A few weeks ago I received an email from Chris Russell, the host over at Run Run Live podcast. Someone had told him that I would be an interesting person to interview. HA! While I am not so sure about being “interesting” it was a super fun conversation that lasted about 25 minutes. I talk about running, mom’ing, plant-based stuff and how the heck I squeeze it all in!
If you want to listen, you can click HERE. The beginning of his podcast starts with Chris talking about his marathon training and a piece on beating those winter blues.
My portion of the podcast starts at about 18 minutes.
You can also listen on RunRunLive on iTunes.
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Many thanks to Chris over at RunRunLive Podcast for his time and interest and a big HELLO to the new readers his podcast had channeled my way.
It never ceases to amaze me the path our lives can take based on the people we meet in life. I have had an incredible February and I feel truly blessed.
February has been the month where I have felt my “plant-based super-powers” have been utilized the most and I look forward to helping and doing more!
The last few days of school are upon us. While my kids are super excited for summer to start, they will miss seeing their friends on a daily basis.
However with the end of school, comes the end of school treats and celebrations.
Just this week, the Peanut had pizza on a field trip even though I packed a lunch for her (sigh – she paid the price with a tummy ache later). She had donuts in class the next day for their “free day” celebration. Finally, the classroom parents planned to have an Ice Cream Sundae Bar for the kids on the last day of school. They sent out an email requesting parents provide the following:
I know the kids would love this. I know MY kid would love this (and then pay for it later). I replied suggesting perhaps fruit popsicles could be an option instead combined with a classroom activity. I wasn’t rude and I even offered to supply all the popsicles for the class.
The suggestion was well received but only as an ADDITION to the sundaes bring provided. Fine, that’s okay with me. I just wanted an alternative even though I know going up against an ice cream sundae bar, there will most likely be many left over fruit popsicles.
image from: www.neocate.com
I know and I understand that my thinking and way of eating is unfortunately in the minority compared to most people. I get that.
My intentions are not to completely eliminate food as treats at school but I do believe, that if we are going continue to have these “treats” then a balance needs to happen. Provide healthy alternatives OR alternate treats with activities! Such as jumping rope, hopscotch or kickball etc. Get our kids moving instead. I remember at the end of school our classroom “treat” was getting to play Heads Up 7-Up in class (who else remembers that game?!).
Image from: purposefulmovement.wordpress.com
I know of one other parent in the class whose child cannot handle dairy. They appreciated my suggestion. We’ll see how many kids choose the popsicles.
My simple suggestion however, caused quite the uproar among some of the parents. They were almost angered by the idea and some how felt perhaps that I was being unreasonable for suggesting no ice cream at all.
I see this a lot. I have been plant-based for over 20 years. No one questions my diet anymore but I see it often with Vans when he turned plant-based 4 years ago and with Stonegate when she turned plant-based a little over a year ago. THEIR dietary changes and choices seem to offend people. Why!?
It isn’t as if they rub it in other people’s faces or scowl at whatever it is someone else is eating. They just do their thing and make their choices but they get questioned or made fun of, a lot. Now honest genuine inquiries are fine. I know they both try their best to educate but I am talking about people who are down right upset by the fact that they no longer eat meat. Their personal choices upsets these other people.
It baffles me. I like to think that I live by example. I try not to push my way of life on others. Yes, yes I can get VERY excited if you ask me about it. I am passionate about plant-based living. Guilty as charged but I never force my opinions or views. Whether you go soft, lose erection in between lovemaking. effects of cialis It has constituents that detoxify your kidney’s and liver sustaining prescription viagra cost vigorous body functionalities. Testosterone Erectile dysfunction is also caused by diseases such as traumatic brain and spinal cord, autoimmune diseases, circulatory disorders in the cialis online brain, blood circulation, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, trauma pelvic floor, and nerve damage to name a few. It is also a surgery that cannot be performed on cheap viagra pill http://deeprootsmag.org/2013/05/?feedsort=rand everyone.
