Over the last few weeks, Vans and I have been watching quite a few documentaries that have been on our “list” for a long time. Ever since I made him watch Vegucated and Forks over Knives last year, he’s been pretty open to watching whatever I ask him to watch with me. As a result of watching Forks Over Knives, he became a vegetarian and has remained so for a year. So over the course of the month we have watched two documentaries. First we watched, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead .

Fat Sick and Nearly Dead follows Joe Cross, a very sick, a very unhealthy over weight Australian who has decided that he wants to be off his medication (steroids and blood pressure pills), he desires a balanced lifestyle and wants to educate America in the process. He travels 3,000 miles in the course of 60 days and survives solely on juicing fruits and veggies.

The movie itself is done well but what really grabs you, is when Joe befriends this down on his luck, near dead trucker named Phil. I almost wanted to cry in places as it was just touching how Phil, this very large man, reached out and asked for Joe’s help. Watch it. You won’t regret it.

After Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, Vans and I watched Tapped. I’ll admit, Vans was not super excited to watch this one since it was about “water” but I think he was a little surprised at what was in the film. I think most of society knows that the bottled waters Dasani (Coke’s brand) and Aquafina (Pepsi’s brand) are plastic bottles filled with tap water. Yes, tap water. You’ve just paid close to $2 for something you could have got for free from your kitchen sink. What the film also relays, is that Nestle brand is going into various parts of our country (like a small town in Maine) and taking from their water supply to bottle and then resell Nestle brand water! This is just insanity to me! When North Carolina and Georgia were in the midst of their drought period a few years back, both Pepsi and Coca-Cola refused to stop their water bottling process in those areas!

Add to this, the amount of toxic plastic being made to contain this “bottled” water. Insane! If you watch the documentary, you will see they picked seven name brand waters off the shelf and had scientists check the content. You’ll be quite surprised to see what they find.

The main message that I got from this movie, is that municipal water is tested numerous times a DAY because it is highly regulated. Bottle water is NOT regulated, by anyone. They don’t have to turn in reports to the FDA. So, what are you going to trust, a source that is tested numerous times a day or something that is never tested and you have no idea what you are getting?

I love documentaries like this. What also shocked me is they did a study on those large jugs that people fill up at places like Whole Foods and then bring home and attach their water cooler. Here are these people thinking they are saving the environment by not buying bottled water when those large plastic bottles contain more damaging toxic materials than the single serve plastic bottles.

Now I am not going to jump on a juicing band wagon although I do drink green smoothies most days of the week and I can definitely feel the difference when I don’t. Sure, I would love to have my own juicer. My mother-in-law let me borrow hers for a month and I did love it but it was a little on the old side and a real pain to clean. I will be honest, I am a full-time working mom with two kids, I don’t have time to scrub 100 pieces to a juicer. I want one but I need to do my research. MommyD over at Be:Well:Run has the Herom Juicer which is definitely one I’d like to own myself. However, I need to find some extra cash and some extra space to have it. Once the girls are done with their “kids plates and cups” that drawer will be empty and just asking for more gadgets.

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I know this is not my normal post for a blog. This weekend has had me thinking a lot about life, work and health. I am about to have surgery later this week and I am sure that will give me even more time to think when I can’t run or exercise for a minimum of two weeks. My goal is to work on my core (one can never work on that too much) as well as revive my meal prep rituals for the weekends and meal planning in general. Healthy people heal faster.

I know a lot of my family members read my blog. Actually, I think MOST of my family members make up my whole readership. I love my family and I want my family around for a long time. The key is nutrition. Hippocrates did say “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Those are some pretty strong words.

Let’s all try to consume more vegetables this week. They don’t have to be for dinner alone. Find a way. Your body will thank you.

And just so I don’t lose all my readers with this soap box movie review post, I will let you know that this past weekend was our annual camping trip in Tahoe. You can read about our previous camping trips here, here and here and get an idea of what is to come.

I’ll be back later this week with a glimpse and about a million photos of our Labor Day Weekend Camping trip. Have a great week! ~Trailmomma



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This weekend was very eclectic for me. Friday started off with the end of the year Luau at Squeaker’s daycare. That is always fun because the girls just go crazy in the bounce and it completely exhausts them!

