I am taking a brief interruption from your regularly scheduled Trailmomma posts to allow myself the opportunity to vent, complain or perhaps I am just seeking out some kind of personal connection to anyone who can relate to what we are going through right now in the Trailmomma household.

I know toddlers are picky. I know kids change their minds almost as much as women. I know that for most, dinner time can be a struggle when you have a 2 year old and a 5 year old sitting at the table. Still, my heart hangs a little lower these days and my mind is moving a mile a minute trying to find healthy meals and snacks that my two princesses will eat.


If history repeats itself or if healthy eating is hereditary then my girls won’t start eating healthy until they are in college. When I was their age, and well into my teenage years I was probably one of the pickiest kids on the planet. My foods could not touch. I did not like turkey at all and I think I consumed more microwave french fries than is humanly possible. Fruit? Never had it. We didn’t have apples in the house. We had Hostess. Vegetables? Canned corn. I drank soda like water (actually never even drank water unless you count Kool-Aid) and I lived across the street from two authentic Italian pizza places, a candy store and an ice cream shop.

The fact that I was never obese is purely due to the fact that my friends and I played outside from dawn until dusk as much as we possibly could. Something that the kids today do not do.

Still, when I reached college and the food choices were left up to me, I realized, after gaining the freshman 20, how certain foods made me feel. I had stopped eating meat in high school but the junk food was abundant in college. I finally understood how exercise (when not forced through a soccer/softball/basketball coach) was actually fun. I started running for my own enjoyment and I never stopped.

Now, with a passion for living a life consuming whole unprocessed plant-based foods, it makes me sad when I see the things my kids eat. This isn’t something entirely new, they’ve eaten poorly from the start mostly because as new parents, we were consumed with making sure our little ones had full bellies despite what we filled them with. I knew the processed foods the Peanut was eating were not good and yet, no matter what we offered, she refused. As an infant/toddler, she also never slept, ever and so we tried all we could to fill her belly at times hoping that would help her sleep. No dice.



Then Squeaker was born, and we raised her differently. I read (and shared with every expectant parent I knew) the book Baby Led Weaning and was inspired. We fed Squeaker whole foods. Nothing was jarred or puree ever. If she could pick it up, she could eat it and she did! She ate food that the Peanut never gave the time of day when she was Squeaker’s age. Vans and I were in heaven. Then, something changed. Before she turned two, Squeaker started refusing pretty much everything.


Now they probably eat all of five things. Total. The Peanut at least likes steamed broccoli and will consume a pile of it if we give it to her. She will eat carrots (raw) and steamed green beans and peas. However, she does not consume fruit. Not anything nor anything fruit related. No applesauce, no bananas, no berries and no apples. Forget melons or those little citrus cuties. It is maddening. She likes sweet things (namely chocolate) but she won’t touch fruit nor will she consume any smoothies either. Getting her to eat anything new is a struggle. I am pleased she will eat brown rice I am not thrilled that she won’t eat anything else. I can’t even feed her traditional kid favorites! She won’t eat pizza, peanut-butter and jelly or even spaghetti!

Squeaker is worse. She won’t consume any vegetables OR fruit. No smoothies. She won’t eat noodles. She will eat refried black beans and brown rice and grilled cheese like it is going out of style. Lara bars are a favorite snack but unfortunately so is gold fish or Cheeze-its. It is maddening to me.

My only hope is that Squeaker will evolve like the Peanut and start eating more of a variety of veggies but the Peanut has always eaten broccoli.
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So here I sit, wracking my brain trying to come up with different snack ideas and meals for them. I am trying to go the healthier route but it is basically a waste of money according to Vans. My philosophy is: if you don’t try you’ll never know if they like it. Unfortunately, the Peanut doesn’t try anything new at school and just tosses her lunch most times if I sneak in “new” healthier foods.

