the wash from last weekend’s run so I went with a long sleeve shirt. That was new for me. I also did a complete over haul of my pre run fueling. As I have documented for some time, the fueling for my runs has been hit or miss. What used to work in the past was not sitting well for longer runs. With my 20 mile run in Cool coming up next weekend, I needed to get this squared away. I am saving the specifics for a later post as I want to experiment a bit more but I will say, what I did this morning, for today’s run was awesome. I felt great the whole way and I also felt as if I had enough energy to carry me most of the miles without needing to fuel.

I also used a new hydration pack today for the first time. Again, I want to run in it a few more times before I share what I think but so far so good today despite my initial doubts.

Fueling break
Fueling break

We ran from ADO to No Hands Bridge (above photo) and then we ran over to the Cool Fire Station. We did not go up K2 this time (thankfully).


When we got to the fire station you would have thought that a party was happening! There were so many cars! Hikers, runners and mountain bikers were all out enjoying the amazing weather and temperatures we’ve been having lately.

Lots of cars!
Lots of cars!

Once everyone had a chance to use the porta potty and refuel we were on our way. The whole group was running 20 miles but Pigeon and I had decided early on that we were in line for about 16 today and would eventually have to stop running with the group and then turn and run on our own back to ADO.

I have to say it was really great running with a group today. There were bunches of mini conversations happening all around me and we even passed the Fleet Feet Training Group led by Coach Nikon. It felt like old times seeing Coach Nikon while also having the chance to run with Miss P!!

Miss P returns!
Miss P returns!

Pigeon and I really enjoy running together but we both agreed that sometimes it is nice to break up the routine a bit. When it was time to say goodbye to the group we ran back the way we came down the trail before turning left.

The run back was quieter. Well, it was quiet until a man and his dog came out of no where right behind me causing me to scream (like a total girl) and flap my hands (like a moron) while Pigeon apologized for my reaction and simultaneously trying to control her own laughter.
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What can I say? It is always an adventure when you run with me. Shortly after the dog incident, we saw two otters/beavers (no idea what they were really) in the river swimming! They were huge and when I grabbed my camera to take their photo, they dove under the water and never resurfaced!?

The run back was beautiful. The views of the (dried) up river were pretty spectacular. We stopped a few times to take some photos.

So pretty!
So pretty!

When we made it back to ADO the mileage came to 16.5. Although my legs were feeling tired, they still had some spunk in them as I managed to run up a few of the hills leading to the parking lot. I like to test them near the ends of our runs, just to see what I really have left in the tank.

Overall, I am very happy with today’s run and I know Pigeon was too. We both felt that we fueled well and that our legs felt strong. It is kind of neat to see some of our hard work during the week pay off. I managed some tempo and speed work this week and even a few hill repeats on Thursday evening (which I think was why my legs felt so tired so early on). Our fitness levels are definitely increasing and that made our mind-set very peaceful too.

We ran just like my new visor (yes, another new item) said to today ….

Run Happy
Run Happy

In other Trailmomma news, I wanted to share with you a review that I was asked to do for one of my all time favorite podcast’s website: is a podcast that I listen to on iTunes and it is hosted by Eric Schranz and Scotty Sandow. These two guys are local Sacramento guys who love trail running, drinking beer and interviewing all the top trail and road runners on the scene. Their podcasts are well done and highly entertaining. One day, podcaster Eric Schranz had posed the question on Facebook if  there was anyone who wears zero drop shoes and wanted to review Altra’s shoe the Lone Peak 1.5. When I reached out to him I was just beginning to run in the Altra Superiors. Eric gave me a pair of the Lone Peaks to wear, run and review. You can read my review over on their website at   and if you can, listen to their podcasts on iTunes (especially if you are local, like beer and like to follow all the top runners).

This has been a pretty awesome start to what will be a three day weekend in the Trailmomma house. The week started off a bit rough with a sick Squeaker who spent two days home from daycare with a fever and bad cough. I didn’t mind the quality time and I know Vans didn’t either. The girls love being home with him because he will take them to the duck park … they know that wouldn’t happen on my watch.

Way too close in my opinion!
Way too close in my opinion!
This is more my style.
This is more my style.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! I may have a special post coming out Monday evening as well so be on the look out!

Happy Trails & Run Happy!


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Things are almost back to normal around here. Pigeon is back from her trip to Missouri and we were able to resume our training this weekend. It was one of her working weekends so our run was set to happen when she got off around noon.

