So here we are again, another birthday for my Peanut. Eight years old and so wise beyond her years.
My Dearest Peanut,
When you turn 8, you think you know everything. And I do mean everything. No one is as wise as you and your parents are starting to look a little less cool in front of your friends.
When you turn 8, you still like to snuggle and have quiet time with me. Note to self, I need to stop and make more time for this, no telling when you won’t need me anymore.
When you turn 8, you complain about homework and how hard it is but when push comes to shove, you can complete it in record time.
When you turn 8, you get excited about animals and want to adopt every one that you see despite the allergies you seem to have inherited (sorry kid).
When you turn 8, you will be finishing second grade and the world revolves around your friends and what will happen this summer.
When you turn 8, your sister is still as annoying as ever but you finally realize that she can also be a great person to have on your side.
When you turn 8, you love to read but only when you find books that interest you and not books that are assigned as homework.
When you turn 8, you love your Poppy more than anything and you get jealous when your sister has more time with him.
When you turn 8, you become a jokester. Making people laugh seems to be what drives you and makes you happiest.
When you turn 8, you still love tigers. You know all there is to know about them, and I kind of love that.
When you turn 8, you still eat broccoli and have even added a few veggies to the mix but you still hate all fruit and I do mean all.
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When you turn 8, you think Survivor is one of the greatest shows on TV and I love how you root for the under dog.
When you turn 8, your heart is still golden and pure. You still trust and believe in everyone.
When you turn 8, you stand up for what you know is true and right. You know that love is love and I couldn’t be more proud of you for that.
My dear sweet Peanut, I hate that time flies so fast. It makes me sad that you can no longer snuggle in my lap; fitting like a perfect puzzle piece. But I do love that we can laugh together and have our little inside jokes. I love that you love going to the movies and theater as much as I do. I love that you have late night chats with your dad. And I love how your eyes sparkle when you get excited about something.
You are growing so fast and becoming your own person every single day. Your dad and I love you very much. Keep being you kid.

Love you to the moon and back kiddo!
You have my heart, always.