Friday marked two weeks out until my 50k race. This past weekend was the last weekend for high mileage before we start tapering. Ahhhh, taper is such a nice word although I’d venture to say that most of my training felt like a taper.

Stonegate, Burning Girl and I decided early on that no matter what, we were running long on Saturday. Despite it being the last day for our kids’ soccer games, we had to get our miles in. Halloween falling on a Friday night did not make things any easier.

Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!

Bright and early Saturday morning Stonegate picked us up and we drove to the Auburn Damn Overlook. I decided that we would try and repeat the run that Pigeon and I did a few weeks ago. You can read about that bear-tastic run here. I have not run this route often and I was a bit nervous that I would either get us lost or we would run into the bear or both. Luckily, only one of the two actually happened. 🙂

Our Halloween night consisted of a torrential down pour and crazy winds. We even lost power at my house. Saturday morning it was wet and drizzling, but considerably better than it had been the night before.

We arrived at the Overlook, quickly moaned and groaned about what we should wear on this run and set off. Within the first 5 minutes I had to stop and make sure we entered the right part of the trail but once we were on the canal trail, I was okay.

I have to giggle because both Stonegate and Burning Girl were squealing with “ooohsss!” and “aaaahhhss!” They were in trail running heaven and we had barely even started. I was getting excited for them. I love running with people who can appreciate the trail as much as I do.

Soon we reached the top of Cardiac Hill and just like Pigeon had warned me, I noticed the DO NOT ENTER signs that represented the private property boundary lines. Down the trail we hiked. It wasn’t long before I realized that something did not seem right. We saw an off shoot that led us to a road which I knew wasn’t where I wanted to go, but I knew the road would lead us to where we needed to be eventually.

The trail!!!
The trail!!!

So we ran a little bit of pavement until we finally reached the trail that I was looking for and it was breathtaking. The mist in the air and the river really just made the start of our so much better.

Burning Girl was beside herself. She even said within the first few miles that this was hands down, her favorite so far. I have to agree, it really is a beautiful route. The different “eco-systems” that you run through makes it so that you look forward to every mile (on the way out, on the way back … not so much).

The single track awaits!
The single track awaits!

While Stonegate and Burning Girl were loving every moment, I was on high bear alert. After my run with Pigeon, I just could not relax. Every sound had me turning my head. It wasn’t until we ran past a couple of lady runners that I finally was able to relax. In my head, I figured that they had chased away any bears. 🙂

One of the best features of this trail is that it rolls. Up and down but never too steep. Some of the hills require some hiking but we really ran the first half super well. I was in the lead and maybe I should have slowed us down a bit, but it felt like a nice steady pace.

Soon we approached our first bridge. I wrote about this area and the “awesome” signage back in 2010 when I was training with my Fleet Feet Group. You can read about that hilarious run here. Good times.

As it turns out, Stonegate and Burning Girl were just as impressed with the signage as I was the first time that I saw it. Sadly, you can’t see what the signs actually says in my photo. 🙁 I will give you a hint, it has to do with big furry cats that may be in the area (if you want to see what the sign says, click here).

Ya, we're not scared.
Ya, we’re not scared.

The bridge sign however … definitely made us think twice since the water was really flowing underneath. ]


Still, despite the wet, despite the “scary” signs, the girls were having a blast. The best thing about an out and back run, is that you have no excuses. No matter what, you will always have to run back the way you came to get yourself back to the car.

My legs were definitely tired on this run. I think the speed workout we did on Thursday was to blame but overall I felt okay. I am still battling some random tummy issues, but I guess I just have to get used to it. I have good runs and I have bad runs. This one, was definitely one of my better ones.

When we reached Avery’s Pond, I shared with the girls the story behind it and how it makes Pigeon and I laugh every time we pass. It might not have been as funny to them as it is to us, but no matter what, when I reach that pond, I smile.


The rest of the run out was pretty chill. We didn’t get lost (yea!) and when we reached Rattlensake, I knew that we only had to go a short ways before it was time to turn around.

When we reached out turn-around point, we stopped and fueled. I had to take off some layers as I was starting to get hot. I had finally reached that point of being wet vs being sweaty.

Look at that color!
Look at that color!

It was a glorious day on the trail. The rains may have come and gone, but they left such beauty behind. Finally the foliage was starting to change. We’ve been in such a drought that you can see how much the Earth appreciates the rain when we do get it.