Let’s back up a little to Monday. With the new year upon us and the first full work week, I was determined to maintain my training. Monday started out with Breakout Fitness and a killer Spartacus workout that left me so sore come Tuesday that getting in and out of the car was a struggle.

Tuesday I did a core workout at Breakout Fitness and during my lunch hour managed a tempo run. I have an allotted time at work and only so far that I can run. In reality, I shouldn’t be running at work at all based on my schedule, but I am determined to fit it in each week. I would rather run at lunch then try and motivate myself when I get home from work at night, in the dark.

Wednesday was another Spartacus at Breakout Fitness. They are tough but they are definitely effective. Thursday I woke up and drove to the track. I did a little speed workout (nothing to rave about) and then drove home. I realized when I got home that I had not timed out my run just right and I had 15 minutes to spare. So I did hill repeats right outside my house. With the garage open and the lights on, it provided just enough for me to see. I really enjoyed the hill repeats …. I can’t help it, I like hills.

Friday I decided it was best to skip Breakout Fitness’s Spartacus workout and save my legs for Saturday. I think this may be my plan of attack from now on. It will add a little extra sleep to my week and I can wake up early enough to do  20 to 30 minutes of foam rolling and stretching, something I do not do much of at all and really should.

All of that leads me to Saturday’s run. They called for rain. We got a little drizzle.


Originally we planned on running the Salmon Falls trails but I quickly changed my mind that morning when I saw the skies all grey and threatening. Not that I don’t like running in the rain, I just felt like staying closer to home would be a little better for us.

I decided that Pigeon needed to see the run that I did a few weeks ago. We set out down my hill towards the New York Creek trail. We stopped in our tracks in awe of what was in front of us!


The year’s first stream crossing!

We have had no rain all season and this was quite a sight for sore eyes. Granted we could jump over it, and we did, it was still quite amusing to see the water and pretend it was something more than it was.

The Ridge Loop of Death was its old self: steep hills, loose gravel and a few other runners out for a jog. Pigeon hasn’t been out on this trail in a while so it was fun showing her some of the new homes being built.


Welcome back to the ridge Pigeon!

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It was nice because we talked about her time in Missouri and what has been going on in my life. Being separated for a while allowed for us to have more to talk about and the miles sort of just ticked away.

We descended down the Ridge back to the road making our way to the New York Creek Trail when something made a huge noise and jumped out of the bushes and scared the living day lights out of me. I took a photo of the vicious thing that scared me.


Scary sprinklers!

Pigeon jumped a mile high because I yelped from the sound of the sprinkler. She then proceeded to yell at me for freaking her out. I pretty much just stopped and laughed on the spot.

Once we resumed our composure we continued on running towards Browns Ravine only to stop and laugh again when Pigeon saw the “attack” turkeys.

P1040273Yea, they are fake.

Soon we made it to Brown’s Marina which was super crowded because people from all over are coming to see the ruins of Mormon Island that lies beneath Folsom Lake.


We meandered through Browns Ravine chatting the whole way. We had a minor incident with someone hiking through the trails but overall that portion of the trail was uneventful.

When we made it back to the road we ran to Beatty Drive and cut up through the trail back near my neighborhood.


Pigeon loves Beatty

However, there was a special little gift just waiting for her at the top of the hill. I told her I had planted it there for her so she wouldn’t have to run home.


Overall it was a great run for me. I felt really well. No tummy issues on this run. Not sure whether or not this was due to it being in the afternoon and my tummy had time to adjust to the day or what, but I will take it.

And to leave you with a thought about conquering fear and starting of the new year with determination. The Peanut joined a swimming clinic this past week. She was very nervous as she would be in a pool with kids she did not know and a coach that wouldn’t be able to reach out and grab her at moments notice. She did awesome. She swam the length of that pool about 13 times and loved it.


Happy Trails & Happy Swimming!


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I am taking a brief interruption from your regularly scheduled Trailmomma posts to allow myself the opportunity to vent, complain or perhaps I am just seeking out some kind of personal connection to anyone who can relate to what we are going through right now in the Trailmomma household.

I know toddlers are picky. I know kids change their minds almost as much as women. I know that for most, dinner time can be a struggle when you have a 2 year old and a 5 year old sitting at the table. Still, my heart hangs a little lower these days and my mind is moving a mile a minute trying to find healthy meals and snacks that my two princesses will eat.


