I finally have a race report to post about! Yea! No foodie posts today … this will be a race report for theรย Big Blue Adventure Emerald Bay Trail Race (formerly known as Bay to Bliss).
I have been running this race since 2010. When I ran it in then, I was pregnant with Squeaker but did not know it. Those hidden hormones helped apparently as that was to date, my current PR for this race. It was also the day my family fell in love with this race and all it has to offer.
You can read my 2010 race report here.
You can read my 2011 race report here.
You can read my 2012 race report here.
In 2013 I was signed up for the race but decided to have ankle surgery about 3 weeks prior to the race. While I was able to run at 3 weeks (I ran and won a road race – read that report here), running on a technical trail like Emerald Bay was just not in the cards. The Race Director was awesome and granted me a transfer to the following year. You only get one. I was signed up for the 2014 race as early as I possibly could be and I couldn’t wait.
As the date approached, I was getting pretty excited but also nervous. I was nervous because we have been witnessing one of the biggest fires to hit the El Dorado County area in over 20 years. The King fire has been burning for over a week now and the smoke just fills the air every single day. We weren’t sure the race would even happen. TiggerT was supposed to do the race with me but she decided to heed her internal warning and stay home.
The other thing that made me a bit nervous was the fact that due to the fire (and road closure of highway 50) Vans and the girls would not be going. They love this race and I love that they come. Instead, they stayed home and went to the Peanut’s soccer game while I drove myself solo to Tahoe to meet up with Stonegate Jenn and her friends.
For her birthday weekend, Stonegate Jenn wanted a girls weekend and so there were 7 of us in a house and all 7 of us were signed up to do the race. Having to sleep in a new bed and do a whole different morning routine weighed heavily on my mind but at the same time, I thoroughly enjoyed the company of these girls.

Race morning I woke up about 5:30 am. The race started at 9 am and we had agreed the night before that we’d leave the house at 7 am to do a car drop so we would not be stuck taking the shuttle as the race is a point to point. I wanted some down time. Some time to have my lemon water and some coffee and some quiet time to hopefully clear the old system since typically, my body takes a few days to get use to Tahoe altitude.
By the time everyone else woke up, the house was a buzz with excitement. The skies were a clear blue, not a smoke cloud in sight which was a relief as we really thought the fires would have put a damper on our race.
I ate my usual Picky Bar at the house, along with a coconut water to replenish what I lost via a glass (or two) of wine the night before.
Into the car we piled and off we drove to DL Bliss State Park, the finish line of the race. From there we stuffed ourselves into Twin Karla’s giant automobile and headed to Emerald Bay State Park which was packed. We were late getting there but in typical Tahoe fashion they were still having people sign up and sign in.
We picked up our packets, bibs and shirts and then Stonegate Jenn, Salmon Falls Kristin and I made our way down the hill to the starting area. The other girls were waiting for various people or using the porta potties, I can’t quite remember.
While at the start line we all chatted. It was not cold at all. We talked gear and shoes. I decided this year to carry a small handheld. I have never carried water for this race as it is only 7.5 miles but I recalled from 2012 that the dust was bad and the aid-stations were sparse. I decided to give it a shot. In hind sight, I am glad that I did.
The girls were standing off to the side which is odd to me. I am a “behind the starting line” kind of girl. I don’t get first in line, but I like to be near the front. When Todd the race director gave his speech, I slowly started inching my way to the starting area and the girls followed.
The start for this race is very informal. No timing mat (there is a mat at the finish) and no gun or horn. Basically it is a guy with an iPhone that says “ready, set go!” That’s about it.
Stonegate Jenn was next to me as we started running up the paved hill to the trail. This race starts ON a hill and goes up hill for almost half a mile. It isn’t easy to start that way, especially at altitude.
There wasn’t much talk between us, occasionally a few observations but we just huffed and puffed and kept moving determined not to walk. Finally we hit the trail and she asked me if I wanted to lead and for some reason, I said no.
She bounded down the few stairs and onto the single track and off we ran. People were passing us left and right and it was playing with my head. I wanted to go out fast. I wanted to run faster but Stonegate Jenn was keeping it nice and steady. I even commented to her that she was keeping me steady.
We did pick up the pace though and really started running once all the passers went by. She lead and I followed. Our breathing was quite labored as we were trying to find our “Tahoe lungs” as people call it. Finally at one point, Stonegate Jenn let me get in front and I led the way.
We passed two little kids who had been in front of us. I was impressed with their pace but internally I didn’t want to be beat by a couple of 10 year olds. ๐
Finally at one point, Stonegate Jenn called from behind, “You go girl! I need a minute.” I said, “You ok?” and she said yes and I kept running. I figured she’d catch up shortly after doing whatever it was that she needed to do.
As it turns out, I never saw her again until the end of the race. I just kept pushing and pushing myself. I ran most of the ups and I would excel as fast as I could on the downs. The terrain is super technical and rocky and in various sections you find yourself climbing stairs, boulders and ducking under giant rocks to run/walk a ledge along the lake.
I recall miles 4.5 to 5.5 being the absolute worst. I had to walk the stone stairs. There is no way anyone could run those. They are just uneven and difficult. Once I started walking those, I felt like the walking never ended but then again, the hills never seemed to end either.
I remembered that I had found a Starburst candy in my car the day before and I had tucked it into my water bottle just in case I needed some kind of boost of sugar on the run. As it turns out, that little tiny candy saved my butt! I found it, opened it and just chewed. It took about 10 minutes for it to kick in but when it did, I totally felt like a new runner.
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I was running the hills again and flying the downs. I was stuck behind some girl who ran with headphones blasting on the most beautiful trail and it annoyed the crap out of me. Nature people! The views are amazing on this run and she ran with music blaring so loud we all could hear it.

