Okay, lame title/joke I know but I finally saw my first knewt on the trail this weekend! So stinking cute!! 🙂

We had lots of rain near the end of this past week and due to plans and obligations, we had to split up the weekend. Pigeon and I ran on Saturday while Stonegate and Burning Girl ran on Sunday.

Pigeon and I started our run a bit earlier than usual on Saturday which actually turned out to be a good thing (you’ll see why later on).

I picked the run route, we carpooled together and started our run bright and early. The weather was very deceiving. We both dressed a bit too warm at the start because the wind was blowing pretty strong when we were getting ready by the car. Yet 10 minutes later, I was ready to strip down big time.

We parked at Cool and basically ran the second loop of the Way Too Cool 50k and boy was it muddy! Warning, I have tons of photos so I may just let the photos speak for themselves today.

No trail. Just mini rivers all day.
No trail. Just mini rivers all day.

Our first intro into the wet water filled day was about 2 minutes into our run when we discovered that most of the trails were these little streams of running water instead of dirt or mud.

The trails were tacky piles of mud, wet leaves and water. It was a bit harder to fly down the same section I flew down last weekend but I managed.

The waterfalls were everywhere!
The waterfalls were everywhere!

Most of the time, there was no way around the water. We just had to run through it and if I had any idea what the day would have been like, I would have started counted water crossings. There was easily 20.

Or waterfall crossing
Or waterfall crossings

The only part of the run that was not so super duper wet was Quarry Road.

More amazing fog in Auburn and Cool - above Quarry Road
More amazing fog in Auburn and Cool – above Quarry Road

Since Quarry Road is a fire a road there was more space for drainage but there was definitely the occasional puddle jump along the way.

I lied. This is Quarry Road.
I lied. This is Quarry Road.

I haven’t run this route since almost this same time last year when we did the Way Too Cool training run together. It was nice and I have forgotten how challenging at times this run can be. Both Pigeon and I need to keep doing runs that incorporate lots of climbing and descending.

Look at the green!
Look at the green!

We were just running along commenting that the river has really risen since last weekend’s run…

The water is so high!
The water is so high!

When we were stopped dead in our tracks.

Um, where did the trail go?
Um, where did the trail go?

The trail we were following lead straight into the river! Now Pigeon and I are not afraid of wading through water. However, just two seconds after arriving, we saw what we thought was an EMPTY kayak going down the river.

With my heart in my throat, I started scanning the water praying that what we saw was just a giant bright orange log and that someone had not capsized. The current was strong. There was so much debris floating down the river it was very intimidating.

Pigeon and I stood there, staring at what used to be the trail.

See, no trail!
See, no trail!

Neither of us wanted to be foolish and start wading through the water. Pigeon declared, “This is impassable!” We were not sure exactly how far from shore the trail was and while we could have bushwhacked through the foliage on the side, we were reminded of the massive ticks pulled out a runner’s neck just last weekend. Um, no thank you.

So we stood there for what seemed like an eternity when three girls came up behind us. They said they were going to try it. Pigeon and I waited. More runners came by we told them what we saw and they too went down to the water to check it out. No one was coming back!

I looked at Pigeon and said, “They must be attempting it. No one has turned around. I don’t want to turn around either but…” So we went down to the water to check it out.

This is where starting our run earlier was in our favor. We ran into this larger running group who ultimately helped us through some of the tougher stronger stream crossings.

I made Pigeon go first. For photography sake of course.
I made Pigeon go first. For photography sake of course.

Pigeon and I joked that we just wanted others to do it first … just in case but in all honesty, that was the safest move. Had we been by ourselves, we probably would not have attempted this.

It got deeper as you went farther in.
It got deeper as you went farther in.

Once on the other side, we were soaked from toe to mid-thigh. Good thing it was warming up. However, we wouldn’t stay dry for long ….

Pigeon getting some help across one of the larger stronger stream crossings
Pigeon getting some help across one of the larger stronger stream crossings

It may not look too deep in the photos, but the current was strong and there is nothing under your feet but uneven unsteady rocks.

We would continue to leap frog with this group of runners for a bit which again, was in our favor.

Yet another crossing
Yet another much larger crossing!

It was so.much. fun! 🙂 I love stuff like this on the trails.

After a little while, the group went on ahead. We’d see some of the stragglers from time to time but we paused for a bit to let them get some distance from us.