If history repeats itself or if healthy eating is hereditary then my girls won’t start eating healthy until they are in college. When I was their age, and well into my teenage years I was probably one of the pickiest kids on the planet. My foods could not touch. I did not like turkey at all and I think I consumed more microwave french fries than is humanly possible. Fruit? Never had it. We didn’t have apples in the house. We had Hostess. Vegetables? Canned corn. I drank soda like water (actually never even drank water unless you count Kool-Aid) and I lived across the street from two authentic Italian pizza places, a candy store and an ice cream shop.

The fact that I was never obese is purely due to the fact that my friends and I played outside from dawn until dusk as much as we possibly could. Something that the kids today do not do.

Still, when I reached college and the food choices were left up to me, I realized, after gaining the freshman 20, how certain foods made me feel. I had stopped eating meat in high school but the junk food was abundant in college. I finally understood how exercise (when not forced through a soccer/softball/basketball coach) was actually fun. I started running for my own enjoyment and I never stopped.

Now, with a passion for living a life consuming whole unprocessed plant-based foods, it makes me sad when I see the things my kids eat. This isn’t something entirely new, they’ve eaten poorly from the start mostly because as new parents, we were consumed with making sure our little ones had full bellies despite what we filled them with. I knew the processed foods the Peanut was eating were not good and yet, no matter what we offered, she refused. As an infant/toddler, she also never slept, ever and so we tried all we could to fill her belly at times hoping that would help her sleep. No dice.



Then Squeaker was born, and we raised her differently. I read (and shared with every expectant parent I knew) the book Baby Led Weaning and was inspired. We fed Squeaker whole foods. Nothing was jarred or puree ever. If she could pick it up, she could eat it and she did! She ate food that the Peanut never gave the time of day when she was Squeaker’s age. Vans and I were in heaven. Then, something changed. Before she turned two, Squeaker started refusing pretty much everything.


Now they probably eat all of five things. Total. The Peanut at least likes steamed broccoli and will consume a pile of it if we give it to her. She will eat carrots (raw) and steamed green beans and peas. However, she does not consume fruit. Not anything nor anything fruit related. No applesauce, no bananas, no berries and no apples. Forget melons or those little citrus cuties. It is maddening. She likes sweet things (namely chocolate) but she won’t touch fruit nor will she consume any smoothies either. Getting her to eat anything new is a struggle. I am pleased she will eat brown rice I am not thrilled that she won’t eat anything else. I can’t even feed her traditional kid favorites! She won’t eat pizza, peanut-butter and jelly or even spaghetti!

Squeaker is worse. She won’t consume any vegetables OR fruit. No smoothies. She won’t eat noodles. She will eat refried black beans and brown rice and grilled cheese like it is going out of style. Lara bars are a favorite snack but unfortunately so is gold fish or Cheeze-its. It is maddening to me.

My only hope is that Squeaker will evolve like the Peanut and start eating more of a variety of veggies but the Peanut has always eaten broccoli.
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So here I sit, wracking my brain trying to come up with different snack ideas and meals for them. I am trying to go the healthier route but it is basically a waste of money according to Vans. My philosophy is: if you don’t try you’ll never know if they like it. Unfortunately, the Peanut doesn’t try anything new at school and just tosses her lunch most times if I sneak in “new” healthier foods.

With the start of the new year, I am drawing an invisible line in the sand. I want to be done with the days where I made three separate meals (one for the Peanut, one for Squeaker and one for Vans and myself). My time is limited already, adding personal chef to the mix is just insane.

So tonight I made Mama Pea’s Pizza Casserole. This is one dish that I can often get them to eat with a little cajoling. Squeaker will eat it only if she is 1) really hungry and 2) it is fresh (not reheated). The Peanut often resists for a while but will consume a small bowl.

Tomorrow I have another Mama Pea dish ready to throw into crock pot called Spicy African Peanut Stew. Tomorrow will be a struggle. Tomorrow there will be a fight but I am ready. People always tell me that “if kids are hungry, they will eat” and ya know what? That is a load of B.S! Those people have not met my kids who will not eat for a week if they put their minds to it.

