So a few days ago, I posted my very first give-away on www.trailmomma.com (you can find and enter that give-away by clicking here).

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Since that day, I have had quite the reaction to that post. Some friends on Facebook commented or “liked” my post, but did not “enter” the contest. I had friends approach me on the street about the blog, who looked at the syllabus and thought “Oh geez, I do not have that kind of time!” I have had friends and/or family email saying that they do not think they could “stick” with the course for a full six months.

I probably should have written this post sooner but I will be completely up front about my experience with Rouxbe to date. And no, I have not been paid to do this. I paid for my tuition (granted, with a discount from the company when I stressed the same concerns that have been expressed to me) out of my own pocket. But in no way, am I being compensated for doing this give-away. I am already enrolled. My time is committed. I do not get ONE single thing out of whoever wins this giveaway EXCEPT the knowledge that I have given the gift of learning more about plant-based cooking, being more efficient in the kitchen and how to live a healthier happier life.

The students in my current course class, are not all 100% plant-based. They are not chefs or professional cooks. Some of them have battled diabetes, celiac, being over weight or even cancer. They just want to know MORE and so should you. Why not? My give-away is FREE. What does it matter to you? If you don’t find the course to your liking or a fit for your family, then don’t finish. I would hope that you would notify Rouxbe and let them know. They truly value the opinions of others. If they didn’t, I wouldn’t be enrolled right now. I stressed my concerns about the course in an email, and because I  did, I was given a tuition discount. Note, not FREE tuition, just a discount.

So the bottom line is, what does this mean for YOU right? Everyone wants to know that. It is a valid question. Our lives are valuable. Our time is critical. We have jobs, families and commitments. Why should YOU give up some of your time? More precisely, just how much of your time will you give up if you enter my give-away?

Rouxbe’s prediction is 5 hours a week. Some weeks may require more than others. Right now, I am on the fourth unit. So far, I have not logged into my course dashboard every single night. How can I with swim lessons on Sundays and Tuesdays and soccer on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays and let’s not forget my full-time job and the job that I work on Sundays and oh yea, that 50K and marathon I am training for later in the year. Am I more of an extreme case? Yes. Absolutely. Are my “assignments” the absolute best of my ability? Probably not but I try.

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The “tasks” you see in the course syllabus vary. They can range from 2 minutes to 10 minutes. Some of the more extensive assignments involve a bit more cooking or prep but that just turns into dinner for our family. For example, the baby green beans that I steamed were given to the girls, the rest that was sautéed in a miracle mix of shallots and garlic (easy and simple) were enjoyed by Vans and myself.

The tofu on the bottom was for lunch. :)
The tofu on the bottom was for lunch. 🙂

So basically, I want to say, whatever questions you have, whatever reservations you may fear, please let me know. You can email me at: trailmomma@trailmomma.com if you want to ask private questions. Remember, the give-away is open until August 31st. You still have plenty of time to enter. You can enter the give-away by commenting on this post (click here).

My broccoli assignment.
My broccoli assignment.

The entry requirements may seem daunting too and I did not mean for that to be the case. You are not required to do all five. You can do one or even two and that could give you two “tickets” into the drawing. All I am saying is think about it. Do you want your family to eat healthier foods? More vegetables maybe? Less processed? I am sure not every dish I am going to make with Rouxbe will be fabulous. But it will be is DIFFERENT. It will be something I didn’t think of before. Something that I didn’t realize I could make so easily at home and more importantly, something unprocessed, something natural.

On a side note, I created my own Trailmomma Facebook page but I have yet to make it public. I am holding back but part of me wants to let it go because I want that to be the place where people can go for this type of information. My personal Facebook page is mostly for family and friends and I honestly feel like I am imposing upon them when I post things like this. If I go “live” I will post it here but in the mean time, take a look at what Rouxbe is offering you … FOR FREE. Five minutes of your time is all it takes to share on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and to comment. In the grand scheme of things, isn’t five minutes worth it when it could mean five less pounds? Five more minutes in the kitchen? Five more years of your life?

Happy Trails!