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People are funny and think it is fun to deface some of the signs on the trail. However, there was one marking on this sign that made me laugh out loud ….

Bad Ass Waterfalls - 1 M.
Bad Ass Waterfalls – 1 Mi.

Someone had scratched in “Bad Ass Waterfalls – 1 Mi.” on the sign and that made me laugh. It was true!

Off we ran, up and down. I was feeling good and just going with the flow of the trail. Trying not to slip too much and picking up speed on the descents.

I came down this one trail and stopped. For some reason what I saw made me stop and want to take a photo. It was as if this tree was floating!

Floating Tree
Floating Tree

It is hard to tell, but it had snapped in half and the bottom half was on the other side of the trail (to the left of the photo) and as the tree fell, these other trees caught it preventing it from being in the middle of the trail. It was neat.

Smiling ear to ear I was having a blast. Another stellar day and it was about to get even better because as I was running, I saw what we were running towards ….

Crazy blue skies and sun!
Crazy blue skies and sun!

The trail had turned sunny, warm and just beautiful after what seemed like miles and miles of gray, mud and wet.

Sunny miles ahead!
Sunny miles ahead!

It was mind blowing to see and feel that sun on our faces for quite a few miles. Eventually we knew that the trail would throw us back into the “woods” and that things would get wet and muddy again but I enjoyed the sun while it lasted.

More water to wade through
More water to wade through

I also enjoyed the muddy sections too.

Muddy run descents ahead!
Muddy descents ahead!

I am always having fun and finding fun on the trail. It brings out the kid in me every time.


I knew we were approaching Goat Hill, one of the big hills in the Way Too Cook 50k race. I was eager to get there and get started on the climb.

Up I went. Just trying to not slip. There was literally a stream of water running down the Goat Hill trail. It was insane but still a lot of fun.

The top of Goat Hill
The top of Goat Hill

I was pretty shocked when I reached the top of Goat Hill because I don’t remember it being that short and that (dare I say it), easy? I guess after last weekend’s Stagecoach and K2 run, Goat Hill should feel easy.

The rest of the run was more crazy wet trails back to the Highway 49 crossing. It felt good to be almost done and the sun was back for our last two miles or so.

Overall it was a great day on some very technical and wet trails which is good because it doesn’t seem like El Nino is going anywhere and any future races may very well be this wet, muddy and tough.

We climbed a little over 3800 feet. Last weekend it was about 4500 so not quite as much but still some solid stretches of very runnable trails helping to push past any fatigue.

When I got home, I was pretty hungry. The last mile or so I was planning my meal in my head. 🙂 Like I mentioned in my last post, I will share what my post-run fuel looks like.

#plant-based recovery fuel
#plant-based recovery fuel

Leafy greens are a great source of vitamins but consuming leafy greens also helps the body produce more nitric-oxide which in turn helps the arteries dilate and helps remove cholesterol. So there is nothing better to help the blood flow to the heart better/faster (and ultimately the rest of the body aka your muscles) than to eat a bowl of leafy greens.

Here I have butter lettuce and arugula, shredded carrots, celery, white navy beans, green onions, cilantro and some cold brown jasmine rice. I topped this all with some Jalapeño Lime Vinegar (adding vinegar to greens boosts everything about this dish). It was perfect.

So there you have it. Another stellar run even though we ran separate. I am sure there will be more weekends like this in our future. It is hard to coordinate four women with kids. 🙂

Sun and smile on my face = a happy girl.
The sun is out and a smile on my face = a happy girl.

Not sure of the plans yet for next weekend. I do believe it is Super Bowl weekend (not that I care all that much) so that may dictate my schedule a bit. Either way, I am sure it will be super fun. 2016 is definitely starting out to be a great year.

Happy Trails!


Another favorite pic from the weekend … my girls. As a book lover and avid reader, this just melts my heart.

Squeaker & Peanut
Squeaker & Peanut





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Even though I have run 20 miles numerous times, there is something to be said about running your first 20 of the season. It means training has truly begun and it is time to start seeing what works and what doesn’t. Weed out the bad stuff and push your limits.

Tunnel of Truth
Tunnel of Truth

This past Sunday, I had one of the best runs yet and what made this run so great, was that I had ALL my running pals together at one time. Our schedules finally collided and Pigeon, Stonegate and Burning Girl and I were all ready to hit the trails at once.