I admire Ange over at Hol-Fit .  She has provided me with countless tips and tricks to get my girls to eat healthier foods or make wiser choices. I like her approach to food as it relates to her two girls, in that she likes to ask them how certain foods make them feel. Does that piece of junk food make their tummy hurt? She makes them piece together the connection. I do that to a degree, but sadly most of the food they eat cause tummy distress and frankly, my kids could really care less about that stuff.

But I would be lying to say that reading, seeing photos of friends or other people’s kids consuming super healthy foods makes me feel like a failure. I make healthy choices for myself, why can’t I do that for my kids? Actually, I do, but I can’t force it down their throats.

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.

So while this post has no real purpose other than to broadcast my recent frustrations, I hope that I am not alone. Although, part of me hopes that I am, because I would like to think all kids are eating healthy but I know the reality of that is slim. The Hostess, Kellogg and General Mills companies are not giant money makers because people are shunning their food for broccoli. Monsanto isn’t the largest (most corrupt) company because people refuse their products.

I’ll keep trying to teach my girls the importance of wise choices when it comes to food as this is one battle I won’t give up. I am ready for the long haul. One stalk of broccoli at a time.



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With Pigeon still out of town, I was left to figure out where and who to run with for this weekend’s long run. Pigeon usually makes our running decisions and I am okay with that as I really don’t mind where we go as long as we’re outside.

Luckily TiggerT was back from her trip to Boston and was actually willing to run with me. She figures that at some point, my mileage will get too high for her or that I will go do some crazy hills in Auburn with Pigeon that she won’t be able to join.

After Wednesday’s run, I was unsure as to how my run with go with my recent digestive issues. I did some reading from my old blog (here) and realized I suffered the same type of things back 2010 (although not as extreme). So in an effort to try and curtail things, I have started taking my probiotic again hoping that will help. My other “go-to” change back in my 2010 training was to drink Ensure before super long runs. I really don’t want to go that processed chemical route again so I am going to see what else I can do. I also used to use PayDay bars as fuel (I know!) so I am going to see if I can make my own PayDay bars at home because Gels/Gu don’t cut it and I really don’t like taking them. I’ve been using Medjool Dates which are great for energy, but not so much when you are starting a run with digestive issues (if you know what I mean).

The new running store in town has some new nutrition products that are much like taking a Justin’s Almond Butter packet but it has a screw top lid to it so you can actually seal it back up and it won’t become an almond butter mess in your pocket. I am tempted to try those as well.

Saturday however, we planned on anywhere between 12 and 14 miles and the course was not too grueling (like Auburn) so I decided to bring some gluten free fig newtons that I bought at the store. Not a huge change from the dates that I was bringing and definitely packaged and processed but I was desperate. The morning was not starting off well tummy wise.

The Peanut is going to a sleepover tonight with some old dear friends. I was up early finishing my breakfast and getting my things ready for TiggerT’s arrival when I see the Peanut fully dressed and coming out of her room. Oh boy. The concept of time is lost on a 5 year old. She was a little upset when I told her she wasn’t going to the sleepover until AFTER dinner but she was content to curl up on the couch with her new blanket and have a little snack. I told Vans that she was up (and dressed) and left with TiggerT.

Having seen all the posts on Facebook, I knew that two Folsom Lake Trail Runner Groups were running somewhere near the same trails, either starting at Cavitt School or running to Cavitt School. The Fleet Feet Training Group was also meeting at Cavitt. In addition, TiggerT reminded me that the New Years Free Duathalon was also over in that general area. So I decided to use my new Poppy Pass and park at Beals Point and run from there. I knew there were useable bathrooms at Beals and it would be nice to see some different trails even if for a little while.


No Lifeguard? No duh. There is no water! Seriously!

We parked. We pottied (yes, I just made that a verb) and we started off. It was cold! Definitely could feel my joints stiffening up at first but soon we were off and running and catching up on lost time.

Luckily TiggerT remembered most of these trails so we could avoid the levee. Once we made it over near Cavitt we ran into Coach Nikon! He coaches the Fleet Feet Ultra Training group but was called into work and was booking it back on the trails. It was nice to see you Coach! 🙂


TiggerT waiting patiently as I made a potty stop (sigh).

Once we had passed Twin Rocks, TiggerT was in new territory. It is very rare for ME to be showing her certain trails and Pigeon everyone knows my sense of direction is sometimes a little off (to say the least). Luckily, Fleet Feet had some pretty pink ribbons tied up everywhere so when in doubt (which was only once and I bet Pigeon can tell you where) I just looked for the ribbon.

