I am sorry to report, that the clavicle wasn’t broken in just 3 places, it was broken in 7 and required 9 screws and a plate to put back together.” That’s what the surgeon told me and the kids, Monday night before race weekend. Oh boy, what a crazy few weeks it has been!

To recap quickly, Vans crashed on his mountain bike on President’s Day. He broke his clavicle (we thought) in 3 places and he broke 3 ribs both anterior and posterior. They highly recommended surgery. However, that recommended surgery was a moving target, changing from in a few days to almost 2 weeks out – all the way to him receiving a call 2:30 pm Monday saying, “Can you get to the hospital within the hour, we have a opening.”

I am happy to report that the surgery went well but Vans is in a lot of pain. In a way, as insane as it was to rush to the hospital with him and the kids, having it on Monday instead of the scheduled Wednesday was a blessing in disguise. Otherwise, my Marin Ultra Challenge 50 mile run might not have happened at all.

The week leading up this race has been stressful to say the least. I am blessed to have a very caring and understanding boss and employer and I’ve been able to successfully make this juggling act work the last few weeks. But leaving town for a day and half, had me nervous. Vans cannot drive and I have become an Uber mom and nurse and if I was out of town for more than 24 hours, who would pick up the kids from school? Take them to their soccer game? Make their meals?! The “What if’s” were piling up in my brain the closer and closer it got to race day.

The bottom line is that I reached out to friends for help. Mostly just picking up the kids and scheduling rides. I precooked all the meals they would need while I was gone and made sure they were easy enough that the kids or Vans could remove them from the fridge, and warm up in the microwave.

So when noon time hit on Friday, I left town with Stonegate. The rock in the pit of my stomach was small but it was definitely there.

Photo from www.insidetrail.com
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The best part about running MUC is that it is a great excuse to go Marin and visit with a very sweet dear friend. Visiting with her always relaxes me. She not only opens her home to us but her and her husband are the sweetest couple and are so gracious when we stay with them. They also have a very comfortable guest bed.

While I slept comfortably, I didn’t have a deep sleep. A few hours before I went to bed, the Race Director from Inside Trail Racing messaged out to all race participants that a crucial 1/3 section of the trail had been rendered unsafe due to washouts and erosion and that they were currently working on a reroute. I could hear the rain pounding on the roof while I was trying to sleep. I knew it would be a wet and muddy day, but I had no idea what to expect when I woke up.

Stonegate and I handled our morning routines like clockwork and got to the race start at the perfect time. After we parked, I decided that I wanted to back my car in so that post race, it would be easier to change out of my (soon to be) wet muddy clothes. This, unbeknownst to me, was also foreshadowing events to come (keep reading). As luck with have it, we were parked next to Miss P and Pearls who, seeing us back in, decided that was probably a wise decision. We both had some prime parking and while Miss P was attempting to back into her spot, other cars were fighting to take it from her.

No fear! Stonegate hops out of car and starts directing traffic so that Miss P could once again, be in her parking space. 🙂 I was cracking up. This was the levity I needed to release the stress that was still building.

Stonegate, Me, Not Chris

The race started a half an hour later than last year making it much brighter at the start. It was ALSO not raining yet! Yay! There were so many trail friends at this race! It was so much fun seeing people I haven’t seen in a while. Best of all, Stonegate and Not Chris were running the 50k so having them both there at the start was a huge boost.

Much like last year, the race started and we all ran straight up hill! Not Chris decided he was going to run with me for the first 15 miles. He’s never been on these trails before and I was content to have him with me to keep me moving.

I felt good on the first hill. Legs felt okay, breathing wasn’t labored and I was in a groove. I seemed to avoid a little of the conga line that had occurred last year. The one difference this year that I noticed, was the amount of runners using trekking poles! There were quite a few and sadly, not many of them knew how to handle the poles very well. I almost had my knee cap jabbed and/or was tripped multiple times by a trekking pole. It was a little frustrating so I tried to avoid them if I saw them.