Trail Girls
Trail Girls

Pigeon was happy to show Stonegate and Burning Girl some new trails. Trails that I have run a few times but didn’t have the confidence to do on my own just yet. Stonegate was super excited to see some new views and I don’t think this run disappointed her.

Hello Auburn!
Hello Auburn!

We carpooled in two cars and parked near the confluence. We started running and then BAM within 3 minutes I had rolled my left ankle and heard a distinct “POP!” I was too busy looking at the beauty around me to notice whatever the heck it was I had stepped on.

I didn’t stop. I didn’t want to stop. I pushed the pain radiating up my leg aside and just kept going. The day was just beginning and I was too excited. Plus, I knew it was not that serious, just a minor set back.

The Auburn Fog is just amazing
The Auburn fog is just amazing

We ran Clementine in single file. Such a gorgeous trail. It was muddy and slippery in sections which made it even more fun. The only sketchy part was running into a couple that had two dogs. After my dog experience last year (read about that here), I am forever hesitant on the trail and will never trust a dog or its owner again.

This couple pulled their pups way off the trail. They had one tiny dog (held by the woman) and one large dog (held by the man). When Stonegate ran by that big dog was growling and lunging towards her. Luckily the man had a good hold but I can’t say the rest of us were eager to run by next.

With that behind us though we just continued on. Stonegate and Burning Girl would run up ahead, I’d take up the middle and Pigeon was the caboose with her steady pace. We’d stop and regroup at all turns and intersections.


With that downhill section my tummy started doing some flip-flops which is why I slowly positioned myself to mid-pack. I wasn’t sure if the porta-potty that I remembered was still where it used to be. Lucky for me, it was!

In true goofball form, the girls decided to play a little prank on me ….

Surprise! Papparazzi!
Surprise! Papparazzi!

They thought they were hilarious trying to get my reaction when I stepped out. It was pretty funny but I felt tons better! Moving on!

Weeee down hill!!
Weeee down hill!!

Back towards our car we ran. The first loop was done.

Photo by Stonegate - all smiles
Photo by Stonegate – all smiles


Next it was time to introduce the girls to ….


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We all started the initial hike up Stagecoach together hiking and running when we could.

Banana Slug!
Banana Slug!

As we were hiking I saw this huge stick … moving … wait that wasn’t a stick it was a Banana Slug! 🙂

Soon however, I started to feel the pull. There have been a few times when Pigeon and I have gone up this hill and I’ve said, “See ya at the top!” Climbing is one of my favorite things to do so off I went, powering my way up.

Amazing views
Amazing views

There was a guy in front of me that I was determined to catch. I caught him and then passed him. I finally made it to the top feeling strong.

When the rest of the crew made it to the top, we ran through Auburn to the Overlook and then back down the trail towards No Hands Bridge. The sun was up and the day was just getting better and better.

Burning Girl however has been dealing with some hip pain and decided (wisely) not to push her limits and headed back to the car. This is where running loops is SO smart. Pigeon, Stonegate and I continued on towards K2 to do our last four miles with a good mile of climbing to start.

Burning Girl and I pushed our way up K2. Some doofus on his way down thought he was being cool and said to us, “Just so you know, you’re not even half way there.” No duh kid, thanks. 🙂

When we were all together we headed off towards the trail that leads back down. For years I used to hate this trail. Before I had my ankle surgery, this trail used to be nothing short of excruciating for me. Now that I have solid ankle strength, I love to just FLY down this section.

Stonegate and I just took off. Eventually I even lost sight of Stonegate behind me. I was just smiling ear to ear dancing around and through all the mud puddles. I was like a pig in a mud bath or baby in a toy store … it was the perfect way to end this 20 mile run.

Where's Stonegate? I can't find her!?
Where’s Stonegate? I can’t find her!?

When we made it back to No Hands we were stretching and goofing around waiting for Pigeon. Stonegate decided to climb up into this cave.

20 miles and almost 5,000 ft of climbing in one day with three of my favorite running partners. My heart was full. My body felt amazing. My fueling was good and my legs felt strong. I was a happy girl.

Post-Run Fuel
Post-Run Fuel

If you follow me on Instagram, then you saw that I posted this after our run on Sunday. I am a strong believer that what you eat after a hard workout sets the tone for your recovery.