She was on my tail at one point and I finally let her pass. She was too close for comfort and all it would take is for her to wipe out and catch my legs in the process. She was that close.

At one point we were rounding a bend and I could see the finish line off in the distance. We were closer than I realized! I started to get excited. I had assumed at this point that I was nowhere near my PR and I was refusing to look at my watch. I generally don’t look at my watch during races.
The trail dumps us out onto a parking lot. This parking lot I know too well. From camping with friends to running this race so many times, I knew that I had some pavement, then quickly ducked back onto a tiny trail and then more pavement down hill and a sharp right turn onto the beach and down a flight of stairs to the finish.
When I hit the first piece of pavement, I told the guy in front of me that I was passing him and that it wasn’t him, it was me. ๐ I had a PR to catch. Miss Music was still in front of me but when we got onto the trail, I squeezed right by her. She did NOT like that, I could tell.
I took off like I stole something sprinting down the hill and passed quite a few more runners. I could hear Miss Music trying to catch up. I made the right turn, gauged the stairs and instead of jumping off like I have in years past, I kind of took one step and then jumped onto the beach and right through the finish arch and directly into the water with a big sideways splash!
Some woman thought I was hurt and came running into the water after me. I had to laugh and tell her that, no, this is how you should finish a race that ends on a beach in front of the most beautiful lake in the world.
I finally looked at my watch. I had, according to my Garmin, gotten my PR but the real test would be the official results. Not long after I finished and caught my breath did Stonegate Jenn come bounding through the finish too looking strong.
Soon all the girls started coming in and we’d cheer and yell and take photos. We took off our shoes and just let our feet and knees soak in the water. The sun was hot and the day was gorgeous.
Finally I saw someone taping results to the finish arch and I ran over dying to know if I had gotten my PR. I left the girls and checked the list. Not only did I get my PR (by only ONE minute) I discovered that I had gotten 3rd place in my age group!!! Sweet!
My age group prize was a pint glass that says Tahoe Trail Series and 3rd place on it. I absolutely love it. ๐ We hung out at the beach and participated in the raffle (no one won).
At one point they held a contest for the biggest splash into the lake. At first I was the only girl in the contest and then another girl joinedรย at the last-minute. I did a cart-wheel into the lake which got me into the finals. I had to jump again. Long story short, myself and another person tied and we both won a free $50 credit towards any other Big Blue Adventure race – I could very well use it to enter the Emerald Bay Trail Race again next year if I wanted.
While I love this race, it does take a lot out of you. It is not an easy 7.5 miles. Next year I have a feeling Stonegate Jenn will be gunning for me. ๐
While I was having a girls weekend in Tahoe, Vans and the girls were trying to survive at home. I think he managed just fine and luckily there was the final concert in the park finale to entertain everyone.

Now it is time to get serious in our training. Stonegate Jenn, Burning Girl and I have just over a month and a half until our tough 50k on Mt. Tam. My schedule this weekend is not exactly the “usual” but I am determined to find time to fit in some miles and cook a few plant-based meals. ๐
Happy Trails!
รย (edited to add: please excuse typos and grammar – I wrote this at 11 pm last night. )