I should state that going into this race, I had no real goals. Last year I finished in 11 hours and 15 minutes and if I am being honest with myself, this year I wanted to finish sub 11 hours. However, that was before Vans had his accident and my last few training weeks turned upside down. This was also my first ultra post hamstring tear and rehab so I knew I wanted to be conservative. So I threw out the sub 11 goal and decided to just run and let whatever happens happen. That included any stormy weather thrown our way and boy was there stormy weather!

One of the best parts about running with Not Chris was that he was experiencing these trails for the first time. In the beginning he was running with his head down, so as not to trip and fall but I kept calling out from behind him, “Look up! Look how pretty!” He was in awe and it was so fun to see him experience these views. I didn’t have to yell, “Look up!” more than a few times before he was realizing how awesome it was around us.

We ran probably the first 5 miles or so with a little misty type rain, no big deal. We took off our rain jackets on the climb because they were too warm and not really needed. Soon however, the mist started to turn and by the time we reached the Tennessee Valley Aid-Station at mile 10.5 it was dumping buckets on us and we stopped to put our jackets back on.

We were in and out of the aid-station pretty quickly, eager to keep moving because if you stopped, you got cold fast. The trails leading you towards the Muir Beach Aid-Station has some nice rollers. Not Chris I think found his groove and he really motored on ahead. I always kept him in my eye sights but I was letting him have his day because I had way more miles to cover than he did.

At Muir Beach I stopped to use the restroom (a first for me so early in a race). Then Not Chris, my friend Kim (who appeared out of no where!) and I ran out together. Here is where the 50k runners and the 50 mile runners part ways. We hugged and I wished them both well on the rest of their 50k races. They both went on to have fantastic finishes. I went on however, to swim up stream for the next 3 miles.

Photos are sparse from here on out. The climb up cardiac was a torrential downpour. The trail was a river of water that flowed from top to bottom. The water even flowed around through the switch-backs! It was, to say the least, probably my darkest miles on the trail. I never stopped moving but I had three powerful ladies pass me on the climb and I felt the fire start to burn, “Let it go. That is not your purpose here today. Let.it.go.” I dug deep, I thought about the things that brought me joy or would pull me farther up the hill and just continued to push.

When I finally reached the top of Cardiac Hill (mile 19.8) I was freezing. The wind was relentless. I asked which way I had to go and motored on. One of the two toughest climbs in the race was behind me. Now it was time to go get the other one and then, I’d be on my way back home.

When I arrived on the trails leading to Stinson Beach, the craziest thing ever happened. It STOPPED raining and the SUN came out and not only did the sun come out, it came out full force heating up the path, my body and ultimately, my soul.

I could not get my drenched rain jacket off fast enough. Holy cow was it hot! I am a hot weathered runner, I love me some heat but to go from cold to heat so quickly, was quite a shock.

The climb up to Willow Camp was exactly how I remembered it. Gnarly. I was grateful the wind and rain had given us a break for once. I cursed a few times on this climb, kicking myself for forgetting just how brutal of a climb it really is. No way to go but up, so up is what I did.

The trails on this side however, were pretty damaged. I climbed over trees, under trees and at one point, I had to shimmy up the muddy hillside to get around a massive downed tree. My hand literally sank in the mud up to my wrist when I tried to steady myself. It was quite an adventure 25 miles into a 50 mile race to say the least.

When I finally made it back to Cardiac Hill (mile 29.3) my mind made a huge mental shift. I was on my way home. Plain and simple. Sure I had 20 miles to go, but I was headed home. I had a tiny drop bag at Cardiac that I grabbed quickly and I was off. The next few miles are a lovely down hill section that I thoroughly enjoyed.

My uphill game was weak but my downhill one was still strong so I took advantage the best that I could whenever I could.

From Deer Park Aid-Station (mile 35.9) back to Muir Beach (mile 40.8) was a lot of road. Narrow road without much of a shoulder to it. This stretch was another mini mental battle. I decided to view it as a tiny break from the mud and obstacles of the previous miles and appreciate the fact that it wasn’t raining anymore.

When I reached Muir Beach Aid-Station I used the restroom for the third time that day! That’s a new record for me. My stomach was absolutely stellar the whole race I just was apparently quite hydrated! 🙂

Muir Beach to Tennessee Valley (mile 45.8) was a mission for me. I remembered the energy at Tennessee Valley and I needed that to push me through to the finish. I power hiked a lot through here trying to find strength in my legs to run some of the uphills but no matter what, I had the power to run the downhills so I did, pushing aside what my quads might feel like the next day.