Our route back was a bit slower. We definitely hiked up a few more of the hills than we did on the way out. Burning Girl mentioned that she had to laugh because the hills that she thought I would hike, I ran and the ones she thought I’d run, I hiked. 🙂 I admit, I like running steep climbs but not steep and long. Pigeon always gives me grief when I go running up a hill. Sometimes, the adrenaline just takes over.

One thing that I have to mention are the puddles. Clearly it had rained. The trails were wet and muddy and VERY slippery at times. MOST of the time, there were ways around the puddles that were laying in the middle of the trail.

I know the dangers of dancing around puddles. I’ve had my share of ankle rolls so when I can’t run on the side, I will just run right through them. Running through a puddle is so.much.fun! Most people are afraid to do it for the fear of wet shoes and wet socks but they dry! They dry so unbelievably fast and the wet water feels so amazing on your feet.

Since I was the lead runner, I have no idea what the girls behind me were doing. I didn’t hear the splashing that I heard when I would run through a puddle so I assumed they were running around them. A few times they laughed at the way the back of my legs or the back of my skirt looked.

Soon however, they had to run through the mother of all puddles out there. I missed getting a photo on the way out because they were hot on my tail, but I made sure to get one on the way back.

Smiles. All smiles!
Smiles. All smiles!

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So much fun!!!! I love runs like this!!!! It was on our way back that we talked about Stonegate and the fact that she has only ever run 20 miles. She’s never run past the 20 mile mark. She hurt her back training for a marathon and never made it to the 26.2 distance. Like the stud that she is, she’s skipping the 26.2 and heading straight for her first 50k.

We were on way back, hiking up Cardiac when my watch dinged mile 21. PARTY TIME!! We stopped and high-fived her and celebrated a little bit for her awesome milestone.

21 miles! Woot Woot!
21 miles! Woot Woot!

Once the celebration was over, we had to keep climbing. Once again, we got a little turned around climbing up Cardiac. There are a lot of “Private Property” signs and “Enter at Your Own Risk” signs but I swore up and down that this was the way we needed to go. I knew that the Cardiac Bypass was not the trail we wanted (FYI – the signage on this trail SUCKS).

But we made it. We popped out finally by the canal and were some what over joyed to be done with Cardiac. We walked for quite a while to get our lungs and legs back.

The temps were a bit chillier than they were by the water but we were determined to finish. I think we walked more along the canal on the way back then we did the entire run. No matter, when we reached the car, we were done! 24 miles in the books. Our longest run to date completed. It felt good.

Overall it was a good run. The girls worked on their fueling. They realized how much water they need or will need when it comes to our 50k. We also realize that we won’t be running quite as fast come race day. The elevation for the 50k is pretty steep and we know the adrenaline will get us at the start, but we also know we need to conserve.

I am looking forward the views that I have only heard about and seen online. I told them at the very least, if they stick with me, they will be stopping quite a bit for photos. They didn’t seem to mind. 🙂


Happy Trails!
























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That Dam(n) Race Half Marathon and 10k race celebrated its third anniversary this past Sunday and I was FINALLY able to participate! 2012 was its inaugural year and I was all signed up to do the half and Vans was signed up to do the 10k but unfortunately, Squeaker fell ill right before the race and I stayed home snuggling her all day long. Vans went on to run the 10k and had an amazing race.

The second year, the entire family volunteered to help at the race but Vans was super sick and it was quite cold so we didn’t stay long after the race. The girls and I had a blast though but I was due. I was due to finally run this race!

I registered pretty early for the race, determined to add it to my calendar. It did fall during a time in my training schedule where I was supposed to do a super long run but I tried to improvise. I reached out to my old Coach Nikon and to Pigeon to ask for their advice. Coach Nikon said I should do the race hard and then make up some of the miles before and after but he said that racing hard would be a great training run any day compared to a long slow day. Pigeon offered up running both Saturday AND Sunday. Well, as it turns out, due to a change in plans, I did end up running a little over 7 miles on Saturday and then did the race on Sunday. Boy did my legs feel it!

I left the house bright and early on Sunday because I wanted to get a close parking space. The fire-station at Cool is notoriously hard to park, particularly when a race is involved and I didn’t want to be a mile or two down the haul road from the start/finish area. When I parked it was dark and I realized that I had left my headlamp at home. Luckily the iPhone has that handy dandy flashlight feature!

Stonegate Girl quickly found me and we left our cars to get our packets. I saw Coach Nikon and the whole crew. It was nice to see everyone! I have missed my old trail people!