Vans ate meat for the first 7 years of our marriage. It wasn’t me who changed him, it was a combination of things. It was watching Forks Over Knives and Vegucated. It was (I like to think) seeing me eat this way and then finish countless ultras over and over. The biggest factor I think however, was how he FELT!
For my daughter’s school, I just want OPTIONS and BALANCE. Is that terrible of me?
Image from: antiques.lovetoknow.com
Next year, both Squeaker and Peanut will be in elementary school. Some parents have advised me not to bother trying to change things. It is a losing battle.Stay quiet. I just think a little education is needed. Some compromise perhaps.
I don’t think it needs to be a “battle” but I am not afraid to try and institute a little change and perhaps provide some education and insight.
However I am often reminded of a quote from Jeff Novick, MS, RD, LD, LN, “If you have to convince someone of the information, then it is not the right time.”
I don’t know when the “right time” will be but I do know that some people genuinely do not understand the correlation between what they eat and how they feel.
People also get very upset and offended when it comes to food. It is a very sensitive topic. You might think you’ve insulted their parenting style or something by their reactions sometimes. Even if the only thing you have done is picked a veggie burger instead of a hamburger at a picnic.
Again, I like to think that it is just lack of genuine open communication. I hope the school will be more open to increasing food education and perhaps institute some compromise when it comes to classroom treats next year. I know I plan to talk to both of my kids’ teachers by making some suggestions AND offering to help.
Maybe I am naive but I have hope and I have a voice. I hope the parents, teachers and the school will be open-minded enough to discuss possible changes.
After all, we all have the same end goal: We want a healthy happy thriving child.
We are breaking from our normally scheduled program to bring you a proud mama moment.
Ready to go!
The Peanut had her first cross-country meet today! The past two years she has sworn up and down that she had no interest in running let alone running on her school’s team … but throw a popsicle after every practice, some good friends and a great coach into the mix? How can you say no to that?!
With the massive fires we’ve been having lately, the first meet was cancelled as well as quite a few practices leading up to today’s event. The Peanut has not run in a few days but today, she ran!
Hi Mom!
The weather was perfect! Cool temps and a slight breeze made for the best racing conditions.
The 2nd and 3rd grade kids only have to run 3/4 ths of a mile but the Peanut has been struggling lately to run the whole thing without stopping.
Today, she ran the entire time. She said she never stopped once!
Here she comes!
The meet today was on home turf so that was a great way to build confidence. She knew exactly where to go.
When we practiced the night before her and I talked about pacing, the start and the finish. Hoping she wouldn’t go out too fast but praying she had enough in the tank to sprint at the end. She knows that her school (and her mama) loves to sprint to the finish line.
Turning on the sprint!
I wasn’t sure what was going to happen when she entered the finish chute. There were three girls in front of her but sure enough, I saw her dig deep and turn on the jets!
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My eyes were misty well before this, actually, just seeing her in her cross county singlet was enough to make my heart melt.
Watch out, here I come!
But to see her actually try really hard to run past these three girls AND succeed, just opened the flood gates for me.
Later gator!
The Peanut doesn’t have a competitive bone in her tiny little body but she didn’t want to let her coach, her team or me down by not sprinting to the finish. If anything, she is a rule follower.
She was so excited to tell me that she didn’t walk during the race. She could care less about her time or place, until other kids were asking but even then … I don’t think she really cared all that much.
She’s a team player through and through. I see it on her swim team and I saw it today with her cross-country team. She is happy for everyone no matter what. For herself, she’s just happy to be a part of it all and today, she was a big part. Today, she was a cross-country runner!
Proud Mama and Peanut with her post race treat
So incredibly proud of you kid. You never gave up!
 The internet is a funny thing. One day I was surfing the net, I can’t even recall what I was searching for when I came across this website www.edhtrails.org . I thought, “What is this?†One click leads to another click leads to another leads to me attending a board meeting at our local CSD (Community Services District) to speak up in support of Mike from EDHTrails.