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This weekend’s run was definitely an eye opener for me. I always write about having good days and bad days on the trails and Saturday was definitely one of my not so great days. I completed the run. All 15 miles and 3200+ ft of elevation gain of it including a brutal climb up K2. Yet, I truly feel like I was battling my body the entire way.

The view from K2
The view from K2

I have my suspicions as to WHY I had such a bad run. Lack of sleep for one. Squeaker has been up one to two times a night most days of the week and yet I continued to go to all my morning workouts instead of making up for any lost sleep. I also had some dental work this week that has left me with the inability to chew anything too hard or too “sticky” and ultimately left me on a smoothie only diet for a few days. While smoothies are a great way to get your greens and vitamins in … they are not an ideal source of energy for multiple days on end right before you go do a run in super hot weather with significant climbing. Live and learn right?

I also learned on my run that some of my past fueling habits may have been helping me more than I thought since I was without one of my signature items on this run. Again, lesson learned.

Regardless, I am proud of the run that I had. It was with a group of people who I am fairly new to running with as Pigeon was working. This group is a bit faster than I am used to but I like that. It encouraged me to keep up the pace at times. Challenges are good. They inspire and motivate us.

After the run I hit the canal to clean off my incredibly dusty legs and also cool the muscles and joints down a bit.

The Canal
The Canal

I was home by 10:30 a.m. having started the run at 6:30 a.m. which was really nice and Vans was quite surprised by my arrival

I am digging the 15 to 20 mile distance right now. That also seems to be my internal mileage marker anyway. Anymore than 20 and I think I might be pushing things. My body is telling me to be gradual about my runs and for once, I am listening.

The rest of my beautiful Saturday was spent with my girls either doing art projects or watching them swim in the pool.

My artists
My artists

In the evening we made a family outing to cheer on the Sacramento Republic FC team against Oklahoma in one of their final home games of their inaugural season.
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Sacramento Republic FC
Sacramento Republic FC

The girls really enjoyed the game even though it was a super late evening. The Peanut has started playing soccer and for her, it was neat to see a real game in person.

Squeaker was a trooper
Squeaker was a trooper

Squeaker was starting not to feel very well. I could tell something was off when she was not enjoying the game. Needless to say, she woke up the next morning with a fever but she’s a strong kid and is fighting this cold with all her might.

Like I said, there have been a lot of highs and lows this weekend. Another one of the high points was having some quiet time Sunday morning to go over my Rouxbe cooking assignments and studying for one of my quizzes.

A peaceful morning
A peaceful morning

Just in case you missed it, last week I wrote a blog that contained my very first give-away. Click HERE to vist that post and be sure to comment so your name can be entered into the contest to win FREE tuition into Rouxbe’s online cooking school. I know everyone is worried they don’t have the time to fit this course into their schedule, but if I can do it (with three jobs, two kids, a husband and my training for an up coming ultra) than ANYONE can do it. Trust me. It is worth the time. What have you got to lose? It is FREE!

Squeaker, age 3
Squeaker, age 3
Peanut, age 6
Peanut, age 6

Happy Trails!


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Okay, I kind of have to control myself here. When I started this little blog in 2009, it was mostly to chronicle my running adventures and to showcase my girls and how fast they are growing. Most of my readership in the early days (on my blogspot account) consisted of my ultra-training group as we trained together for our first 50K and 50 mile races. It quickly grew however as people from all over the nation followed our training and were commenting on my posts. That blog was a labor of love but sadly, when my running slowed down, so did the blog posts.

When I purchased the Trailmomma domain name, I wasn’t sure what to do with this blog. The name alone lends itself to being a “running” blog which it is and of course it still encompasses my family and our adventures, but I have always felt that something was “missing” from www.trailmomma.com. It wasn’t a true reflection of me. If a stranger were to ask my friends or family what three things define me as Trailmomma, I would think they would say 1. my girls & family, 2. running and 3. living a plant-based lifestyle.

Deep down, I have always wanted to HELP people with my blog and I guess in the early days I did by way of motivation to train for ultra races. Once that stopped though, my following dissipated.