Just as I suspected, the Tennessee Valley Aid-Station brought a smile to my face. They cheered when I came in and when I left, they stood in the road and yelled, “You.are.awesome! You got this! You are a badass!” Making me laugh all the way up my first hill. I just love this aid-station. It gave me a boost.

I also knew that Stonegate would be waiting at the top of the mountain for me. Knowing she was there and propelled me a little bit faster.

When I finally reached the top of the mountain and could see the ocean and hear the finish line, I smiled. My legs felt like tree trunks at times descending the stairs but I didn’t stop.

Photo by Stonegate

Then I saw her! She was whooping and hollering! A sight for sore eyes and just what I needed (along with the downhill) to get me to and through the finish line.

Photo by Stonegate

The miles leading to the finish line look like this photo. Absolutely gorgeous. You have to watch your footing or you will trip, but it was breathtaking and I again was so happy it was not raining.

Photo by Stonegate

Before I had reached Stonegate, I glanced at my watch. I had forbid myself to look at it most of the day because I didn’t want to ruin my positive mood. When I saw that my time was well below what I hoped for, I smiled. I tried so hard to run even faster downhill to the finish but my chewed up quads were doing only what they could.

I crossed the finish line and the volunteers that were there cheered and congratulated me. What an incredibly long, wet, muddy and eventually sunny day it was!

Unlike last year, this year I remembered to take a photo of Stonegate and I post race. Without this girl’s support both on and off the trails, I don’t know where I would be. She took my kids when I had to drive Vans to the ER that first night and she drove my sore butt home last year and this year post race.

Right after this photo was taken, we hopped in the car to head home only to realize that my car battery had died! Remember when I said I had backed in at the start? Foreshadowing. 😉 Actually, it did not matter all that much, the Race Director had a starter and they helped give my car a jump start to get us on our way. Inside Trail Racing is a great organization and we absolutely love their races. I highly recommend them. It was a top notch day despite horrid conditions. Their volunteers are some of the best, always positive, always helpful and always smiling. A simple smile when you are dog tired at mile 35 is sometimes all you need to get you through the next mile.

Happy to report that I had a course PR this year! I finished 50 minutes earlier than last year despite the trail conditions. Last year I had shoe problems, this year, since I have found Topoathletics, all my feet problems are nonexistent. I could not be happier.

The training season so far has been nothing but wet, mud and wind. It has been frustrating to say the least. Constantly running in a windy downpour plays with your mind. Add to that, some family health drama and you can have a recipe for negativity. I won’t lie and say I was all Mary Poppins this whole time, I had my moments of doubt but I trusted myself, my training and my ability to stay positive despite what was thrown at me. I faltered at times (ahem Cardiac) but I never gave up. I continued to push forward. I never looked back.

Many thanks go out to Vans for his continued support. Despite the past few weeks, he encouraged me to go and run and supported me throughout. Also, thank you to my coach, Sandi for her constant motivation, advice and being a great sounding board for everything I’ve battled so far. Also thank you to Stonegate, Not Chris and Pigeon for being the best trail friends a Trailmomma could ask for. Here is to many more miles ahead my friends!

Happy Trails!


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Photo from Inside Trail Racing
Photo from Inside Trail Racing

This climb is nothing. Wait until we get to Willow Camp! That climb will kill ya!” That’s what the runner in front of me told me as we were climbing up a hill called Cardiac … a name that already implies some sort of death by exertion. “Bring it.” is what I said in my head … but my body was silently screaming, “What the fork!?”

The Marin Ultra Challenge (MUC) 50 Miler has been a bucket list race of mine. I’ve run the Headlands Marathon twice and the Mt. Tam 50k already out in Marin, so I knew what those trails involved but I wanted more, I wanted to test my limits, test my fitness level and honestly, test myself.