With the start of the new year, I am drawing an invisible line in the sand. I want to be done with the days where I made three separate meals (one for the Peanut, one for Squeaker and one for Vans and myself). My time is limited already, adding personal chef to the mix is just insane.

So tonight I made Mama Pea’s Pizza Casserole. This is one dish that I can often get them to eat with a little cajoling. Squeaker will eat it only if she is 1) really hungry and 2) it is fresh (not reheated). The Peanut often resists for a while but will consume a small bowl.

Tomorrow I have another Mama Pea dish ready to throw into crock pot called Spicy African Peanut Stew. Tomorrow will be a struggle. Tomorrow there will be a fight but I am ready. People always tell me that “if kids are hungry, they will eat” and ya know what? That is a load of B.S! Those people have not met my kids who will not eat for a week if they put their minds to it.

I admire Ange over at Hol-Fit .  She has provided me with countless tips and tricks to get my girls to eat healthier foods or make wiser choices. I like her approach to food as it relates to her two girls, in that she likes to ask them how certain foods make them feel. Does that piece of junk food make their tummy hurt? She makes them piece together the connection. I do that to a degree, but sadly most of the food they eat cause tummy distress and frankly, my kids could really care less about that stuff.

But I would be lying to say that reading, seeing photos of friends or other people’s kids consuming super healthy foods makes me feel like a failure. I make healthy choices for myself, why can’t I do that for my kids? Actually, I do, but I can’t force it down their throats.

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.

So while this post has no real purpose other than to broadcast my recent frustrations, I hope that I am not alone. Although, part of me hopes that I am, because I would like to think all kids are eating healthy but I know the reality of that is slim. The Hostess, Kellogg and General Mills companies are not giant money makers because people are shunning their food for broccoli. Monsanto isn’t the largest (most corrupt) company because people refuse their products.

I’ll keep trying to teach my girls the importance of wise choices when it comes to food as this is one battle I won’t give up. I am ready for the long haul. One stalk of broccoli at a time.