In the photo above, I had a gluten free teff flour tortilla topped with homemade no-oil hummus, raw spinach, shredded carrots, steamed kale mixed with hot sauce, cooked beets and a sprinkle of nutritional yeast. So good. If I remember, I will continue to post the meals that I recover with because I know people are curious and it is often a question I am asked a lot.

So there you have it, our 20 miler was fantastic! I am looking forward to another weekend on the trails however mother nature it looks like she might grace us with a nice big shower for our entire run. Bring it! 🙂

Happy Trails!


PS: Ankle Update – Tonight I saw my miracle worker at Elite Spinal and Sports and he said that I thoroughly jacked up the tendon between my tibia and fibula. He was pretty amazed at how messed up it was AND that I was able to continue on with the run. It feels great now, a little tender but at least I have feeling back in my toes. 🙂




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If you have followed this blog since the beginning (which is probably no one but Pigeon and maybe my NJ family) you may recall back in 2010 when I was training for my first ever ultra.

I was part of the Fleet Feet Ultra Training Group (the first one there ever was) and that is where I met Pigeon, Coach Nikon, Captain Kirk, Kuni the Beast, Miss P and a whole host of others who I still see both on and off the trails.

But what stands out most that training year was the RAIN. We had multiple runs where we were soggy, muddy and just down right drenched. I would venture to guess that was the last time we had a “real” wet winter here in Northern California.

One of my favorite old shots - Puddle Jumping!
One of my favorite 2010 shots – Puddle Jumping! Photo by Coach Nikon

This year is starting to look and feel more and more like that crazy water-logged 2010 year did.

Gray Skies Again!
Gray Skies Again!

Last Saturday I found myself running with Pigeon and Stonegate. We decided to run 16 so we carpooled to the Auburn Damn Overlook (ADO) together.

We knew that rain had been forecasted for the most of the morning but when we started our run it was only spitting.

We set off for the canal with plans to run down Cardiac hill and out towards Avery’s Pond. I happen to love this section of trail.

Good Old Cardiac!
Good Old Cardiac!

After a rough work week (eeerrr month), I had energy to spare and was pretty excited to be out running.

Pigeon is working herself back up to where she left off last season and was content to let me and Stonegate run off ahead like two little kids in a toy store. 🙂 And boy did we!

The mud was thick and slippery and there was no use trying to dance around any puddles. Needless to say, our socks and shoes were pretty wet fairly early into the run.

Here comes Pigeon!
Here comes Pigeon!

We had some good laughs along the way. I was on high alert because a few years earlier Pigeon and I had run into a mama bear and her cubs on this very trail … something I didn’t really want to repeat.

The trails were pretty busy with various groups and people out running or walking their dogs. Every once in a while the rain would come down a bit harder but for most of the run, we were dry (well, minus our feet). I even took off my jacket after a while and ran in a t-shirt as I was getting quite hot.

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We ran past Avery’s Pond and eventually turned around and made our way back the way we came.

Fallen Tree!
Fallen Tree!

Oddly enough, a tree had fallen after we passed it and was blocking the trail on our way back. Thank goodness it fell well after we had run by.

The colors were so pretty!
The colors were so pretty!

Stonegate is signed up for the American River 50 Miler, her first 50 and it was neat showing her exactly what she will be running on her last 8 or 9 miles.

Taking it all in.
Taking it all in.

Like I said before, I just love these trails. They cleanse my head and fill my heart every time.

Soon we hit the bottom of Damn Hill where Cardiac starts back up.

Pigeon and Stonegate fueling up before the climb
Pigeon and Stonegate fueling up before the climb

We paused to have some food and take in the river which was actually flowing one more time before climbing our way back up Cardiac towards the Overlook.

Once we reached the top, we stopped to take a few more photos. Stonegate wanted to get a better shot of me and like any good friend would, she climbed through the canal to get to the other side just to take the photo!

She also cleaned her shoes in the process.
She also cleaned her shoes in the process.

The rain started to come down pretty hard the last few miles but it felt good. We knew we were almost done and we all had smiles on our faces.

I know we need the rain because we have been in a drought for so long but running in the rain always requires a bit of extra work and tends to slow down the run (darn mud) overall. No matter what though, it always makes for an adventure and I am looking forward to many more of these wet and muddy adventures as training season continues!

Happy Trails!