Stonegate told me a while back that she’d come and crew me which is something I rarely have – my own personal crew! We both love those trails and we have a dear friend that is always gracious enough to let us crash when we tell her, “Hey! We’re coming your way. Can we sleep at your house?” I think sometimes we sign up for races just for the social time with her. 🙂


When race week arrived, I was nervous. While not my goal race of the season, I’ve been training for this and was in a taper period … which I hate. It is hard to go from running a lot to not much running and paying attention to all the OTHER important things like eating, sleeping, resting and recovering.

After a great evening of playing catch up with friends, I went to bed fairly early. I was eager to get this adventure moving. Race morning I was awake and doing my usual routine. I felt rested but my feet hurt.

I’ve been having various feet issues lately. Long story short, I have a cyst (or random bone) on my foot and these crazy aches and pains in weird places – not my norm. I usually don’t have feet issues but these problems have been building over the last month or so.

Since I am a nerd and plan excessively for my races, Stonegate knew exactly what to do and where to go during the day. What we didn’t know however, was how the heck to get out of our friend’s new neighborhood! 🙂 We drove around for 15 minutes completely going in circles, passing her house once. While Stonegate and I were both quietly freaking out, we were both laughing on the inside knowing that we’d laugh like hell once we finally did get OUT. 🙂


We arrived at the race start which was ocean side. The parking lot at Fort Baker was flooded so the race director had to move the start/finish area to Rodeo Beach earlier in the week.


This move unnerved me at first, but I preferred Rodeo Beach as I was more familiar with this area.

At the start, the weather was super warm and the energy was high. This event has four different distances: a 50k and a 50 Mile race that starts at 6 am and a half and 35k that started at 8 am.

Before I knew it, we were off and running up hill. This I was prepared for as I have done this climb a few times. IMG_0031

The first thing I noticed was how easy it felt. My legs felt great and I wasn’t out of breath. Having battled allergies recently, this was a fantastic feeling.


The trail was a bit congested to start, especially when we hit the stairs. A lot of people, myself included, stopped to take photos.


One of the hardest parts of running in Marin, is trying really hard NOT to fall while taking in some of the most amazing views.

I was just moving along running most of the time, including the up hills. I worried momentarily that I might have been going out too fast, but I just felt good so I went with it.

The Golden Gate behind me. Photo from
The Golden Gate behind me. Photo from Chasqui Runner

Around mile 10 my one foot started to burn, like I had some hot spots on the bottom of my foot. I rarely get blisters or have blister issues so this was strange.

I just kept running telling myself that Stonegate would be at the top of Cardiac and that I just had to get to her. I decided that would be the best spot for her to hang out all day as I would see her at 19.8 and then again at 29.3.


Just before the Tennessee Valley Aid-Station (mile 10.5) I ran into Miss P and Pearls both of whom were doing the 50k distance. So nice to see and run with them for a bit. They were motoring at a good pace and I just hung on enjoying the company.

After the aid-station, Miss P ran up ahead and I ran with Pearls for a few miles before she just disappeared. They both went on to have great races. They are crazy strong runners.

The next aid-station after Tennessee Valley was Muir Beach, another aid-station I am familiar with. This is also the point in the race where the 50ks went one way and the 50 mile runners went another. From here on out, anyone you saw on the trail, you knew was a 50 mile runner.


After the Muir Beach aid-station, I was on a mission. Climb Cardiac and get to Stonegate because my feet were killing me at this point.

Climbing Cardiac brought back so many memories of when I ran the Mt. Tam 50k with Stonegate and Burning Girl. We had a lot of laughs during that race and while at the time, Cardiac was a tough moment, I was laughing my head off during this race thinking about it.

Just me and the fog!
Just me and the fog!

I had a runner behind me who would occasionally get too close but not want to pass as he said I was pulling him up the mountain. Finally, I just made him go ahead … that’s when he told me that the next climb, the climb to Willow Camp, was by far the craziest climb of the race.

Photo by Inside Trail
Photo by Inside Trail

That big lump in the middle, that’s Willow Camp. Ouch.

I arrived into Cardiac and saw Stonegate hollering to me from on top of a cliff. She came down to check on me. She had me in and out of that aid-station fast but I told her my feet hurt and to grab the spare pair of shoes that I had in the car. I’ve never changed shoes in a race before like this, but I figured it couldn’t be much worse than what I was dealing with.  I could feel hot spots all along the bottoms of both of my feet.