My current readership is primarily my awesome family and some really close friends which is expected when all I write about are my running adventures with a dash of Peanut and Squeaker on the side. Sadly, I don’t garner the comments I used to when I was posting about a 20 mile trail run through a massive rain storm while battling some injury. I miss all the comments that I used to get. I like comments (hint hint). 🙂


Fast forward to a week or so ago, I wrote this post about my new adventure with Rouxbe’s Online Cooking School and their Professional Plant Based Cooking Certification. After I posted that, I received a comment (yea for comments) from Rouxbe’s CEO and co-founder Joe Girard. Shortly after that comment, I received an email from him. His emails always seem to have these unbelievable offers that he makes really difficult to ignore.

You see, Joe wants to help ME… help YOU! I think he can tell how passionate I am about living a plant-based lifestyle while battling the realities of 2 kids, work and life. For those that follow me on Instagram, Twitter (@trailmomma) and Facebook (no official Trailmomma page, yet), you know that I sometimes post photos of meals that I have prepared with some comment about how “easy” it really is to enjoy wholesome plant-based food even with a hectic day-to-day lifestyle.

Getting the girls involved
The girls helping me with one of my Rouxbe assignments.

Let’s get one thing straight, I do not want to be a food blogger. Don’t get me wrong, I love food bloggers (a lot) but that isn’t who I am. I am just your average Jane trying to help people realize that eating healthy is not that hard. I want people to think about what they are putting into their bodies and how they feel or perform after they eat it. One of my favorite quotes of all time is by Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr., “Genetics loads the gun lifestyle pulls the trigger.” You have the ability to change your health, you just have to know where to start.

And thanks to Joe Girard and Rouxbe, you can start right here!

As I mentioned in my last post, Rouxbe is an online cooking school. While they offer many different courses, I am currently taking their Professional Plant-Based Certification course. It is 100% online and you have six months to complete the course working at your own pace (a mother’s dream). The next session will start in October and I won’t lie, the tuition is not cheap but I am here to help you with that.

For the very first time on trailmomma.com, I am offering a give-away!!! Joe and the people at Rouxbe have offered me the chance to give-away ONE free enrollment to one of my readers. FREE! Let me say it again, FREE!! Excuse me?! That is a $1,500 GIFT …. FOR FREE!!!!!!!!!

People, this is no joke and truly the chance of a life-time. Please do not pass up this opportunity to improve your health and the health of your family!

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I am going to give you FIVE opportunities to enter. The winner will be chosen via www.random.org but of course the more times you enter, the greater your chances of winning and jumping on the train to better health.

Here is what you need to do. Each of these will constitute one entry into the contest so be sure to comment for each one:

1. Facebook a link about this contest and leave me a comment on this post that you did (provide the FB link);

2. Instagram about this contest and leave me a comment on this post that you did and use the hashtag #plantbasedtrailmomma;

3. Tweet a link about this contest and leave me a comment on this post that you did (tag me in the post);

4. Comment on this post and tell me WHY you want to win this and what it will mean for you (*a bonus entry will be awarded to more thorough responses – so put some thought into it!);

5. Instagram (yes, another) a photo of your favorite plant-based meal and use the hashtag #plantbasedtrailmomma

That’s it! All you need to do is comment here five separate times with a with the above requests and you will be entered in the chance to win FREE tuition into Rouxbe’s next Professional Plant-Based Certification Course that is starting in October (valued at $1,500).

The contest will close Sunday, August 31st at mid-night (PST) and I will announce the winner on Tuesday, September 2nd.

So what are you waiting for?! Do you want to feel better, live better and have a healthy family? Have you always been curious about a plant-based diet but did not know where to start? Do you want to be better and more efficient in the kitchen? Then let the comments begin!

Happy Trails!


*The tuition entry prize is given by Rouxbe. I did not pay for any of it nor am I employed by Rouxbe in anyway.

*Open to anyone regardless of residence (that is the awesome part about it being online!).

*Contest ends mid-night (PST) on Sunday, August 31st The winner will be picked via www.random.org and announced on Tuesday, September 2nd.

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As I mentioned in this post, the Peanut’s swim season is over. It seems, for the time being, I have my Saturday mornings back! Pigeon wasted no time and emailed me that we were meeting at 6 am and hitting the trails by 6:30 since the temperature was supposed to hit the low 100s.