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Back in August a person who I admire, respect and look to for a lot of nutritional guidance asked me a question. We had exchanged some emails back and forth and in her last email to me she asked me point blank, “What Lights Me Up? How can I serve people best?” I don’t think I ever fully responded to her email but the question has been festering in my head for months. For a while, it was ALL that I thought about. At times just thinking about the question truly depressed me. I will be honest, some nights I even cried. Why? Because I didn’t have an answer. I know what I “like” and I know what I “think” my dream job in life would be but honestly, I could not, on one hand, count anything, ANYTHING that I was truly good at or excelled at or that people reached out to ME to handle. Sad right? I think so being that I am almost 37 years old.
I even went to work and wrote the question down: “What Lights Me Up?” and “How can I serve people best?” The things I listed are the things that I am interested in learning more about or perhaps enrolling in but is it a career? Would it be enough to support my family and would it truly make me any happier? Am I alone? Am I the only person who has no unusual talents or skills? If you opened up the dictionary and turned to the definition of “plain Jane” you’d find my photo. I am sure of it.
Even my vocational background is disjointed and confusing. I went to college for television production and immediately out of college I got a job working for a public television station as a production assistant. I worked my way up the chain topping out at Producer (kinda sorta) Reporter. I loved it. I loved my job, I loved the people I worked with, I loved being creative and creating visual stories for people to view from the comforts of their own home. As it frequently happens, my program/station lost some funding and I was let go. I was young  and in my twenties. I guess  the powers that be assumed I’d bounce back but the television industry is very competitive, temperamental and difficult to sustain. I had also met Vans and did not really see myself leaving the state to compete in another market. Instead, I went back to school to earn my paralegal certification. Why? I don’t know. I honestly do not know and while I don’t regret the decision (entirely) I often wonder if I had pursued a different road, where would I be today?
At that time, I was running. Actually I had just started training for my first half-marathon. I knew that I loved running and I had always been an active athletic person. I was a vegan at the time (still am) and I also discovered that I had Celiac Disease. These three things are probably the first three characteristics people think of most when they think about me. “Oh there’s Trailmomma, she loves to run and she’s a health nut. Did you know she’s a gluten free vegan!” I’d say those are my “labels” if you had to label me and I am okay with that. I love being vegan and I love reading about nutrition and living a plant based diet. I love learning about gluten free options and the strides the industry is making in Celiac research but the biggest thing having Celiac Disease has done for me is that it has opened my eyes to the damage that processed wheat can do to your body. I digress and I am sorry but as you can see the topics of fitness and nutrition really speak to me. So of course I often wonder if I had not gone to paralegal school and instead had pursued my personal training certification and some sort of degree in nutrition, where would I be today? Would I be happier?
Poor Vans. The topic comes up often. For over a year now I have been bugging him and pestering him that I would love to take the TRX Certification Course in San Francisco and also earn a Plant Based Nutrition Certificate from Cornell University but Vans is the voice of reason and he asks me, “I support you 100% in whatever you want to do but what would you DO with it?” He is right to ask me this. These courses are not cheap and let’s be honest, I have a full time job with two kids who are doing gymnastics, swimming and all the things a new kindergartener (and little sister) does when she is five. Life right now it not leaving much room for extracurricular activities.
Yet not a day goes by that I do not think about the question that Ange asked me. I don’t want anyone to think that I hate my full time job either. I work for a very good company and it has been a long ugly road of law firm to law firm to get here. My current employer is good, the people I work with are nice and even the company’s purpose is to help people. Of course it has its politics like any other large corporation but so far, it isn’t anything that would make me go running for the hills. I also did not intend to write this fishing for comments hoping for a pity party or an ego booster. I wrote it for the simple fact that I am not doing what I love. I am not doing something that lights me up every day. Is that even possible? Or is that only something for people who have great luck in life? I am sure someone could argue that if you wanted something bad enough, you’d work hard for it and make it happen no matter what. That may be true but does that someone have two kids that go to daycare and who will someday (I hope) go to college? Get married? Let’s face it, the economy is not great and I have been on the side of being unemployed. Like most parents do, we sacrifice our happiness for our children. Of course I don’t want my girls to see me miserable or pursuing a life that just doesn’t make me smile or laugh but I also want to be able to provide for them. It is such hard and difficult road.
I often think of my mom. She died when I had just turned 16 years old. In the time I knew her, I didn’t know her to have a “career.” Yes she had jobs. She worked. Both of my parents worked yet there were periods when my mom didn’t. We were not well off but we always had food on the table and I had toys and I was able to play all the sports I wanted. However, my mother never seemed happy with her jobs UNTIL she started working in our neighbor’s dried flower shop. It may be a small thing to some people but it was a huge deal to her. She was crafty and very good with her hands. She created the most beautiful dried flower arrangements and they sold! People loved her work. Sadly, my mom passed away when she 47 and she had not been working at the dried flower shop for very long. That haunts me. I loved my mom very much and she was a great mother but I don’t want to be 47 years old and finally find the job I should have been doing all along. Who knows how much time is left? Who knows if tomorrow will come? The one thing I took away from her death was that you should live life like there is no tomorrow. Speak your mind when you can and make the most of what you have because it may not (or they may not) be there tomorrow.
Now don’t get me wrong, my kids and my family are what truly light me up. Nothing makes me prouder than my girls and watching them grow before my eyes.

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When I talk about my family I know that I am glowing because my love for them shines right through. The Peanut learned how to ride a bike recently. I have never been more proud of her and of Vans for having taught her. She was beside herself that she even yelled “I am doing it!” while riding.

I just don’t know what road to take I guess professionally. I love that I have a “career” and that my girls see me working for such a huge corporation yet what they don’t hear is me talking about how much I love work when I am at home because the reality of it is, I don’t. It pays our bills, lets us live a comfortable life
and allows me to provide for my kids.