Before I left, she asked me if I had gotten her text. “Nope, but I haven’t had much cell service,” I said. She goes, “Ok! No worries! You’ll get it. Had a little issue but it’s ALL okay now. You’ll laugh.” Uh-oh. 🙂


Off I went down the trail to see what this Willow Camp climb was all about.

The trail eventually dumps you into the town of Stinson Beach. It’s an adorable little town, but you have to run the streets of it and particularly this big hill to get back to the trails. My legs were just not having it. I had run up a good portion of Cardiac, but after that, my legs were finally feeling the day’s efforts and starting to revolt.

Photo from Chasqui Runner
Photo from Chasqui Runner

The climb up Willow Camp was by far, one of the gnarliest climbs I have done. Maybe it was the fact that it comes at mile 24 of a 50 mile race or the fact that it goes straight up with no switch backs like Cardiac, whatever the reason, it can crush your spirits if you let it.

All I could do was laugh at what was before me and keep moving. I put my feet out of my mind and kept climbing. Then, after what seems like forever, you are presented with this …


What you can’t see are the single track trails just rolling in and around these hills. It was the most spectacular part of the whole course. I ran and ran and ran. I had the biggest smile on my face. I passed a few runners and caught up to a group I had been near earlier.

These hills were just breath taking but I was also on a mission to get back to Cardiac so that I could change my socks and shoes.

Right before I came into the Cardiac aid-station I passed about 3 runners. I was moving so fast they even commented on it. I just wanted relief for my feet!!

Coming back to Cardiac
Coming back to Cardiac

Stonegate had a chair set up and my new shoes ready. By “new shoes” I truly  mean brand new shoes. I just had got them Thursday night before the race. I wore them in the car to Marin and packet pick up but I’d never run in them. No better time than the present to start.

I changed out my socks, added some blister stuff to my feet and put on my new shoes. It felt like I took forever at that aid-station but truthfully, it was probably less than 5 minutes. Off I went thanking Stonegate immensely for being there for me.


The next section was all down hill which is normally something I cherish and had been doing quite well all race. The new shoes on my feet however, felt clunky and different at first compared to my previous ones. The blister pain however disappeared and for that I was grateful.The pills found so effective that it gets mixed in the blood vessels & this active ingredient tadalafil india leads for the elimination of the functioning of PDE5 enzymes which is the best component as it helps to initiate the role within an hour & hence pill generally known as the wide responding pill. Loss of libido (lack of interest in sex) order cheap viagra is common in woman as compared to men. It’s time to use cialis tadalafil generic and experience the advantages of this miracle ED (erectile dysfunction) treatment drug. viagra (Tadalafil) can help you be ready for this very timely in your approved online adult driver Ed. If you are frustrated with poor http://www.devensec.com/development/Filming_Guidelines_6_3_18.pdf buy levitra online performance or low urge then try to find what deprives you from, if there is anything which is creating tensions and tearing bonds of love with your partner is, as the condition of erectile dysfunction are also being seen in men in their early 20s & 30s.

It took a little while for me to get used to my new shoes and right about this time, I started to get this terrible pain in my toe. This is one of those familiar pains I’ve been battling lately.


Down down down down we went. These trails had lots of hikers on them and some really cool bridges but you had to follow the ribbons closely or else you might get lost.


I was part of a group and it was clear we all were tired and struggling just a little. We were more than half way done with this thing, but we still had a long way to go.

For me, I play mental games with myself. Whenever I get half way through a race, I start counting down down miles, not up. It makes the distance seem less daunting. I also just think about aid-stations, and at this point, I knew I only had three more aid-stations to go before the finish.


I don’t recall much about the next aid-station, Deer Park (mile 35.9) but I know in my head I was thinking, “Maybe I’ll see deer there?!” hahaha My brain was doing anything it could to occupy itself.

These trails are pretty remote but it was riiiiight about here that I did get that earlier text from Stonegate that I mentioned above ….


I was DYING!!! Boy did this text come through at a great moment. I am sure the stress she had to deal with was way more than my day. Crewing is never easy and can be nerve-wracking … clearly … but she also took this photo ….

