This weekend’s run was definitely an eye opener for me. I always write about having good days and bad days on the trails and Saturday was definitely one of my not so great days. I completed the run. All 15 miles and 3200+ ft of elevation gain of it including a brutal climb up K2. Yet, I truly feel like I was battling my body the entire way.

I have my suspicions as to WHY I had such a bad run. Lack of sleep for one. Squeaker has been up one to two times a night most days of the week and yet I continued to go to all my morning workouts instead of making up for any lost sleep. I also had some dental work this week that has left me with the inability to chew anything too hard or too “sticky” and ultimately left me on a smoothie only diet for a few days. While smoothies are a great way to get your greens and vitamins in … they are not an ideal source of energy for multiple days on end right before you go do a run in super hot weather with significant climbing. Live and learn right?
I also learned on my run that some of my past fueling habits may have been helping me more than I thought since I was without one of my signature items on this run. Again, lesson learned.
Regardless, I am proud of the run that I had. It was with a group of people who I am fairly new to running with as Pigeon was working. This group is a bit faster than I am used to but I like that. It encouraged me to keep up the pace at times. Challenges are good. They inspire and motivate us.
After the run I hit the canal to clean off my incredibly dusty legs and also cool the muscles and joints down a bit.

I was home by 10:30 a.m. having started the run at 6:30 a.m. which was really nice and Vans was quite surprised by my arrival
I am digging the 15 to 20 mile distance right now. That also seems to be my internal mileage marker anyway. Anymore than 20 and I think I might be pushing things. My body is telling me to be gradual about my runs and for once, I am listening.
The rest of my beautiful Saturday was spent with my girls either doing art projects or watching them swim in the pool.

In the evening we made a family outing to cheer on the Sacramento Republic FC team against Oklahoma in one of their final home games of their inaugural season.
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The girls really enjoyed the game even though it was a super late evening. The Peanut has started playing soccer and for her, it was neat to see a real game in person.

Squeaker was starting not to feel very well. I could tell something was off when she was not enjoying the game. Needless to say, she woke up the next morning with a fever but she’s a strong kid and is fighting this cold with all her might.
Like I said, there have been a lot of highs and lows this weekend. Another one of the high points was having some quiet time Sunday morning to go over my Rouxbe cooking assignments and studying for one of my quizzes.

Just in case you missed it, last week I wrote a blog that contained my very first give-away. Click HERE to vist that post and be sure to comment so your name can be entered into the contest to win FREE tuition into Rouxbe’s online cooking school. I know everyone is worried they don’t have the time to fit this course into their schedule, but if I can do it (with three jobs, two kids, a husband and my training for an up coming ultra) than ANYONE can do it. Trust me. It is worth the time. What have you got to lose? It is FREE!

Happy Trails!