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Clearly there are no words of motivation or inspiration in this rather long and honest post. If you are still with me reading, thank you.
Obviously I don’t have any answers right now. There are small doors opening for me including a small gig at a soon to be local running store. I am passionate about running and getting people to run so maybe something will unfold for me yet. Or maybe this will just be another notch in my part-time job repertoire (that is a whole other post right there).
But what about you? Are you happy doing what you are doing in life? What lights YOU up? What are YOU good at and how can you help people? I can’t thank Ange enough for presenting me with this question and now I present it to you.


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This weekend was very eclectic for me. Friday started off with the end of the year Luau at Squeaker’s daycare. That is always fun because the girls just go crazy in the bounce and it completely exhausts them!

Saturday morning I had an online class with Hol-Fit. I signed up to take her Healthy Sustainable Kitchen Back to School Edition class on PowHow. Ange is amazing at what she does and I always find her classes interesting and informative in some way. I also always feel a tad bit guilty because I always feel like I am not doing the best for my kids in regards to the food choices I let them make. Anyone with kids knows how hard it is to get them to eat certain things and my two little bugs are seriously two of the pickiest kids on the planet. I know every mom says that, but the Peanut truly is the pickiest kid ever! She doesn’t like fruit (NONE! not bananas, not applesauce, nothing!), no smoothies, she dislikes most breads, most meats (other than chicken nuggets) and no crackers! Seriously. We just recently started her on eating peanut butter but she really even doesn’t love that (this alarms me as she cannot be my child if she doesn’t like peanut butter). So packing her lunches for school has been more than an arduous task to say the least. To add fuel to the fire, she’s also stubborn. That saying “when they are hungry they will eat” doesn’t fly with her. She just doesn’t eat. For a month she let her lunch box come home from summer camp with barely a bite taken. She just chose not to eat (I wish I that kind of power).

Ange’s class included some new recipe ideas and just different ways to approach packing lunch but mostly, it involved how to make the most out of the time you have on the weekend and a few minutes each week night to put something together so you are not always in the kitchen. The Peanut actually likes the school’s “hot lunch” plan so we are compromising and letting her have two days a week of hot lunch which means I need to pack a lunch (and snacks) for three days a week. This makes us a both happy in some regard. I don’t love leaving her to eat the school food entirely but if this avoids little wars at night, then so be it (for now).

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Enjoying Quinoa Crusted Chicken (hmm all my photos are blurry aren’t they?)

Other happenings this weekend is I went for a run (the Ridge Loop of Death) and my ankle was in such excruciating pain that I wanted to chop it off. I have complained about my ankle for a while and it was basically the reason I’ve stopped running the mileage I have this last year. I don’t think I have shared on here before what is going to happen but I am finally having ankle surgery. I have a bone spur on my talus bone which is mostly likely a result of a gnarly sprain that happened in 2009. It is finally getting to the point where it is too painful to run, squat, drive and pretty much do anything that involves me flexing my foot. So, in two weeks, I am going under the knife and having the bone spur sawed off and the talus bone burned to prevent further growth. I’ll be out of commission for a while. Geez, if you thought this blog was boring now, can you imagine what it will be like in two weeks! Stay with me, I promise to try and find a purpose for this blog! Also, I have high running goals for 2014 and I need this surgery and recovery to be a success so that I can accomplish those goals.

I purged my closet a little and gave quite a bit to Good Will today. That always makes me feel good. I also (finally) purged our freezer. You see, Vans has been a vegetarian for almost a year now but our freezer still looked as if a meat eating bachelor lived here. He is a sucker for sales or clearance items and so our freezer was full of boxed frozen dinners, pizza, pie and lord knows what else. Vans also has very high blood pressure and the last thing that he needs is a sodium laden frozen dinner. I don’t stress out making healthy dinners for us each night to have him die of a heart attack before he’s 45. No way jose so I purged the freezer and it felt darn good!