Saturday morning I had an online class with Hol-Fit. I signed up to take her Healthy Sustainable Kitchen Back to School Edition class on PowHow. Ange is amazing at what she does and I always find her classes interesting and informative in some way. I also always feel a tad bit guilty because I always feel like I am not doing the best for my kids in regards to the food choices I let them make. Anyone with kids knows how hard it is to get them to eat certain things and my two little bugs are seriously two of the pickiest kids on the planet. I know every mom says that, but the Peanut truly is the pickiest kid ever! She doesn’t like fruit (NONE! not bananas, not applesauce, nothing!), no smoothies, she dislikes most breads, most meats (other than chicken nuggets) and no crackers! Seriously. We just recently started her on eating peanut butter but she really even doesn’t love that (this alarms me as she cannot be my child if she doesn’t like peanut butter). So packing her lunches for school has been more than an arduous task to say the least. To add fuel to the fire, she’s also stubborn. That saying “when they are hungry they will eat” doesn’t fly with her. She just doesn’t eat. For a month she let her lunch box come home from summer camp with barely a bite taken. She just chose not to eat (I wish I that kind of power).

Ange’s class included some new recipe ideas and just different ways to approach packing lunch but mostly, it involved how to make the most out of the time you have on the weekend and a few minutes each week night to put something together so you are not always in the kitchen. The Peanut actually likes the school’s “hot lunch” plan so we are compromising and letting her have two days a week of hot lunch which means I need to pack a lunch (and snacks) for three days a week. This makes us a both happy in some regard. I don’t love leaving her to eat the school food entirely but if this avoids little wars at night, then so be it (for now).

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Enjoying Quinoa Crusted Chicken (hmm all my photos are blurry aren’t they?)

Other happenings this weekend is I went for a run (the Ridge Loop of Death) and my ankle was in such excruciating pain that I wanted to chop it off. I have complained about my ankle for a while and it was basically the reason I’ve stopped running the mileage I have this last year. I don’t think I have shared on here before what is going to happen but I am finally having ankle surgery. I have a bone spur on my talus bone which is mostly likely a result of a gnarly sprain that happened in 2009. It is finally getting to the point where it is too painful to run, squat, drive and pretty much do anything that involves me flexing my foot. So, in two weeks, I am going under the knife and having the bone spur sawed off and the talus bone burned to prevent further growth. I’ll be out of commission for a while. Geez, if you thought this blog was boring now, can you imagine what it will be like in two weeks! Stay with me, I promise to try and find a purpose for this blog! Also, I have high running goals for 2014 and I need this surgery and recovery to be a success so that I can accomplish those goals.

I purged my closet a little and gave quite a bit to Good Will today. That always makes me feel good. I also (finally) purged our freezer. You see, Vans has been a vegetarian for almost a year now but our freezer still looked as if a meat eating bachelor lived here. He is a sucker for sales or clearance items and so our freezer was full of boxed frozen dinners, pizza, pie and lord knows what else. Vans also has very high blood pressure and the last thing that he needs is a sodium laden frozen dinner. I don’t stress out making healthy dinners for us each night to have him die of a heart attack before he’s 45. No way jose so I purged the freezer and it felt darn good!

Anyway, at some point I plan to point this blog in a direction. Right now, it stems from my previous blog where I blogged a lot about running and all my adventures. Sadly, I don’t have any adventures anymore.  I guess you could say I am looking for a purpose. I am looking for that “thing” that I am good at and trying to foster and excel at it but as sad as this sounds,  I cannot think of one thing that I am “good” at doing or that people look to me to do or handle. They say, the thing you do best tends to be the thing you put off but I haven’t really found anything. Sad, I know. And I am almost 40! Some day.

I leave with you photos of the weekend …

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Date Night!!! Supporting our local CCI.

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C’mon, how cute are these guys!?

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The perfect Sunday morning. My book and my patio.


I love this photo more than words can say. Sisters, giving each other a lift!





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Yesterday was Van’s birthday. In the past we’ve gone on some great trips as a family to Tahoe or Tiburon to celebrate but with the start of kindergarten, we had to keep things closer to home this year.