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As I said in my last post, I was headed up to Tahoe this past weekend to crew and pace Pigeon in her third attempt at the brutal, unrelenting Tahoe Rim Trail 100 mile race.

This race is not an easy race no matter what distance you choose. Whether you are running the 55k, the 50 mile or the 100 mile, this course can really throw all the elements at you in one day.

Last year Pigeon suffered through massive rain, hail, thunder and lightning while running on top of one of the highest peaks in the Lake Tahoe area. There are miles upon miles of exposed open trail covered in lung choking dust and the smallest particles of gravel you have ever seen.

In short, this weekend is a tough weekend all around both for the runner and the crew. So sit back, and enjoy the recap. As usual, it’s long. ☺

Friday after work, I drove up to Tahoe. I stopped at Squaw Valley for the annual Wanderlust Festival. I love stopping here to walk around, stretch my legs, use the bathrooms and of course, check out all the freebies they have to offer! I also scored a snack since I had skipped lunch that day in exchange for driving.

Crazy overpriced but good Spring Roll
Crazy overpriced but good Spring Roll

Pigeon and Missouri secured a condo again this year near Diamond Peak Ski Resort which proves to be the best way to go about handling this race, especially for the crew and most definitely for a crew with a 6 month old!


That’s right, Missouri and I were going to crew Pigeon while also trying to entertain little JCM who is super in love with his mama and only his mama right now. Let’s just say, Missouri put in double duty this weekend big time.

Friday night we discussed plans, routes and expectations for the weekend. Pigeon seemed way more relaxed and calm than she has years prior. She ran and completed Quicksilver in May so she has her qualifier for Western States 2016 which meant the pressure was off so to speak for this race. Her only goal was to finish.

We all went to bed early knowing that we all had different jobs in the morning. Pigeon and Missouri had to head to the starting line which is at Spooner Lake (near South Shore) and I was going to wake up a bit later and head to Tunnel Creek so that I could catch Pigeon coming through the aid-station at miles 12 and 17. The race started at 5 am and Pigeon and had all her predicted times written out for us. I wanted to be at Tunnel Creek with plenty of time to see her come through.

To be honest, I was a tad bit nervous in how the weekend would play out. What Pigeon doesn’t know (and still doesn’t actually) is that a week ago to the day, I had teeny tiny accident at home that has since caused me some pain. I slipped while removing the solar cover off the pool and cracked my tailbone against the side of the cement pool. Yup. As far as I know, nothing is broken. What I do know is that I can’t really sit well on hard surfaces and it hurts to sneeze but running? Well, I kept up with my mid-week short runs the week before Tahoe and while not exactly stellar, things are slowly getting better. I was just concerned mostly about falling while running with Pigeon because we have a rule if I fall while pacing her …. She will only stop if she sees protruding bone or if I hit my head (we never actually clarified that second part but I’d like to hope that she’d stop for that too – haha).

As I climbed up Tunnel Creek things felt okay. It’s a long uphill climb with a few flat sections. My goal was to just go easy and run when I could. However, the “problem” with this trail is that it is so darn beautiful. Seriously, it is begging you to stop and take photographs.

Insane sunrise
Insane sunrise

When I had left my car and started my assent, it was rather warm. Years past I have always carried a jacket and never ever used it. This year, I left the jacket in the car. HUGE mistake. Huge.

Of course I was warm hiking but the minute I got to the top of Tunnel Creek where the volunteers were still setting up the aid-station, the wind came and the cold. Bitter, bitter cold. I immediately started shivering.

aid-station up ahead
aid-station up ahead

“Crap! Why didn’t I bring my jacket? I can’t hike back down I’ll miss her coming through!” Just as I was sitting there battling myself, a nice older gentleman came over and asked me if I wanted a coat. I felt terrible, I said no immediately. I told him to save it for his volunteers (there were tons of other people freezing too who actually belonged up there). He asked me THREE times if I was sure.

Then, I remembered I had my 99 cent poncho that I purchased at Target in my hydration pack in case it rained. This thing is thinner than a garbage bag but at least it would protect a little against the wind (I was wearing shorts and a tank top mind you). I threw on my bright red poncho an sat there shivering on a rock watching the clock willing it to move faster so that at least I’d have a reason to get up and move around.

The next thing that I knew, that same man came over with a blanket for me. He took it out of the bag and simply said, “Just leave it over there when you leave.” Seriously the SWEETEST! Turns out he was the head medical guy at this aid-station and I am forever indebted to his kindness.