Although not technical trails, these trails can sometimes feel a lot harder than they appear. I was starting to feel a little fatigued at points but was still managing to run up the hills most of the time. Finally we made it to the look out which is a perfect place to take a photo and then turn around. 🙂


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The run back was uneventful really. More talking, more running and maybe a little more walking at times. We stopped and filled our water bottles at the horse staging area and just continued on. My legs were feeling sluggish but I kept telling myself that this is how they may feel after 30 miles on them at AR50 and that I just have to keep moving no matter what.

When we reached the Cavitt dirt road at Granite Beach, we saw the duathlon people. We cheered and TiggerT turns to me and says “you want to run some trails back?” At first I had no idea what she was talking about but she was going to skip the Cavitt Road in lieu of some trails that skirted along the bluffs a little. So I said yes and followed her …



Um yea, TiggerT’s sense of direction is about as good as mine! We turned right when I think we should have turned left and climbed up this monstrosity right back to Cavitt Road! Ah well, it was worth a shot.

I love running with TiggerT because she is full of random knowledge about our area, nature, astronomy whatever! She’ll stop and look at something and point stuff out to me all the time.


My own personal little tour guide if you will. I love it.

It was bound to happen but at some point I hear “TIGGERT!” Once again, she knows someone on the trail, shocker. 🙂 My running partners are like celebrities.

We made it back to the levee area and started running, without realizing it, on the levee. OUCH! The gravel on that thing is harsh. We made it as far as we could and dipped down onto some trails. The trails we were on brought back memories of the days when we raced the Folsom Lake Trail Runner Series at Beals. It was kind of cool to run them again.

By the time we made it back to the car, my garmin said 13 miles. That was good enough for me. I know I should probably be in the 18 mile range by now, but my old training plan says 8 to 12 and after Wednesday’s race in Auburn, I want to come back slowly. I’ll wait for Pigeon to return before heading out for 18 miles. I also have a Dr. Lau appointment this week and I need his magic to fix some aches and pains that I have had lately. 🙂

When we returned home, Vans was in the garage with the girls and Squeaker was mastering a new talent.



Ever since my run in Auburn, she has been asking to return to the skate park. 🙂 Vans is a happy daddy. The girls were thrilled to see TiggerT too. They showed off for her a little bit.


I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and gets a chance to do something outside, no matter what kind of weather you may have right now. I know the east is being hit with snowstorms lately, but it really does do a body good to get some fresh air into your lungs to blow out those cobwebs and clear the mind.

Happy Trails!


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Today I had my first official race of 2014. I wasn’t going to do this race this year but plans changed and I found myself sans running partner on a perfectly beautiful day to run.

I ran the 10k last year with TiggerT and recall vividly telling myself  “thank goodness you didn’t sign up for the 10 mile option.” The course is pretty brutal if you are not used to running these trails. The course is ALSO brutal because it follows NEW YEARS EVE!!! Granted the race start time is 1:00 PM so there was no waking at some ungodly hour but we did have some company at the Trailmomma house and I made some of my two favorite dishes for these friends who do not typically eat the same way that we do. These dishes however, taste wonderful with a great glass of red wine, which we also had in the house and of course you can’t have New Years without champagne!

Needless to say, soon after the ball dropped on tv I was out like a light. Squeaker woke up at her usual time despite my best efforts to keep her entertained in our bed while I tried to go back to sleep.

Vans and I decided that all of us would make the trip to Auburn despite Squeaker’s nap time being smack dab in the middle of it all. It kind of worked out because as soon as we hit the road, she fell asleep. Ahem, I have NO idea where she gets THAT from. 🙂

Vans dropped me off at the start line so that I could check in and get my race stuff. We had 15 minutes until the race started. Once I got my stuff I found where he had parked and luckily it was near a spare porta-potty! I quickly got in line and by the time I was out I heard the announcer say there was 5 minutes until race time. The four of us hiked up the hill to the starting area and I got into the crowd.


The start was very informal. Basically it was “ready, set, go!” The 5k, 10K and 10 milers all start together and head towards the road and then down the hill. I immediately remembered some of the course. Oh boy. Once on Damn Hill the 5k/10k runners went left and the 10 milers went down down down Damn Hill. Damn Hill is the same hill that you run UP in the American River 50 Miler – you can read about that race here.