Stonegate Girl came and sat in my car with my seat warmers and we just talked until it was time to get ready for the pre-race briefing. Coach Nikon always puts on the best races. He had some neat raffle type gifts that he was handing out to everyone. I think everyone was smiling despite the chilly air and foggy skies.

Soon it was time to line up at the start. I still had my arm sleeves on and I wasn’t sure whether or not I would ever take them off it was that cold!

Coach Nikon blew his little horn and we were off and running. It took a bit for my legs to warm up and catch on that I was running and in this race, the hills come pretty quick. It felt odd at first to be running up some of the hills we typically walk during our training runs but I wanted the race to feel hard so I could say we gave it a good effort.

Stonegate Girl stuck with me the entire time. It was hard letting people pass us from time to time but we were focused on the task at hand, just running and not getting ourselves injured.

Up and down this race goes. Stonegate Girl had never been on some of these trails and was totally blown away by the beauty of it all. It was then that I wished that I had brought my camera. Luckily Stonegate Girl had her phone and snapped this awesome shot.


Soon we approached the hill for which this race is named. That Dam(n) hill is brutal. Switch back after switch back you go. What a great training hill!

I was feeling pretty good minus my stomach. I have continued to battle stomach issues lately and it was just hovering below the surface on this run. I knew I would only be able to run for so long before I needed to find a place to duck off the trail. Unfortunately on this portion of the race, there are not many spots to do this!

The volunteers at the aid-stations were awesome. They cheered us on and wanted to know if we needed any water or fuel. I don’t think we stopped at one aid-station. We used our own water and our own fuel most of the race. Always good to practice using what you may use in a race down the road.

Stonegate girl and I finally came to a spot that allowed us to duck off the trail and take care of business. I hated stopping because I knew it was wasting time but I had no choice.

Once we were moving again we came upon a pond and Stonegate Girl was beside herself with the beauty of this race. It was super well marked too, no getting lost on this course!

Finally, we could hear the finish line and we could see the line of cars lining up and down the haul road. I was ready to be done. My legs were toast and it felt like I was running in quick sand at times. My legs were spent and so was my stomach (again).  As we were approaching the finish line, I saw a sight for sore eyes … and I kind of teared up a bit.

There she is!
There she is!

My girls and Vans were waiting right at the entrance to the finish line! I was so happy to see them and they were wearing their big clunky rain boots because it was muddy out (great for mud, not for running!). 🙂

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Finish 1

Brining me to the finish line!
Brining me to the finish line!
Stonegate Girl and I post race
Stonegate Girl and I post race

My girls love this race and they LOVE Coach Nikon and his family. I think if the Peanut could, she’d go move in with Coach Nikon’s daughter Cheetah.

LOVE this race!
LOVE this race!

The rest of the afternoon was spent hanging out at the race and just talking to old trail running friends. Peanut was put to work though. She had to earn those extra “finishers” cookies. 🙂

Helping Coach Nikon and Cheetah hand out awards!
Helping Coach Nikon and Cheetah hand out awards!

Squeaker just follows along and was enjoying the pizza, cookies and music. I truly am so lucky to have such a great cheering section.

I like this song Dad!
I like this song Dad!
My cheering section waiting for me to finish!
My cheering section waiting for me to finish!

This was a great race and I would really like to run it hard some day. I know what I need to work on though because twos days of running had my legs feeling pretty wobbly after the race. Luckily there was a massage tent which I took full advantage of! It really helped knock the kinks out of my legs. My recovery has been slower than normal lately and I truly believe my lack of stretching is to blame (I know, duh!). I have been working on it! I also think a lack of quality strength training is hurting me as well.

I am looking forward to Coach Nikon’s other race, Miners Revenge in April. This is an amazing course and I am spoiled. Coach Nikon really puts on one of the best events in town. He is race directing his first 50K this February too! Check out this link to the Salmon Falls 50K! I am VERY tempted even though I swore up and down that eventually, I’d like to go back to doing shorter distances for a while. At least until my girls get a little older. I know I say this all the time, but it is hard being away from them for so long and ultras require time to train which of course I have been doing a terrible job of lately.

This Saturday will be two weeks until my 50K. After my run this Saturday it will be taper time!! We have a busy weekend ahead which I hope to capture on camera this time around and blog about. There may be another race report coming your way involving the ENTIRE family so stay tuned (and cross your fingers). 🙂

My Racing Family
My Racing Family

Happy Trails & Happy Halloween!