She had emailed me that we were doing the Clementine and Stage Coach loops using our car as a make shift aid-station between loops. I remember this run. You can read about that adventure run here … I very clearly remember it being anywhere between 15 and 20 miles depending on how we finished the route. Ouch. 20 miles!? I haven’t been running more than 7 or 8 the last few weekends. My last run of 15 was about two weeks before Pigeon ran the Tahoe Rim Trail 100 mile race. Still, I was excited. I have missed my weekend trail runs and all the adventures that follow and yesterday’s run had its share of adventure.

Let’s start out with me waiting at my car at 6 am at our usual meet up place. I see Pigeon drive in and park a few spots behind me. I immediately jump out of my car and head to the back to gather all my things. I grab my bag and cooler and walk over to the back of Pigeon’s car. “What is that sticker? Did Pigeon put a sticker on her car?” I think as I am about to throw my bag into the back of this car. I stop and realize it IS NOT Pigeon’s car! The woman in the car just looks at me. I turn around and there is Pigeon, in her car, behind me “What are you doing?” she says. I just start laughing. Luckily, I kind of knew the woman whose car I almost climbed into but she looked a little confused. Just to clarify, they were the exact same car (make, color, everything) this girl had a few stickers on her car that Pigeon would never put on hers. I quickly climbed into Pigeon’s car and we took of laughing pretty much the first 20 minutes over my mistake.

I was excited for this run because three other girls were going to join us! Pigeon had thrown it out there that we were running early and luckily a few other ladies wanted to join us!

The crew
The crew

I have run with some or all of these ladies at various points over the last year. From left to right we have: Doc, Legs, Miss P, Pigeon and myself. These ladies are awesome runners. They are all super strong and a lot of fun. I was definitely the slow one in this group.

We started off with some climbing. Nothing like starting the lungs out on a high note up a big hill. Doc, Legs and Miss P took off running. Pigeon is still recovering from her 50 miles at Tahoe two weeks ago, so she was content to hang with me hiking and running our way up the hill.

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We were just running along when all of a sudden my head gets stuck and I realize that once again, my pony tail was caught in the zipper on the back of my jenny vesta hydration vest.  This has happened numerous times to me on various runs. Trust me, I have tried two side braids, a french braid and even pigtails but my hair is that long that it sort of just swings and gets caught in the zipper. This time however, it was bad. I stopped and yelled to Pigeon to help me.

“What!? Again? You and your wardrobe malfunctions.” She comes to take a look at my pack and situation and goes, “Oh man, that’s stuck. That’s really stuck. I don’t think I can get that one out. I think you are going to have to pull a chunk out of your hair.” I start laughing and then start pulling. I could tell it was pretty wrapped in there. I pull and pull and all of a sudden I hear RIP! Ouch.

Yup, that's my hair!
Yup, that’s my hair!

We eventually made it to the top of the hill and the others were waiting for us. We shared my little drama story, each of them agreed that it must have hurt.

Off we went down the trail. It was a nice run. We’d sort of separate at various points, each of us talking to a different person for a bit catching up on what is new in life or for me, finding out more about some people. It really makes the miles fly by when you have runs like this.

Eventually we got back to our car after a 6 mile or so loop. I hit the restroom and then when I got out, it seemed everyone was ready. I refilled one water bottle and dropped another thinking I wouldn’t need it since my pack was still quite full and had some ice. One thing that I forgot to do, was grab any additional fuel. I didn’t eat anything on the first loop as it wasn’t that long but I knew the second loop had some additional climbing and that we’d face some heat.This is no tadalafil 5mg tablets more than a new method of email spam only it’s permission based. Yelling and vardenafil india a spanking isn’t always the best solution. There might be uterine malformations, leiomyoma or uterine fibroids, and Asherman’s Syndrome. tadalafil canadian pharmacy Some of the more common treatments are :- Prescription Drugs – These medications are usually consumed orally about an line uk viagra hour prior to a sexual act and the sexual health issues that he generally suffers from are causes behind this.

