Today, as they say in trail running was “epic.” Well, it was epic to me because I got to run in Tahoe on the Tahoe Rim Trail 100 course for the first time ever!
I went to great lengths to be able to run on a Sunday because the Peanut has swim meets on Saturdays now and it was well worth it. Pigeon had emailed that she wanted to run in Tahoe instead of at Michigan Bluff and I was all for it since I missed the TRT Training Runs that happened on Father’s Day weekend (really TRT people? Father’s Day!?).
The Peanut’s swim meet on Saturday was home and her team won (again). The Peanut did okay. She’s been struggling lately and we are trying to help her through it.
These swim meets last a long time sometimes and I was on my feet quite a bit during it helping get our family volunteer hours.
When Pigeon sent me the logistics for our run, I knew it was going to be a long day as we were meeting at 5 am to make the long drive to Tahoe.
Her wife Missouri chauffeured us all the way to Tahoe, stopping a few times to use a restroom. She brought us right to Diamond Peak where we started to unload. The temps that early in Tahoe were in the 40s and both of us were dressed in tank tops and shorts. Even though we were chilly, we knew it was going to be a super warm and sunny day on the trail.
Diamond Peak is a major hub in the Tahoe Rim Trail 100 as the runners come through here twice, once at mile 30 and again at mile 80. It will be mile 80 that I will start my duties as pacer for Pigeon in her TRT 100 mile quest. It was fitting to have us start our run here today because I would get a good glimpse of my portion of the trail.

Now I have crewed at Tahoe Rim Trail three times and I have read enough race reports from other runners that have mentioned the climb from Diamond Peak more than once. Words like “brutal” “so steep” “I hurled” have all been used to describe this climb.
Which, don’t get wrong, is pretty steep and quite sandy/gravely making getting a foot hold not quite so easy. We just power hiked our way up.
My thoughts were “this isn’t so bad” and “really? is this all that there is?” when we reached, what I thought was the top. Pigeon was a little unsure of which way to go so we wandered in a few different directions until she found the trail we needed.
Things changed. All of a  sudden I knew what everyone was talking about.

It just went up and up and up. We had started at 7 am and it was still cool outside and a bit shady in some places. When Pigeon comes through here at mile 30 of TRT, it is almost 2 pm in the afternoon and scorching. There is no shade. There is no relief from the full sun pounding at you as you continue to make this climb.

Lucky for us, it was still a bit cool outside, I was fresh but Pigeon had run mega miles this week and started out with some tired legs. Most of all, we had not seen each other in a bit so we had lots to talk about to occupy our climb.

I realized I was taking a million photos at this point because Lake Tahoe was just growing in size behind us as we continued climbing. I have snowboarded at Diamond Peak before and it finally hit me when we got to the top, that this was the very run that we board down most of the time because it gives the most spectacular view of the lake.

It was neat being at the top because we found a nifty snowboard chair off to the side and since I have only ever been here before ON a snowboard, I found it appropriate and worthy of a photo.

Soon it was time to continue on though. My tummy had been rumbling since we started which wasn’t a good sign. I had to duck off the trail once already and I could feel another visit coming on soon. This is a popular mountain bike and trail runner trail so I knew we wouldn’t be alone out here.
I also knew from studying the race website that the distance from Diamond Peak to Tunnel Creek was only 5 miles. Pigeon had promised me 20 miles yet Missouri was picking us up at the bottom of Tunnel Creek in 5 hours. That meant, Pigeon and I were running past Tunnel towards Hobart which is exactly what I will be doing with her come race day.
At some point, we determined (well, Pigeon determined since my math sucks) exactly when we’d have to turn around and head back.
We just followed the very rocky terrain and kept a pretty good pace since it was runnable. You did have to watch your foot placement though as the rocks blend into the sandy ground. Throughout the day I would find myself clipping a toe on various rocks sticking up out of the ground. Pigeon clipped a few too but I definitely win the award for the day.

As we were running along, we ran into a guy who was training for the Tahoe Rim 50 mile race. He was fast and motoring along. We chatted a bit and then he was off telling us that he had a couple runners behind him.
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As Pigeon and I ran through what would be the Tunnel Creek aid-station we rounded the bend and followed the trail. We saw our runner guy up ahead just killing the switch backs. At one point, I thought he was turning around even though he said he was running all the way to Spooner Lake.
Turns out he ran up a side trail called the Sand Harbor View Point. I asked about it and he said we should do it because it is the most photographed section of all of Tahoe. Pigeon had done it the week prior and had debated whether or not to take me up but seeing how I was a photo-fiend on this run, she just had to take me.
So UP UP UP we climbed again. It definitely was a hike up but it was well worth it once we reached the overlook.

Sand Harbor is a great beach. We’ve been there before and we’ve brought Be-Well-Run and her family there as well just a few years ago. It was incredible to see it from that vantage point.

We stayed and fueled a bit here and Pigeon indulged me by taking all the million and two photos that I wanted.
But soon it was time to start moving again. She had been eating and fueling while I was taking all my photos so I had some catching up to do. I started to eat, drink and run at the same time but quickly came down with a painful side stitch that wouldn’t go away. I was also starting to trip on a few of the rocks here. My legs were apparently starting to feel tired.

Towards Hobart we ran along with all the mountain bikers also going in that direction. I am very impressed with those who mountain bike this section of trail. It is not easy to run let alone ride a bike.
I just kept following Pigeon trying not to fall but the views were so gorgeous at times that occasionally I would  stub my toe on a rock making a loud thud which would make Pigeon turn around to see if I was okay.
On about the fourth toe stub, she finally said, “Can you take something for that please?” Like I had a headache or something and could magically take a pill to stop me from tripping. We started laughing. I took a salt tab just to appease her a bit but we kept on running towards Marlette Lake.

When we got to the section that overlooks Marlette Lake and Lake Tahoe the winds really picked up. A few mountain bikers were also sitting here enjoying the views and taking some photos.

We had a few more miles to go before our turn around so we didn’t stay long at this point. It was a little too windy too.
The next section was very uphill with some more technical rocky stuff to try and not trip over. I was feeling okay, maybe a bit tired but just breathing the Tahoe air really made me happy. I have not been to Tahoe in quite a while, so I have been missing this and was happy to finally get a bit of Tahoe Love.

As you can see from the above photo, there is not much shade on these trails. You are pretty much in the sun. Some of the sections that I ran with Pigeon are also the sections I would do if I was going to do the Tahoe Rim 50K which is one of my bucket list races.
The run back was not that exciting, except for the fact that I finally bit it and actually fell. One too many stub my toe on a rock moments had me diving head first almost as if I was sliding into third base.
Pigeon busted up right there on the spot and pulled a total Trailmomma with “Can I get your photo? Wait. Are you okay?” I was fine. I just scraped up the palms of my hands and my right leg but it wasn’t too bad at all.

I just wanted to keep moving and Pigeon was happy that I was getting all these kinks out now and not on race day. She was sure to tell me that come race day if I fall, she will check to be sure that I didn’t hit my head on a rock or have any protruding bones but for the most part, she isn’t stopping.

It was a gorgeous day despite my fall and my tummy problems. It was exactly what I needed. It was nice to see the course and see the terrain. I know what is runnable and what might not be. No matter what it is hard to tell with Pigeon. When I pace her during the race, she will have 80 miles on her legs and in theory should be pretty tired. But I know her and I know her strength. Something tells me that I will be struggling to keep up with her on these last 20 miles of the race.
I am looking forward to the day. It will be EPIC for sure.
Happy Trails!