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Time just seems to be flying by me lately. I swear that just yesterday it was the first of October and I was super excited for my favorite month and now, BOOM we have less than two weeks left! Halloween is just right around the corner. The girls couldn’t be more excited about it.


Of course the time is also flying when I look at my 50k training plan and see that we only have three weeks or so until race day! Gulp. My training has been less than stellar compared to races past but I do what I can do, when I can do it, which seems to be my M.O. for most of my races.

I am so behind in so many other areas of my life right now, why not tack on lack of mileage for a 50k? My blog has been suffering lately, I am behind in my Rouxbe assignments and now add lack of training. Vans has been traveling lately for work so my time for other things is limited but I have been enjoying my solo girl time with those two cuties above.

I did get in one last long run before Vans left on his trip. Last Sunday Burning Girl and I decided to do the route that we had done with Stonegate Girl just two weeks prior. I was pretty confident that I knew the way … famous last words.

My "P's" - Pearl Izumi & Picky Bars.
My “P’s” – Pearl Izumi & Picky Bars.

Burning Girl picked me up and we drove to the Auburn Damn Overlook. The sun was up so I wasn’t too worried about the dark and I wasn’t even worried about seeing a bear like last week. We were on the other side of ADO and for some reason, in my head, that means I am safe. I know, not the best theory but I am going with it.

Off we ran down the hill and onto the single track. It was pretty darn cold compared to just two weeks ago. We were just chatting it up and we realized that without Stonegate Girl, we had to do a lot of the talking. 🙂 Which of course means that I was not paying close attention to where we were running. Yes, I took us down a wrong turn. We realized it pretty early on but we just kept going with it. We knew that the river always had to be on our right to be going in the right direction.

Up. Down. Over boulders. Under logs. We did it all. Soon we popped out onto a section of the trail that did look very familiar to me. I felt like this was the “secret” trail that I had been on a few weeks ago when I ran with another group. However, all of a sudden, things stopped looking familiar and we came across quite a few forks in the trail or turns. We’d stop, look around and make the best decision of what WE thought looked right. 🙂 Burning Girl is so easy-going. She wasn’t worried one bit but I was getting a tad bit nervous and could hear Pigeon yelling at me in my head. 🙂 Soon we came across this interesting piece of Blairwitch art.

Not scary at all.
Not scary at all.

Burning Girl thought this was pretty cool and so we stopped to take some photos. I felt very secluded but was hopeful that this trail would pop us back out onto the main trail where we needed to be.

Come on trail! Lead us!
Come on trail! Lead us!

We just kept running. I stopped talking and was being more aware of my surroundings. I didn’t like that some of the trail had a rock ledge above us. I always fear that something will be sitting on that ledge.

Finally however, we connected with the main trail and I was flabbergasted as to where I had made the wrong turn. We clearly came down to the river way too early and it bugged me. Burning Girl said to let it go, she loved the adventure.

Familiar Trail
Familiar Trail

I have to say, even when we were back on the normal trail, there has been lots of work lately on the trails, leaving them looking a bit unfamiliar at times. Still, now I know what I did wrong and I know where to turn next time. I swear.

The rest of the run was pretty fun. We ran into a LOT of other ultra runners out on the trail. On our route back we ran into numerous hikers and horses. So no need to worry (Dad), we were never far from someone out there. All in all, we got 15 hard miles done in a decent time and then soaked our legs in the canal again (which was WAY colder this time around).

In some other exciting news my fabulous Great Aunt Debbie came for a visit! Technically she is Vans’s Aunt and the girls’ great aunt – is that right? But we all call her the Great Aunt Debbie. 🙂 She came down from Idaho and we have not seen her in quite some time.

Luckily Facebook allows her to keep tabs on us and the girls and she is always my number one reader and commenter on this blog (Hi Debbie!). I wanted to share that she has lost 25 pounds recently! She has done so by really cleaning up her diet and added more exercise!

She reaches out to me from time to time for nutritional advice. She’s always been plant-curious, meaning she’s been thinking and asking about plant-based living. She does eat some meat but she’s really increased the greens and added foods like quinoa to her repertoire. I was super excited for her visit because she always asks me for recipes for the meals that I post on my Trailmomma Facebook page.

A  lot of what I have been making lately is either part of my Plant-Based Rouxbe cooking assignments OR from my two new favorite books. Mostly, I have to say, they have been from my two favorite books (Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook and My Beef With Meat) … and I wanted to share those books with my Great Aunt Debbie so that she can learn more about living plant-based and why it truly is the best and healthiest way to live.