Freezing my gluten free buns off.
Freezing my gluten free buns off.

Almost on cue, Pigeon came running into Tunnel Creek. She looked good. I can’t assist her at this aid-station, so I had to watch from the outside until she came outside the ropes. She said she felt good. She looked good. Serious.

She took off on the Red House Loop (6 miles) and I figured that I would see her in about 90 minutes or so. In the meantime, I saw Stonegate and Burning Girl who were running their first Tahoe 55k come through. They came running into the aid-station and I gave them big old cheer. They looked good and were smiling which made me smile more. We chatted on the trail for a bit and they too took off on the Red House Loop – one of the volunteers standing there said, “So you’re done chatting now? Ready to run?” as they left! Hahaha ☺

Stonegate and Burning Girl
Stonegate and Burning Girl

When Pigeon came back up the hill I had run down to meet her. She looked okay. She was still serious. Not much smiling going on with her. She was focused. She didn’t look like she was in any discomfort so that was good.

Pigeon focused
Pigeon focused

When she took off towards Diamond Peak I returned my borrowed blanket and took off down the hill. I hated that I would miss Stonegate and Burning Girl as they returned through Tunnel Creek but the time frame was too short for me to get down the hill, get back to the condo, eat, change and load the car for Diamond Peak (mile 30).

I got a smile before she left for Diamond Peak
I got a smile before she left for Diamond Peak

Maybe if I didn’t stop to take 503 photos on my way down I would have had more time (haha) … I am telling you, I LOVE this stinking road up to Tunnel Creek. ☺

Soaking it all in.
Soaking it all in.
Being a goofball
Being a goofball

I literally made it back to the condo in time to change out of my sweaty clothes, grab something to eat to bring with us and helped Missouri load the car with all the gear we’d need for Pigeon at Diamond Peak.

The parking at Diamond is a pain in the butt and this year we had the gear wagon and JCM and his stroller and gear. So I pulled the wagon which was packed full with chairs, coolers, umbrellas etc up the dirt ski run to the back of Diamond Peak while Missouri pushed the stroller.

We immediately set up camp in the shade (score) and then I moved to the front to wait for Pigeon to come through. The temps were starting to rise now. I was no longer cold. It was hot.

It seemed liked forever, but still close to her predicted time, Pigeon came into Diamond Peak. She looked good. She ate solid food, she smiled – nothing seemed to be bugging her. Seeing JCM brought a good smile to her face.

Coming into Mile 30
Coming into Mile 30

We refilled her pack, made her eat, she put on more sunscreen and without much time wasted, she started her climb up the ski run of Diamond Peak.

The whole family - JCM was the master behind it all
The whole family – JCM was the master behind it all
Sunscreening herself
Sunscreening herself
Heading up Diamond Peak
Heading up Diamond Peak

I helped Missouri reload the wagon. Vans and the girls came up that afternoon and so I stayed at Diamond Peak with them while Missouri brought JCM back to the condo for a much needed nap.

My girls!
My girls!

The period between seeing Pigeon at 30 miles and then again at 50 miles is pretty long so this is an ideal time for the crew to catch up on sleep and eat. I had lunch with my family and the new all returned to condo where I took a quick 30 minute nap on the couch.

Vans and the girls said goodbye. I was so happy they came to see me. They were bummed they had missed Pigeon coming into Diamond Peak by only a few minutes but they were still in awe of the craziness that was happening around them.

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Around 5 pm, Missouri and I loaded the car again complete with JCM and made our way to Spooner Lake in South Shore where Dasie and Kuni (crew #2) would also be waiting for us. Kuni was scheduled to pace Pigeon from the 50 mile marker to the 80 mile marker where I would then take over and bring her into the finish.

Kuni and Dasie - the cutest
Kuni and Dasie – the cutest

We found them almost immediately when we entered Spooner Recreation Area. State Parks changed the way they handled the race this year in regards to parking and I have to say, I kind of liked it! There was not as much parking but it wasn’t a pain to try and get in the gates.

We made our way to the aid-station, debated on a location for our set up and then just sat and waited. It was getting chilly out but at least it wasn’t raining like last year.

Again, not far off schedule, Pigeon came into the aid-station. She immediately said she needed to have her feet taped by the medical volunteers as she was starting to get blisters.