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Vans had to work so the day started off pretty normal but after work, the girls and I took him to The Purple Place which is one of our family favorites. I had arranged for two other families (each with two kids) to meet us there for dinner and drinks. Craziness ensued but in a good way.

photo 3Squeaker has had some tummy troubles lately and as a result, we’ve taken her off dairy. Things have steadily been improving so we’ve occasionally let her have some dairy here and there, but never too much (don’t worry, I won’t get on my soap box now and rant about how terrible dairy is for you). The girl is a dairy addict and so last night when all the kids got the grilled cheese as their dinner, Squeaker’s eyes lit up. As typical kids do, they all nibbled their sandwiches leaving about a inch plus crust (god forbid they take a bite too close to the crust!). Squeaker just inhaled hers. Whole. I don’t think she even chewed it. A few minutes later I catch her sitting in the corner with more grilled cheese! “Where did she get that!?” I think, then I realized, she’d been stealing all the left over grilled cheese corners from all the other kid’s plates and was eating them! She must have consumed about 4 grilled cheese sandwiches last night! Oh boy.

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Yum! Grilled Cheese Please!

During dinner the owner of The Purple Place came over to say hello and see how our dinner was that evening. We mentioned that it was Van’s birthday and he immediately wanted to buy him a shot! Vans declined so instead the manager brought over this huge bowl of vanilla ice creaming sitting on top of a huge oreo cookie brownie! All the kids went bug eyed when it arrived and the manager had to go back and get 10 spoons and little bowls. The kids (and Vans) were in heaven. Squeaker had a small bowl too … that girl is going to have a tummy ache today for sure!
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After dinner we went home where Vans opened his birthday presents and cards. All in all, I think it was a nice evening. He even mustered up enough energy to go back out with the guys and hit a few bars while all us girls just went to bed. Yup, I am lame like that. I was tired.

Not a whole lot planned for this weekend. We do have a babysitter coming on Saturday (woot woot) so that Vans and I could have dinner and have a nice night out although it IS the last concert in the park (our kids love concert in the park) so I kind of feel guilty not taking them.

Tomorrow morning I am taking an online class from Ange over at Hol-Fit. She teaches these awesome PowHow classes and this will be my fourth. My favorite has been her Meal Prep class where she teaches you how to make the most out of an hour or two on the weekends to prep your meals for the week. Tomorrow’s class is her Back to School Edition where she will explain how to prep lunches for the week for our little ones that are healthy and won’t take up our weekday evenings. I am excited even though I have a feeling my girls won’t eat half of the healthy food she is going to suggest but I love Ange’s teaching methods and delivery and really just enjoy supporting her in these types of things because she does make a difference. She definitely has changed my way of thinking about a few things and for that I am truly greatful.

I also hope to get a Ridge Loop of Death run in prior to her class … I just need to muster up the strength as Diane’s workouts this week have been leaving me super sore! In a good way though!

Happy Friday all!

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♥ Trailmomma


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Even though it is only Tuesday, so far it has been a good week! Tonight I came home to find a package in my mailbox from this girl. Woo hoo! A few weeks ago, I commented on her blog and I won a pink HooRag!

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 Krista, as you can see from her blog, has a bunch of uses for her HooRag (and looks a helluva lot better in it than I do). I took the easy route and did what I thought was probably the easiest (and dullest) of uses.

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Snot rag on the wrist for running.

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Horrible photo Neck Scarf for colder running weather

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Something to wear when I rob a bank or run in this smokey weather.

photo 5

Or the good old doorag/head band look

Right after I took that last photo the Peanut entered the room and said “Mommy, what is on your head? Isn’t that what old ladies wear?” Hmm, smart kid.

Even though I have not been running very much lately, I have plenty of ideas for the HooRag and I can’t wait to put them to use.

You can always check out their website: if you want to see their youtube video to learn more or purchase one. Vans kind of liked it as he needs something to wear under his bike helmet to collect his sweatiness. I am so glad I won a pink one! He won’t steal that from me the way he has taken my various arm sleeves in the past.

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Welcome!! Originally I used as my blog location. If you want go back and read where it all started, feel free as I do not plan on closing that blog any time soon. It holds a dear place in my heart and my goal to eventually print all my posts into a book format for Squeaker and Peanut still holds true.

However, I am attempting to move forward with technology and dabble in a little web-design so please bear with me during this transition period.

When it comes to race reports however, I plan to update both sites as that is something I tend to go back to from time to time and if for some reason, I choose not to keep up and running after my contract date, I’ll always have my race reports over at (for those who are interested in that kind of thing).
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So, welcome and wish me luck on the new site!


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