Look at that skinny mini!
Look at that skinny mini!

She was super stoked to get these and she’ s already made a few of the recipes and is sold! I am super-duper happy. These books and their recipes are EASY. Really easy. I don’t have the time lately to prepare elaborate meals (although I do for my Rouxbe assignments) but I truly believe in the Esselstyn Family and their message about plant-based eating. It makes sense and for someone (like myself) who has a high family history of heart-disease, it is a no-brainer.
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However, I do enjoy making some of the more elaborate meals that Rouxbe asks us to make. They are time-consuming though and I find that I can only make most of them on weekends. One dish at a time.

Home-made Veggie Broth used to make Cabbage Soup
Home-made Veggie Broth used to make Cabbage Soup

The cabbage soup above was a shocker for many reasons. I had no idea it was THAT easy to make your own vegetable broth. Really, 90 minutes is all that it took (I did have an issue with throwing away all the veggies though). I also didn’t think I would like cabbage soup much but I was wrong. It was tasty! I made the above Esselstyn style – without any oils.

Cashew Bechemel aka Creamed Greens over Brown Jasmine Rice
Cashew bechamel aka Creamed Greens over Brown Jasmine Rice

I am not a cashew sauce fan. Mostly because I do not like the flavor and I do not like the amount of fat it can add to a dish, but in honor of my assignment, I made the above and I admit it was pretty darn tasty. It also makes A LOT of sauce … so I have been sharing it with friends.

Cauliflower Buffalo Wings - these were GOOD!
Cauliflower Buffalo Wings – these were GOOD!

Other than cooking when I can and running when I can, I still feel like life is flying by. I look at my girls and see how big they are getting. My blog happens when it happens. I’ve been reading a little more lately too, trying to find time to squeeze that in to let my brain rest at night (something I am not very good at doing). With Vans out-of-town, I have also been getting more sleep. Not every night but most nights. Some nights, it is the usual, I am up late finishing laundry, packing lunches, prepping meals and trying to squeeze in a few Rouxbe assignments but I make sure to follow it with a night where I do not do that and instead I read in bed. No tv. It’s been really nice actually.

Stress can come in many forms. It doesn’t always come from work, it can come from the things you enjoy like cooking and blogging and worrying (about not running enough). So, I am trying hard to calm my mind. I even woke up early one morning and stretched. That was it. I did some core work but mostly, I stretched my achy muscles and it was wonderful.

I have a lot to be grateful for in this world. I have two beautiful girls, a wonderful husband who supports my running as well as other craziness and friends and family that I cherish more than anything. So for me, I plan to stay on this planet a long time and combat the genes that were given to me as best I can. Healthy eating, exercise and mindfulness is the name of my game.


Happy Trails!













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After last weekend’s difficult run in Auburn, I was ready and anxious to up my miles. Training for this 50k has been more difficult than any other previous race that I have trained for. Although I have to say, even my prior CIM (California International Marathon) training sessions in the fall were getting harder and harder to squeeze in mostly because of family obligations. Now with the girls being more active and actually having games and events on the weekends, training is taking a back seat once again.

Luckily I am starting to realize my time limitations and have been making efforts to say “no” to things that would otherwise take up my time. My Rouxbe course is also getting a small bump lately. I am not behind in my assignments, but I am not as far ahead as I used to be and I also find myself doing multiple crash lessons one or two nights a week.

Sadly, this blog is also taking a hit from my limited time but luckily today I have a post! An exciting one at that! There will also be photos! It may also be a bit long so settle in.

Saturday was the usual in our house. Soccer game. Homework. Housework. Blah. One major thing did happen on Saturday afternoon that would set the tone for Sunday’s run. I was glutened. Now I have been glutened before and typically my reactions vary from mildly extreme to not so bad. Mostly, when you have Celiac Disease like I do, the damage is internal and if gluten is not avoided it could produce serious life threatening issues. Well, I made myself a sandwich on Saturday with what I thought was gluten free bread. Bread that I have had a few times before although not recently. I am not a bread eater anymore and gluten free bread is expensive to purchase. I typically only buy it from an online dealer once in a while and I buy in bulk and freeze.

I had my sandwich and within two hours I was violently ill. I am talking seriously ill. I have not been that ill for many many years. Let’s put it this way, I do not throw up. Ever. I cannot even be around it when others do it, like my kids or Pigeon when she has a tough ultra. Nope. I fear it and yet, I found myself hugging the garbage on Saturday afternoon for dear life. Not good.