Assessing the foot situation
Assessing the foot situation

While Kuni was helping with that, the aid-station allowed one additional crew member into the area to help. I took over being the liaison between Pigeon and Kuni who were sitting in the medical tent to Dasie, Missouri and JCM who were outside aid-station with all the gear.

Discussing the plan
Discussing the plan

Pigeon changed her socks and her shorts here. She was able to eat another turkey and avocado sandwich which was a good sign. If you can still eat solid foods after 50 miles, that’s a bonus.

She didn’t spend too much time here. The majority of the time was just taping her feet. Other runners had spent way more time in the aid-station in comparison.

There they go!
There they go!

Soon they were running all “head-lamped” down the trail! She was on her way and she looked strong. We wouldn’t see her again until the next morning at Diamond Peak (mile 80). I got excited. Things were looking good!

Missouri, JCM and I made our way back to North Shore to the condo. JCM had about had it for the day and I was starving and in need of a shower, bad. I wanted to eat, shower and get to bed as I knew that I’d have to get up early to begin my pacing duties.

I woke up at 11 pm freaking out that I had overslept and missed everything. I laughed and then went back to bed. I finally woke up at 3 am, packed my car for good (Missouri had to check out that morning) and made my way to Diamond Peak.

This aid-station moves inside at night due to the noise factor and the complaining neighbors. Inside the ski resort there were bodies spread out everywhere. Crew members napping, runners laying on cots who were exhausted. It was complete organized chaos.

People are sleeping under that tent in the corner
People are sleeping under that tent in the corner
Runners who needed to lay down
Runners who needed to lay down

I found some friends, chatted for a bit and then scored a corner when they left to set up camp for us. Then, we sat and waited. I had checked online before leaving the condo to see what Pigeon’s check in times were at the other aid-stations during the night.

When I saw that she had checked out of Tunnel Creek at 3 am, I knew something must have been wrong. I was hoping it was the timing situation. Per Pigeon’s calculations, she should have been out of Tunnel earlier than 3 am.

Pigeon had been 10 to 15 minutes off her schedule (roughly) all day. Sometimes she’d hit the mark and others just be 10 minutes off so we were not too worried when 15 minutes went by and she had not come in yet. Then, Dasie’s phone rang.

I won’t lie. My heart jumped into my chest. I thought, “Holy crap! Here we go! I am going to finally be able to get to run with her! Yes! She is going to do this!” Then I realized the conversation was taking much longer than a “She’s almost there” message … Kuni is not a man of many words, and he was talking to Dasie a lot.

Something was happening with Pigeon’s feet. It was bad. We had to pack up. Pigeon wanted the car moved up the road into the neighborhood. That meant unpacking the aid-station we had set up, loading up JCM and his stuff and having Missouri race down to the lower lot to get the car so that we could load everything back into it.

I ended up pushing the stroller and pulling the full wagon out of Diamond Peak by myself to get to the upper parking lot where Missouri was trying to bring the car.

I then hopped into Dasie’s car while Missouri loaded JCM and we drove up the road to find where the trail touches the road. I hopped out of the car and decided that I would just run onto the course until I came to them. I wore my sweatshirt so that I could give it to Pigeon.

So many runners were coming down. Some in great spirits. Some not so much. I saw this one guy who when coming at me, he looked like an angel with wings! For a minute, I thought I was seeing things and I couldn’t get my phone out fast enough to take a photo from the front. As it turns out, he had a space blanket under his pack …

Angel Dude
Angel Dude

Up and up and up I ran and hiked. I kept sending texts to Missouri telling her how far up I had to go and that I had not reached them yet. I also kept an eye on the clock. If Pigeon was only walking, there is no way she’d make the 7:35 am cut off at Diamond Peak not to mention the fact that if she did, she’d be racing cut offs all day long.

Finally about a mile and a half from where Dasie had dropped me off, I saw them. Pigeon’s face was crestfallen. She just looked defeated and angry and of course, sad. Kuni filled me in on her feet and how massively huge the many blisters were that she had and what had transpired during the night.

She could barely move her feet and the trail ahead wasn’t easy. There were many obstacles to maneuver over.

I tried to joke a little here and there. Kuni did too. She would smile every so often but you could tell in her heart, she was done but that it was eating her alive that all except for her feet, she felt fine. She felt strong. She was trained.