Anyway, at some point I plan to point this blog in a direction. Right now, it stems from my previous blog where I blogged a lot about running and all my adventures. Sadly, I don’t have any adventures anymore.  I guess you could say I am looking for a purpose. I am looking for that “thing” that I am good at and trying to foster and excel at it but as sad as this sounds,  I cannot think of one thing that I am “good” at doing or that people look to me to do or handle. They say, the thing you do best tends to be the thing you put off but I haven’t really found anything. Sad, I know. And I am almost 40! Some day.

I leave with you photos of the weekend …

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Date Night!!! Supporting our local CCI.

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C’mon, how cute are these guys!?

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The perfect Sunday morning. My book and my patio.


I love this photo more than words can say. Sisters, giving each other a lift!





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Yesterday was Van’s birthday. In the past we’ve gone on some great trips as a family to Tahoe or Tiburon to celebrate but with the start of kindergarten, we had to keep things closer to home this year.

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Vans had to work so the day started off pretty normal but after work, the girls and I took him to The Purple Place which is one of our family favorites. I had arranged for two other families (each with two kids) to meet us there for dinner and drinks. Craziness ensued but in a good way.

photo 3Squeaker has had some tummy troubles lately and as a result, we’ve taken her off dairy. Things have steadily been improving so we’ve occasionally let her have some dairy here and there, but never too much (don’t worry, I won’t get on my soap box now and rant about how terrible dairy is for you). The girl is a dairy addict and so last night when all the kids got the grilled cheese as their dinner, Squeaker’s eyes lit up. As typical kids do, they all nibbled their sandwiches leaving about a inch plus crust (god forbid they take a bite too close to the crust!). Squeaker just inhaled hers. Whole. I don’t think she even chewed it. A few minutes later I catch her sitting in the corner with more grilled cheese! “Where did she get that!?” I think, then I realized, she’d been stealing all the left over grilled cheese corners from all the other kid’s plates and was eating them! She must have consumed about 4 grilled cheese sandwiches last night! Oh boy.

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Yum! Grilled Cheese Please!

During dinner the owner of The Purple Place came over to say hello and see how our dinner was that evening. We mentioned that it was Van’s birthday and he immediately wanted to buy him a shot! Vans declined so instead the manager brought over this huge bowl of vanilla ice creaming sitting on top of a huge oreo cookie brownie! All the kids went bug eyed when it arrived and the manager had to go back and get 10 spoons and little bowls. The kids (and Vans) were in heaven. Squeaker had a small bowl too … that girl is going to have a tummy ache today for sure!
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After dinner we went home where Vans opened his birthday presents and cards. All in all, I think it was a nice evening. He even mustered up enough energy to go back out with the guys and hit a few bars while all us girls just went to bed. Yup, I am lame like that. I was tired.

Not a whole lot planned for this weekend. We do have a babysitter coming on Saturday (woot woot) so that Vans and I could have dinner and have a nice night out although it IS the last concert in the park (our kids love concert in the park) so I kind of feel guilty not taking them.

Tomorrow morning I am taking an online class from Ange over at Hol-Fit. She teaches these awesome PowHow classes and this will be my fourth. My favorite has been her Meal Prep class where she teaches you how to make the most out of an hour or two on the weekends to prep your meals for the week. Tomorrow’s class is her Back to School Edition where she will explain how to prep lunches for the week for our little ones that are healthy and won’t take up our weekday evenings. I am excited even though I have a feeling my girls won’t eat half of the healthy food she is going to suggest but I love Ange’s teaching methods and delivery and really just enjoy supporting her in these types of things because she does make a difference. She definitely has changed my way of thinking about a few things and for that I am truly greatful.

I also hope to get a Ridge Loop of Death run in prior to her class … I just need to muster up the strength as Diane’s workouts this week have been leaving me super sore! In a good way though!

Happy Friday all!

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♥ Trailmomma


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