That is what Stonegate Girl said as we climbed to the top of the Auburn Damn Overlook on Sunday morning just finishing our run. It was quite fitting because that is pretty much how everyone feels after they run in Auburn (and up K2) for the very first time.
Our 50K training plan has taken a slight detour it seems lately. For various reasons, (illness, anniversaries, travel, work) all three of us missed our long run last weekend. All three of us are feeling the pressure to get some training miles in that actually count.
This weekend we had set aside time to head out to the bay area where our 50K is going to be (in November). Last weekend, while Vans and I were in Tahoe celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary, I decided I couldn’t stand the thought of being away from home another weekend. As much as I want to run in the bay area to see some of what we are up against, part of me actually likes the unknown.
So I texted Stonegate Girl and told her that I wanted to stay local. I said that I would take her and Burning Girl up to Auburn and we’d run this loop that I FINALLY have (or thought I had) memorized and down pat. Pigeon has taken me on this loop many times although she always throws in a curve ball to keep me on my toes. I was confident that I must have been paying attention for once! (go me!)
So bright and early (to beat the heat – yes, we STILL have heat) I picked the girls up and we were on our way. We arrived at ADO before 7 am, just as the sun was starting to rise. I showed them the rest rooms as I put on my gear. They wanted to wear their long sleeve shirts but I insisted they would regret it once we started moving. They listened and left them in the car and thanked me later. 🙂
Off we ran, chatting as usual. Every once in a while, we’d come to a clearing or spot that overlooks the river and they would just squeal with happiness. They were sold and in the zone already – loving every moment of the run.

When we made it to No Hands Bridge, some of us (me) took advantage of the porta potties. We all stopped to refuel … and for once, I wasn’t the only one taking photos of the awesome scenery surrounding us.

After No Hands I took them up and introduced them to K2. I’ve told them about K2 before and told them to take it easy as it is a long, LONG climb and when you think you are at the top, think again.
A few expletives left their lips a few times on that climb but they never stopped, they never wavered. They just kept hiking one foot in front of the other. Stonegate Girl did ask once if we’d reached the top and I sheepishly said, “I don’t think so,” knowing we had quite a bit more to climb.
Solid. Solid climbing is what K2 is and it can really put you in your place if you let it but it makes you stronger the more and more you climb it.

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We caught our breath a little at the top. I have been pretty sick the last week and I finally thought I had my lungs back but K2 was sure to put me in check a few times.
I took them to the Cool Fire Station and I showed them how they can refill their packs with water and how there were porta potties again. We all snacked and ate a little fuel because I think we were all feeling the climb and it was definitely getting warm fast.
We didn’t stay too long before we were off and running back down towards No Hands Bridge. I shared a few stories with them along the way and when we hit the down hill I told them this section rocks and to feel free to open it up if they wanted. Burning Girl was gone in a flash!
My ankle has been a little gun shy lately so I was trying to be mindful of where I put my feet but I did feel like we were running solid down the hill. We’d pass a few hikers and runners. It was a beautiful morning.
Back at No Hands we refueled again. The other side of No Hands was in pure open sun. The heat was upon us and it was barely even 10 am. I knew the run going back was not going to be pretty. I was starting to feel drained myself but I kept thinking it was my cold and lack of exercise.
Nope. Stonegate Girl mentioned that she was feeling sluggish too and losing steam fast. We’d walk and run as much as we could back towards the overlook.
We stopped in the waterfall again and drenched our bandanas. We said hi to hikers as they passed and then we came upon some horses. The trail was wide (fire road) but I noticed that Stonegate Girl and Burning Girl kept running. I called them to pull to the side and stop. I didn’t realize that neither one knew about trail etiquette when it came to horses. They’ve seen many mountain bikers on the trail, but not so many horses.
The way back is long and grueling but we managed. Stonegate Girl kept taking about soaking her legs because I told her that we could hit the canal after our run for a nice ice bath. For some reason, she thought the canal was the horse trough that we had passed at the start. I briefly thought about letting her go with that idea to see if she’d go in, but I was laughing too hard.

We finished in a smidge under 3.5 hours and had run about 15 miles. It was not what we had set out to do for the day but it was a solid run that gave the girls a sampling of some real hills, some elevation and some heat. It was a perfect day for everyone. Â We tested new gear, tried some fueling experimentation and just got our legs back after our unexpected break.
I am looking forward to next weekend’s run where I hope I get to run with Pigeon too. I may need to juggle my schedule a bit though as the calendar is filling up fast. Training for fall races is always tough for me but we are hoping to add an extra day in the week to the schedule to help out a bit. Fingers crossed.
Happy Trails!