Stonegate chilling in my car. hahahhaa
Stonegate chilling in my car. hahahhaa

Love this girl. By the time she took the above photo, her job was done. She just had to watch me cross the finish and drive my tired butt home – she deserved this chill moment by the ocean.

Muir Beach Aid-Station (mile 40.8) was next. “Less than 10 to go!” I screamed in my head. Unfortunately, I decided to stop and use the restroom here. It was convenient, open and well, I had to go. So, another few minutes were spent here that I had not planned on but it is always a good sign that things are working. 🙂

Tennessee Valley (mile 45.8) was the next aid-station and I just could not wait to get there. I was motoring at this point, or at least I was trying to motor. There were some stairs, a few decent hills to climb so honestly I probably was not going as fast as I thought I was. 🙂

I finally saw the aid-station and I just smiled.  When I ran into it, the WHOLE aid-station erupted in cheers and screams … I looked at them, smiled and said, “So no one’s come through here for a while huh?” They laughed hard, “No no no, this is how we greet ALL runners. Don’t cut yourself short!” 🙂 I am not lying when I say, these volunteers are awesome.

I was there probably all of 30 seconds. I started smelling that barn and I wanted in.


I had asked the volunteers before I left, if the final two miles were up two miles and down two miles and a girl replied, “Yup, that’s pretty much it.” Um nope, not quite. 🙂 Not even close actually but it’s alright, it made me laugh every time I’d hit another hill.

Finally I hit Road 88 which I know would lead me down to the finish line. I glanced at my watch. I was a little bummed. I really wanted to finish sub 11 hours but with my shoe change and spontaneous bathroom stop, I knew it wasn’t in the cards but I know it is obtainable.


As I was cresting yet another hill, I heard “Woot woot!”It was Stonegate! She had climbed up the mountain and ran with me back down!!! So excited to have her with me that last mile!!


She warned me that I had a little up, some stairs to go down and then the rest was all downhill. It’s amazing what you forget you ran 49 miles ago. 🙂


I had been worried that I wouldn’t finish in the daylight but I totally had plenty of time and the sky was glorious as I was finishing. Stonegate took some killer photos as she was running behind me.


Finally I could see the tents and cars! I was trying to run fast but I am pretty sure it looked like I was running in quicksand.


Just run down the big paved hill to the parking lot and turn left,” she said, “You got this!”


Besides some pain in my feet, I felt pretty good otherwise. I saw the finish arch and heard all the cheers from those still hanging around…a huge smile just permanently on my face.


Sadly, Stonegate and I didn’t get any photos of us together but the majority of these photos, unless otherwise noted, are hers. I can’t thank her enough for her support and encouragement all day. Having her there truly saved me.

I ended up finishing just over a 11 hours. Honestly, I was surprised by that as originally I thought I’d be closer to 12 hours but at some point during the race, I realized I could potentially make it sub 11 … but that wasn’t the goal. The goal of the race was to finish, finish smiling and use it as a training run. I succeeded. I was all smiles.

Sadly, I had to jet out of there as soon as I finished. We had to drive back home because I had to get on a plane Sunday morning for work (ouch, not the wisest choice but it wasn’t so bad).

Later I found out that I had won 3rd in my Age Group!! I was super stoked to hear that. The Race Director emailed me and said that he’d mail me my  age group award and the finishers medal that I missed getting at the finish as they had ran out. I truly love Inside Trail Racing, they not only put on stellar events and have great volunteers, they seem like such cool people and their communication to runners is spot on.

I also have to thank Vans. He held down the fort at home not only during my racing adventure but he continued holding it down when I left for a 3 day work trip immediately after.

FaceTiming with these goofballs ... love them.
FaceTiming with these goofballs … love them.

Overall I am pleased with my results. My body, particularly my quads were pretty sore the next day but that was to be expected. I didn’t get a chance to truly rest having flown out of town but the adrenaline of the event was still pumping through my veins. I am still smiling even now.

Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.”

Happy Trails,


Full Disclaimer: I am not associated with Inside Trail Racing at all and was not paid or compensated for writing this report. I have run two of their other events in addition to this one and I truly believe they host stellar, challenging and thoroughly top notch events. 







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