Soon I saw the arrows not only pointing down the hill, I also saw them pointing up which could only mean that we were to run down Damn Hill and then back up again. I know I need this training eventually but today was not the day I was anticipating it.

My legs felt fantastic. My ankle felt fantastic. My stomach? Um, yea that did not feel so wonderful. Definitely a by-product of New Years Eve indulgences but also something I have been struggling a lot with lately.

My abdomen was growing larger by the minute. I was bloated and just feeling off. I tried my best to not think about it and to continue drinking my water. Luckily I did not have that sloshy stomach feeling. For this race I didn’t bring any fuel except water in my one handheld and 2 SCaps. Did I mention it was WARM? I mean like tank top and shorts warm but I was wearing shorts, a t-shirt and my compression socks. The socks were borderline too much but I think they really helped keep my ankle situation in check.

Going down the hill I don’t think I passed very many people. Eventually we turned and entered some trails that were all up hill leading us back to the same paved Damn Hill road. I had some spring in my step. The ups were definitely my favorite part of the day. I am really beginning to enjoy them. Pigeon scolds me sometimes to conserve my energy by walking up the hills but I have the power and I even have some speed when it comes to climbing up the hills. I can’t power hike for crap so why not run?


The girls were waiting for me ….

I passed a lot of people on these climbs. When back on the paved road, I continued to run as much as I possibly could and found myself running more than I have in the past. I did end up hiking some of it, especially past some horses who were out for a walk.

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The rest of the course was a lot of ups and downs and stuff. I vaguely remembered these trails but suddenly the trail I was on connected with all the other runners and it happened to be the same route that Pigeon and I take on our runs (at least lately). I immediately perked up. I used to not like running the same trails but this time, it was a relief because I knew exactly what was coming and where and whether or not I could run it.

I ran. I ran all the ups and would take a breather at the top and then continue on. I was definitely struggling with my tummy and trying not to think about it but I was also passing quite a few people (guys). It felt good.

Then we came to the section of the trail that I always complain to Pigeon about. It is the trail that leads us back to the Overlook. It just is so windy and when you think you’ve reached the end, there is another single track climb right there in front of you. It can be a little defeating.

However, I heard something. I heard a cow bell. Now this is not totally unheard of in the Sacramento region, we are called a Farm Town for a reason, but I knew this bell and I knew the person ringing it! My girls!


There she is!

My girls were right where the trail enters the parking lot. I still had to run up the hill and back to the overlook but just seeing them really made me happy.


You can see in the photo above how bloated I am!

I finished the race and was spent. I was definitely out of breath, so much so that I couldn’t even talk to my long time friend and old running/pacing friend Big D! She was a sight for sore eyes for sure. I had sprinted up the hill to the finish line because I was afraid the woman I had passed earlier in the race was close behind!

After the race, we wandered over to the skate park which is also at the overlook. The girls wanted to show me their tricks. Apparently this is where they were hanging out while I was running on the trail.

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I love my “crew” to pieces. Squeaker really had a blast in the skate park but was slowly growing tired. Her ability on the bike has greatly improved. Peanut opted for the scooter and was actually going over some ramps or whatever at the park. I think Vans was super duper proud and excited. 🙂 I even got to watch him skate which I haven’t seen for a very long time.

For me, the first of the year started off great. A nice trail run where I was able to push myself a little bit and still overcome some issues (that I need to get dialed in) and spending the day with my family. What more could I ask for?

I will leave you with those two recipes that I made on New Years Eve, just in case you were curious. 🙂

For an appetizer I made Oh She Glow’s Easy Flaked Almond “Tuna” Salad. Vans loves this stuff (so do I) and my guests really liked it too. It is super easy to make as well.

For our main dish (which was small since we’d all been snacking on apps for over an hour) I made With Style and Grace’s Stuff Acorn Squash with Quinoa and Pistachios. I added some vegan sausage that I had to the guests’ dishes though (mixed in with then quinoa and pistachios).

Well there you have it … our New Year’s Day in a nutshell. What did YOU do on New Years? What WILL you do in 2014? I have a list of a few things I’d like to try and incorporate more. I don’t really like the term “resolution” because it kind of gives off the impression that you try something for that particular year. Still, I do think we should all take a minute and think about 2013 and the things we could have or should have handled or done better.

I wish you all a wonderful 2014! And let the count down to the Winter Olympics begin!

~ Trailmomma

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