Still, I was determined to get my run in on Sunday. So I let myself heal the rest of Saturday. I hydrated. I tried to take in food. I told myself if I can eat and hydrate enough Saturday evening that I could run. If I could not force myself to do those things, then I couldn’t run because you cannot run on zero fuel and be dehydrated.

Sunday morning I woke up and felt okay. I made sure I got enough rest the night before and while my stomach felt like I had been punched a million times, my energy was okay. I was able to consume some food and water which was also a good sign.

Pigeon and I drove to the Auburn Damn Overlook and waited for the sun to rise a bit before heading out. Pigeon planned our run. She wanted to take me on a different route, one that I have not been on in a very long time. She had run both Friday and Saturday so she was testing out her tired legs and I was just trying to get in 20 miles as best I could. Jumping from 15 miles the previous weekend to 20 miles the next is not the best training so don’t follow my lead here. 🙂

I shared with Pigeon at the start about what had transpired the day before with me and she was concerned and asked me if I was sure I could manage today’s run. I told her yes but that it may require a few stops along the way. I stop often no matter what so no big deal.


Our run started out along the canal. It was such a gorgeous morning. The air was cool but it was bound to warm up. The trail was empty minus some dog walkers. Pigeon and I just caught up on what has been going on in our lives the last month or so while we quick stepped around this very rocky technical trail.

As usual, Pigeon was testing out my memory asking me which way to go whenever we would hit an intersection or fork in the trail. Soon we came upon a parking lot and low and behold, it had a porta potty! I hollered that I was stopping. Pigeon asked for my camera … this would be a common theme throughout the day … her asking for MY camera.

Let's get Trailmomma in front of the porta potty!
Let’s get Trailmomma in front of the porta potty!

I told her that this was not exactly exciting blog worthy images but she insisted that I always take HER photo and now she wanted to take mine …. and boy did she!

Nice. Real nice Pigeon. 🙂

After that little break, we continued on. The sun was mostly up and the sky was just full of amazing color. I wanted to stop and take a million photos but Pigeon assured me to just keep going and that I would have my chance soon enough.


The canal trail leads you along until you come to the top of Cardiac (hill). Going down Cardiac is tough enough but remember, what goes down must come up and I knew that this hill would be revisited later at the end of our run. Still, we were about to head down and follow that river you see in the distance below.

There is my beauty shot!
There is my beauty shot!

Once we were at the base of the hill I knew exactly where I was. We were running the American River 50 course backwards. I haven’t done this since my group’s training days way back in 2010.

It is an amazing single track trail that just winds around and down and follows the American River. Occasionally it pops you out into a clearing with a view of the river. It is just gorgeous and this morning was no different.

Pigeon and were running and it was quiet. I would fill the silence once in a while but I was focusing mostly on my tummy and what was going on inside. I was drinking and fueling but it still felt like I was being punched in the gut.

As we rounded a corner, only about 5 miles into our run we both heard a loud SNAP of a tree branch and then a big THUD.  We stopped. We both instantly knew that was NOT the sound of deer.

We stopped and crouched low.
We stopped and crouched low.

Just up the hill (and off the trail from us) was a mama bear and her cubs! Holy crap! I have never ever actually SEEN a bear while running. I have seen one across the river in Tahoe. I have seen some in photos but I have never EVER in all my years running, come across one on the trail. With no one else around … out in the middle of no where.

Both Pigeon and I have whistles on our hydration packs meant for such moments. Did we grab them? Nope. We both grabbed our cameras!!! I was already low and slowly walking backwards as the mama looked as if she was coming down onto the trail. She saw us and instead encouraged her cubs back up the hill. They were playing.

Pigeon asked me “Do you want to continue?” I kind of didn’t but once we saw the bear was moving away from us, I was thinking that maybe we could keep running but I was a little concerned about our return trip and any other animals we might find along the way. As it turns out, this was going to be one heck of a nature run for us!


Still shaken by the bear moment, I was on high alert after that. The good news was that it made me stop thinking about my stomach! I would run and just keep my eyes out looking all around me. On open trails like the photo above, I would calm down a bit feeling safer.

The usual trail selfie!
The usual trail selfie!

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We were pretty quiet after seeing the bear. Both on hyper alert now, I quickly jumped when I saw 3 huge deer bounding up the trail off to our left. I called out to Pigeon about the deer but they were so fast she didn’t even see them.