You read that right, SPEAK UP as in talk in front of more than one or two people! One of the most dreaded and detested fears (in addition to birds and turkeys) in my life. Granted, I didn’t talk for almost an hour like Mike did, but I did speak up and talk to the board casting our “vote” as to why we think what Mike and EDHTrails is doing, is a wonderful thing for our community.
I’ve posted about my running adventures in and around El Dorado Hills. From the “Ridge Loop of Death†(my own made up name mind you) to New York Creek to Brown’s Ravine. EDH has some awesome little trails for running and mountain biking.
When we moved here three years ago, I had no idea these trails existed. It was TiggerT that first showed me The Ridge (yes, blame her) and Vans told me about New York Creek when I first started running again after Squeaker was born.
The street on which we live in EDH even has some trails on it but they don’t necessarily lead anywhere or they are not groomed well enough to use easily.
Mike and EDHTrails want to change all that. For starters, he wants to create a Village Connector Trail.
The Village Connector Trail will be one mile in length on an already existing piece of land that sits underneath some telephone wires. This trail would connect El Dorado Hills to Folsom. It would also contain a Cross Country Skills Loop for kids to ease into mountain biking and have fun. You can see more photos on Mike’s webpage at www.edhtrails.org.
Wild Oaks Trail
What happened at the board meeting on February 4th was exactly what Mike wanted to have happen; he wanted a seat at the big table. He presented his maps, photos and plan to some of the board members in an effort to get on their agenda for their big meeting on February 13th. He succeeded.
Those members present listened to Mike and others talk about the need for such an amazing outlet for our already very active community. What many people do not realize is that El Dorado Hills is slowly becoming a hub for ultra-fitness and outdoor enthusiasts.
For example, true-story  – A few months ago, while the Peanut, Vans and I were at our annual optometry check-up we discovered that our optometrist is a huge ultra-runner and cyclist running 50 mile races and riding in death rides. We thought that was not only interesting but absolutely awesome that she and her husband were so active. The whole rest of our eye appointment was spent comparing races and trails. Then, we discover that the father of my daughter’s classmate is one of the partners opening El Dorado Hill’s newest running store Gold Country Run and Sport where I now work on Sundays. The Folsom Lake Trail Runners, one of the largest organized running groups have many members (myself included) that live in El Dorado Hills or just around the corner in Folsom. If you go to Mraz Brewing on a Thursday evening, you will be greeted by quite few mountain bikers having just finished their night ride (Vans include) enjoying a beer at a local family run brewery. Even our local high school has a mountain bike team.Â
The community is active. The community wants to support local business. The community needs to pull together.
The next order of business will be on February 13th. Mike and EDHTrails needs community support. The CSD Board will be there with all of its members present, ready to listen to Mike’s proposal (a condensed version mind you) and will put to vote whether or not a CSD team can be assembled to begin the initial process of vetting out costs and necessities to make this plan a reality.
If you are local, please share this and come. If you are active, please share this and come. Please share this post as much as possible. If you want kids to be active instead of at home playing video games and watching TV, please share this and come. If you can’t make it, find a friend who can. If you have kids, bring them! The Peanut was with me on the 4th watching her mommy stand up for something she believes in that will ultimately benefit her health as well.
I will post the details below and be sure to like Mike’s Facebook page as well so you will constantly be up to date on the progress of his plan and where all the meetings may be held.
Even if you do not live in the immediate area, please don’t be afraid to share this. All it takes is one community to be an example of an active healthy lifestyle for others to follow.  Who knows, maybe our small little community could be the catalyst for change. You never know!
Happy Trails!
CSD Board Meeting: Wednesday, February 13th
Time: 7:00 pm
Address: CSD Pavillion 1021 Harvard Way, El Dorado Hills
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