Dearest Squeaker,
Today you turn three years old. Where has the time gone?! Seriously. It really did feel like yesterday that I felt you kicking the crap out of my insides every single time I turned on PINK when driving. It felt like last week that we were snuggled all comfy in your recliner chair with our beloved Boppy having a little “mid-night snack” (FYI I still have that Boppy, I cannot part with it). Wasn’t it just the other day that you started rolling all over the house (you never crawled, you rolled on your side faster than a log rolling down a hill).
Squeaker you have truly undoubtedly changed our little family, for the better. We skipped baby-proofing 101 the first time around but you, you bring that element to a WHOLE new level (example: coming out of the bathroom covered in band-aids that you “discovered” in the super high medicine cabinet).
You awake with a smile and a giggle almost every morning. You were my “baby that slept from day one” for SO long … (um, what has happened?). 🙂
You refused to try a bottle for four long agonizing months which was very stressful for a momma who wanted to go and escape for a run once in a while (not to mention Daddy Vans who was left home with a hungry cranky Squeaker).
Long commutes? No problem. You chit chat the entire 40 minute ride home about everything and anything that enters your amazingly smart little brain.
Surprisingly no one has ever asked me why we call you Squeaker. When you were born, your throat did not fully close and therefore you really could not cry (not the way most babies can). You could only “squeak.”  You also had a difficult time swallowing and you hated being swaddled. Sleeping in the pack and play in our room was horrible for you so we moved you to your crib which caused great anxiety within my sleepless mommy brain. I wanted you near me. I wanted to ease your pain but you never had any. You have been independent since the day you were born!
You challenge us, you frustrate us and you make us laugh. You, Squeaker, are the whole package in one tiny little body.
You have always been a great “eater” (minus that thing with the bottles, but who can blame you on that one). To this day, your appetite is insatiable at times and you LOVE LOVE LOVE Whole Food’s black bean burritos.
You follow your sister around like she is gold. Yet you can tease her just like an older sister and you can still milk the snuggles and hugs when you need them.
Your body never stops moving and your mind never stops turning. You process everything you see and you annunciate better than any kid I know (what 2 year old can fully say the name Enrique?)!
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You love your bike and you love tutus and the color pink! You love playing outside with the wind in your hair … sometimes without underwear on (my little free bird).
No matter what,  you have an unstoppable twinkle in your eye, a smirk beyond all smirks and fire inside you that I pray will never ever blow out. When I look at you, I smile. When I watch you sleep, I sigh. When you tell me that you love me, my eyes tear ever so slightly because my love for you knows no bounds.
Your humor is astounding (and catchy). At the tender age of 2, you could grasp sarcasm and dish it out like no one else.
You are fearless at times and yet know how to pull the shy card to get what you want. Nothing is too big for you to climb, ride or descend.
We are the lucky ones Squeaker. Lucky to have you in our lives every day. Your spirit is infectious and your spell hypnotic. Everyone loves you. The world is your oyster, an unchartered map, an adventure that I hope you enjoy and that fulfills you.
Happy 3rd Birthday Squeaker. May your day be full of laughter, play-doh and singing. My world revolves around  you and my life would be incomplete without you.
You complete our family in more ways than you can ever imagine. You keep Vans on his toes (which he needs) and you are the “bestest” friend your sister could ever ask for in life.
We look forward to what the future brings and how you will grow. I am not sure we will be able to keep up with your antics and shenanigans but I look forward to trying. Happy Third Birthday my beautiful girl. Never settle. Never give up. Never be anyone other than you.
Happy Trails Birthday!
~ love Trailmomma