We continued on our way and finally ran into 3 runners! I love when I see people on the trail. In my head, it lessens my chances of being eaten. 🙂

Avery’s Pond is a funny inside joke between Pigeon and myself and when we reached it we both laughed. But the laughter was soon squashed by the site of a man wearing camouflage up ahead on the trail. We said hello and he responded but it gave me the shivers. I think it gave Pigeon the shivers too so we kind of high tailed it out of there trying to create some distance between us since he was hiking in our direction. Always run with someone. Never run alone.

Soon we reached our stopping turn around point.


I was happy to stop and fuel a bit. My tummy was definitely feeling a bit better (nothing like adrenaline to fix that). Pigeon was multi-tasking…

Taking work calls on the trail.
Taking work calls on the trail.

We fueled, hydrated and starting making our way back the way we came. The sun was out in full force now and it was getting hot fast.

We never saw our hiker on the return (thank goodness) and we did pass a solo woman running on the trail! What the heck lady??! Do not run alone and definitely do no run alone with headphones in!!! My biggest pet peeve right there.

When we got back to Avery’s Pond we were welcomed by 3 little turtles sunning themselves on a log in the middle of the lake! They were SO cute!!

3 Little Turtles
3 Little Turtles

These are the kinds of animals I don’t mind seeing! 🙂 Pigeon let me stop and take some photos and then we were off again. Our pace was perfect. Her legs were tired and I was starting to feel the effects of just having low energy due to my stomach but overall, my legs felt great.

Soon we rounded a corner and BAM! Three deer, a mom and two babies went bounding off the side of the trail! Geez! What a crazy run this has been! Our blood was pumping and we were just in awe of all that we had seen so far.

We soon approached the water tower and I was joking that I may have to scale the barbwire fence to use the porta potty. Pigeon noticed that the gate was not actually locked!

Do I dare?
Do I dare?

No. No I did not dare. No breaking the law on this run and who wants to pee in a “high voltage” area!? 🙂 Back around the river we’d go. I was trying to remember these sections from AR50 but I think I mentally block out the last 10 miles of that race on purpose.

Finally we reached the base of Cardiac again and started our 3 mile climb. It was hot. Very hot and once again, Pigeon ran out of water so I shared what I had left in my pack with her. It was too warm and dry to climb without any water even though we only had 4 miles to go until we reached the Overlook.

Pigeon made me pose
Pigeon made me pose

The top of Cardiac was just as beautiful in the afternoon as it had been earlier that morning. What a glorious day! We didn’t see any other animals on our return after the deer, minus one suicide lizard that jumped in front of Pigeon causing her to leap and scream (hilarious). We did see LOTS of bear scat on the trail though …. they are out there. Always.

Back along the canal trail we ran both internally assessing how we were feeling. At one point, Pigeon let me take the lead and I could feel that I still had pep in my legs. They were strong after 20 miles. This just boosts my confidence level a bit. Slow and steady always finishes the race right? I don’t need to go breaking any records in my 50k next month, I just want to enjoy it and take a million photos! Typical Trailmomma.

When the canal trail popped us back out onto the road we saw the most amazing thing. I had heard some yelling and the next thing I knew I was telling Pigeon to look up!

Hundreds of white balloons!
Hundreds of white balloons!

There was something going on at the park near by and hundreds of white balloons were released into the sky! It was so pretty! What a finish to an absolutely amazing run! Pigeon and I just had smiles on our faces as we trudged up the hill back to the car.

We fueled, we went in the canal to ice our tired legs and we even washed off a bit as there was some poison oak out along the trail. When it was time to get in the car and head home I heard Pigeon curse. I hardly ever hear her curse.

What the??!!
What the??!!

She had dropped her car key and of course, it landed right smack in the middle under the car! I could not stop laughing. These things only seem to happen to us! 🙂

She was able to get the car key and we were on our way home. It was truly one of the most exciting runs in my running history. I am content not to top this … at least animal wise. No more bears please. As for Mountain Lions? If I see one of them while running, I can guarantee you I won’t need a porta potty.

Happy Trails!




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That is what Stonegate Girl said as we climbed to the top of the Auburn Damn Overlook on Sunday morning just finishing our run. It was quite fitting because that is pretty much how everyone feels after they run in Auburn (and up K2) for the very first time.

Our 50K training plan has taken a slight detour it seems lately. For various reasons, (illness, anniversaries, travel, work) all three of us missed our long run last weekend. All three of us are feeling the pressure to get some training miles in that actually count.