Off we ran up the Stage Coach hill. When we got to the top, Legs called it a day and ran herself back down to her car. The four of us kept going towards the Auburn Damn Overlook with Miss P leading the way. She took a little different route to get to the overlook than Pigeon or I am used to but we were content to just follow her lead.

At the overlook we all tried to soak our bandanas  in water as it was starting to really heat up and fast. The water in the fountains however was luke warm at best. Not exactly refreshing.

Down the hill we went. Occasionally we’d stop and talk to some runners who were also out running. It seems everyone was trying to beat the heat with an earlier start.

Doc bombing down the hill in the hot sun
Doc bombing down the hill in the hot sun

Miss P was really feeling great on this run and was quite a bit ahead of us at all times. She’s in training for some nice races this year but both her and Doc ran the San Francisco marathon just the weekend before. Like I said, studs. 🙂

Pigeon on her way down
Pigeon on her way down

Pigeon was starting to slow just a bit. She was still in good spirits but the heat was rising fast. While the climbing slowed me down more than I would have liked, the rest of the run I felt pretty good. Occasionally I would pick up the pace and run a little harder or run up some tiny hill. Clearly I need to work on my climbing and hill repeats in the near future.

Soon we were coming to No Hands Bridge and the decision was made, we would head back to the car instead of heading up to K2 to try and make our run 20 miles instead of 16. I was fine with that.

When Pigeon and I reached the car and cooled down and said goodbye to the girls, the temperature gauge at 10:30 am read 97 degrees. That is hot at that hour!

I was home by 11 am and excited to spend the day with Vans, Squeaker and the girls. We had a little pool party planned and it was nice to just relax poolside (as much as you can with a million kids under the age of 6 in a pool) and enjoy the weekend.

Our little mermaid

Happy Trails! (it felt so good to be back on them)


PS: I have some very exciting news to announce in the coming week or so. Please stay tuned and be sure to “subscribe” to my blog (in the upper right hand corner) so you don’t miss out on this amazing once in a lifetime opportunity.

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So for the last few posts, I have alluded to the fact that life has been extra busy and that I had a “big announcement.” Maybe I exaggerated a little bit or put too much emphasis on the “announcement” part. The simple fact of the matter is, I am enrolled in a cooking school. An ONLINE cooking school.

Let’s go back in time shall we? It may make a little more sense if I do.

Quite a few months ago, I was surfing the internet reading about Holistic Nutritionists, Life Coaches, Personal Trainers … all the things that interest me. Unfortunately, I have thought long and hard about my goals and dreams as well as the more realistic side of life (kids, house, mortgage, retirement etc).

Vans has been fairly patient with me. I would go up and down contemplating “what SHOULD I be doing in life?” The job that pays the bills, while not a horrible job, isn’t my “dream” job and definitely not one that fulfills my inner happiness.

But what DID make me happy? That was a question I repeatedly asked myself over and over. I had people ask me that question and follow it up with “What are you good at doing?” Honestly, nothing. There is not one thing that I excel at whole heartedly that would earn me a living. Not without some kind of degree or professional education behind me. Although I guess one could say that I excel at multi-tasking and having a lot of things on my plate all at once. 🙂

Sure if you ask me about plant-based eating or fueling for races using a plant-based diet, I will (and have) talk your ear off with a million suggestions, ideas or plans.

When someone questions my dietary choices and asks me “where do you get your protein?” or “how can you run ultras on a  plant-based diet and still feel okay?” I go into hyper explanation mode. I do not get defensive about it, I want to explain it, share it and hope they are inspired.

When I see those around me suffering from ailments that could easily be cleared up by improving their diet, I secretly pray they ask me for help. But why would they? I am not a Nutritionist. I am not a Dietician.  I have looked into going back to school to get those types of degrees but the cost and time alone is more than I can imagine right now, not to mention the experience that goes with having a job like that. I would be 80 years old before I had a few years under my belt not to mention the fact that I have two kids to put through college and two weddings to finance some day.

Quite a while ago, I took the eCornell Plant Based Nutrition course online. Most of what I learned in that three-month course was nothing entirely new to me. Sure it showed me the “science” behind what a plant-based diet can do and has done for many civilizations. It was interesting and I am glad that I took it as now I can say that I have a Certificate in Plant Based Nutrition from (e)Cornell. 🙂 Sounds so fancy.