This weekend we had set aside time to head out to the bay area where our 50K is going to be (in November). Last weekend, while Vans and I were in Tahoe celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary, I decided I couldn’t stand the thought of being away from home another weekend. As much as I want to run in the bay area to see some of what we are up against, part of me actually likes the unknown.

So I texted Stonegate Girl and told her that I wanted to stay local. I said that I would take her and Burning Girl up to Auburn and we’d run this loop that I FINALLY have (or thought I had) memorized and down pat. Pigeon has taken me on this loop many times although she always throws in a curve ball to keep me on my toes. I was confident that I must have been paying attention for once! (go me!)

So bright and early (to beat the heat – yes, we STILL have heat) I picked the girls up and we were on our way. We arrived at ADO before 7 am, just as the sun was starting to rise. I showed them the rest rooms as I put on my gear. They wanted to wear their long sleeve shirts but I insisted they would regret it once we started moving. They listened and left them in the car and thanked me later. 🙂

Off we ran, chatting as usual. Every once in a while, we’d come to a clearing or spot that overlooks the river and they would just squeal with happiness. They were sold and in the zone already – loving every moment of the run.


When we made it to No Hands Bridge, some of us (me) took advantage of the porta potties. We all stopped to refuel … and for once, I wasn’t the only one taking photos of the awesome scenery surrounding us.

Burning Girl taking pics at No Hands
Burning Girl taking pics at No Hands

After No Hands I took them up and introduced them to K2. I’ve told them about K2 before and told them to take it easy as it is a long, LONG climb and when you think you are at the top, think again.

A few expletives left their lips a few times on that climb but they never stopped, they never wavered. They just kept hiking one foot in front of the other. Stonegate Girl did ask once if we’d reached the top and I sheepishly said, “I don’t think so,” knowing we had quite a bit more to climb.

Solid. Solid climbing is what K2 is and it can really put you in your place if you let it but it makes you stronger the more and more you climb it.

They made it! Still smiling!
They made it! Still smiling!

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We caught our breath a little at the top. I have been pretty sick the last week and I finally thought I had my lungs back but K2 was sure to put me in check a few times.

I took them to the Cool Fire Station and I showed them how they can refill their packs with water and how there were porta potties again. We all snacked and ate a little fuel because I think we were all feeling the climb and it was definitely getting warm fast.

We didn’t stay too long before we were off and running back down towards No Hands Bridge. I shared a few stories with them along the way and when we hit the down hill I told them this section rocks and to feel free to open it up if they wanted. Burning Girl was gone in a flash!

My ankle has been a little gun shy lately so I was trying to be mindful of where I put my feet but I did feel like we were running solid down the hill. We’d pass a few hikers and runners. It was a beautiful morning.

Back at No Hands we refueled again. The other side of No Hands was in pure open sun. The heat was upon us and it was barely even 10 am. I knew the run going back was not going to be pretty. I was starting to feel drained myself but I kept thinking it was my cold and lack of exercise.

Nope. Stonegate Girl mentioned that she was feeling sluggish too and losing steam fast. We’d walk and run as much as we could back towards the overlook.

We stopped in the waterfall again and drenched our bandanas. We said hi to hikers as they passed and then we came upon some horses. The trail was wide (fire road) but I noticed that Stonegate Girl and Burning Girl kept running. I called them to pull to the side and stop. I didn’t realize that neither one knew about trail etiquette when it came to horses. They’ve seen many mountain bikers on the trail, but not so many horses.

The way back is long and grueling but we managed. Stonegate Girl kept taking about soaking her legs because I told her that we could hit the canal after our run for a nice ice bath. For some reason, she thought the canal was the horse trough that we had passed at the start. I briefly thought about letting her go with that idea to see if she’d go in, but I was laughing too hard.

Go ahead, soak away!
Go ahead, soak away!

We finished in a smidge under 3.5 hours and had run about 15 miles. It was not what we had set out to do for the day but it was a solid run that gave the girls a sampling of some real hills, some elevation and some heat. It was a perfect day for everyone.  We tested new gear, tried some fueling experimentation and just got our legs back after our unexpected break.

I am looking forward to next weekend’s run where I hope I get to run with Pigeon too. I may need to juggle my schedule a bit though as the calendar is filling up fast. Training for fall races is always tough for me but we are hoping to add an extra day in the week to the schedule to help out a bit. Fingers crossed.

Happy Trails!


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