Still, I wasn’t satisfied. I kept searching. Vans kept sighing and praying that I wouldn’t just up and quit my job all Jerry McQuire like … “Help me … Help you…” No, instead, I surfed the internet.

Randomly one day, I received an email in my inbox from an online cooking school that was offering a new course, a Plant Based Professional Cooking Certification Course. Wait, what?! So I did what most people do not do, I clicked on the email link.

It brought me to the Rouxbe Plant Based Professional Cooking Certification homepage. I surfed around on the page a bit and then did what most paralegals by day would do … I researched the living crap out of this company. Who are they? Who has taken their courses? What are they doing now? How long have they been around?


Some what happy with what I discovered, I signed up for a free trial. The free trial allowed me a day or two of access to some of the recipe videos and other teaching videos to give me a feel for how the course would be structured. I mean, come on, who can take a COOKING course…ONLINE?

Rouxbe 2

After my free trial ended, I received an email from the school asking me what I thought about my free trial. Totally thinking that this was purely an automated email, I responded and basically asked them what is up with this course? It is crazy expensive and the syllabus seems very daunting. I basically said that I was a full-time working mother of two kids, with three jobs, a husband and lots of extra curricular activities … oh yea, and I have been plant-based for 20 years so IS this course worth my time and money?

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I received a reply … from the co-founder and CEO of the company! He not only answered all my questions he also said, “I don’t have kids, but I do know that many of our students DO have kids. So that all depends on how busy you are with Peanut and Squeaker (yep, stalked you :-). I would say this is a very good question and I really want Rouxbe to be able to empower busy moms and families on how to cook better. So I have a deal for you…”

Um, what? He stalked me? Sure enough, he read my blog and his “deal” was very Godfather like “an offer too good to refuse.”

Ultimately, he cut a significant amount off the tuition price for me on the agreement that I would track the time it takes to finish the course as well as document any challenges that I may face along the way. This would give them the feedback they need to modify the course in any way for more people like me.

Tuition reduction alone, this said to me that they truly care about educating mothers/fathers about how valuable a plant-based diet is and how important it is for our families to eat this way.

I agreed and the rest is history. I started my “schooling” on July 23rd and I have approximately 6 months to finish (sometime in January). Some people think I am completely nuts and I won’t lie, there are days when I am ready to pull my hair out thinking about all that I have to accomplish in a day, week, month. I may need to reconfigure some of my priorities, but for now, I am thoroughly enjoying the course.

Rouxbe 3

The format is nothing short of amazing. The video quality for some of the lessons is outstanding and the manner and detail in which some things are taught, is very impressive. I am not that far into the program obviously, but so far it involves performing certain activities and taking specific photos of your work and uploading them for grading. There are tests and quizzes and practical diagrams. Very hands on.

Overall, I am quite impressed and eager to keep moving forward in the program. I do find myself stressing some days about whether or not I will be able to complete it. Some days I find myself studying while at work (you can view the program on your iPhone) during the lunch hour etc. Some days I can’t fit a single lesson in which means that on another day I will have to double up on lessons.

Ironically though, within the last few weeks I have had quite a few friends ask me about plant-based diets. Either they are just curious or they have had some sort of health scare and are looking for a change, I am happy to share my experiences with them. Hopefully, down the road, after this course, I will be able to share even more.

After all of this internal searching for what I am “supposed” to be doing in life, I realize that what does make me happy is sharing and showing people how living a plant-based diet doesn’t have to be hard. It truly doesn’t once you learn some basics and I would love to be able to take someone to a grocery store and show them the products they need to buy (or more importantly NOT buy) and then take them home and show them how to prepare an easy plant-based meal that will heal them from the inside out.

For now, I am content to continue on with my course while maintaining my every day job(s). I answer questions at work almost daily about following a plant-based diet or how to cure something holistically. Maybe I am supposed to be where I am in order to help those around me?

Either way, I am excited about this journey and I am sure Vans is excited to have a few more recipes thrown into our repertoire.

Happy Trails Cooking!





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