We had a mile and a half to the car. I didn’t want to tell her that because when you are in that much pain, a mile and a half seems like another 100 miles. Step by step we all made our way down the hill. I was texting Missouri as we’d go, filling her in every time we’d make it a half mile or so.

We finally got to the car and Pigeon just got inside. That was it. She was done. We all drove back to Diamond Peak as we had to officially declare her as “dropped” and she wanted her feet to be seen by medical to see if anything could be done.

She had made it 80 freaking miles! Her longest distance covered yet. She got to see the sun rise, set and rise again! If it wasn’t for her darn feet, she would have finished.

Sunrising on the trail
Sunrising on the trail

As it turns out, medical wouldn’t even touch her feet. They advised her to keep the shoes and tape on for as long as she could and then soak in Epsom salts a few times a day to avoid infections. Unfortunately, she had to check out of the condo and drive two hours home before she could soak anything.

It was heart breaking to watch her drop again especially knowing how in shape and how well-trained and prepared she was for this race. The temperature was on her side most of the day (not too hot) and it never rained. She fueled herself well all day long. She had juice in the legs still but unfortunately, her feet looked as if they had been through the meat grinder.

The guy with medical suggested she invest in some gators for Tahoe running and after our training run a few weeks ago, I can 100% agree with his suggestion. The gravel and sand on these Tahoe trails is so fine and there is so much of it, that you are just covered in it head to toe, literally. The dust gets in your lungs and the gravel in your shoes and under your shoe liners until it shreds your toes and socks to pieces. Gators for Tahoe I think are a must have. This is definitely food for thought for me if and when I run this race someday.

I wish I could have ended on a happier note, I know Pigeon does too but it isn’t for lack of trying. I am so dang proud of her. I really am. She is the most determined and focused runner I know which is why when outside factors determine your outcome, it makes it harder to swallow.

Rest up Pigeon! Let those feet and legs heal. Tahoe will always be there. It isn’t going anywhere. Dig deep within yourself and be confident and proud. You are a wise runner and soon, you’ll have bigger trails to conquer and I hope that I can be by your side then too. Thanks for allowing me on your journey. JCM has one badass mama (two actually, cause Missouri is pretty darn badass herself to handle crewing and a baby). ☺

Finally, a special shout out to Vans. He came up to support me even though I was crewing and not running. He brought the girls which made me smile. I love involving them in this stuff and explaining that it isn’t always about running the race – you have to crew, volunteer and support the race too.

Nice photobomb Squeaker
Nice photobomb Squeaker

Happy Trails!


***PS: I am fully aware that if you are viewing this on a mobile device that the photos are sideways or upside down. For an OPTIMAL viewing experience, please read from your PC or computer as I believe the photos will be upright. I apologize for the inconvenience. This is still a work in progress.*** 

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This past weekend we celebrated Squeaker’s fourth birthday, the Peanut had a swim meet and I was lucky enough to run 28 glorious miles in Tahoe. Talk about a jam-packed weekend!

The temps were rising to 100+ degrees near our house and for the swim meet on Saturday. That meant Tahoe was going to be pretty darn warm too.

The Tahoe Rim Trail Training Runs are usually held every year on Father’s Day weekend. This was the first weekend that I can recall where the run was NOT on Father’s Day weekend which is why I was the second person to sign up when they opened registration! I was that excited. I’ve run some of this course before, a few times, but I have never done the organized training run (FYI I am not running any of the TRT races).

Pigeon had signed up to run both Saturday and Sunday since she is attempting her third Tahoe Rim Trail 100 miler. I convinced her to stay up there at least Saturday into Sunday so that she could not back out of Day 2 on the trail. Due to my schedule, I was only able to sign up for Day 2 which was fine since that is the section of the course I will be pacing her. I’ve seen and run up Diamond Peak and into Tunnel Creek before (my other pacing section) so the trail into Snow Valley would be new territory for me.

I drove up to South Lake Tahoe on Saturday evening after a long hot day in the sun at the swim meet. When I arrived, Pigeon had just finished and recovered from 25 miles on another section of the TRT. We chatted a bit and I got to play with their baby a little but we were all pretty tired and went to bed very early. It was nice going to bed way earlier than I would have if I was home.

So fair warning, I took about a million photos on this run. There was nothing too ground breaking or eventful during the run so most of this post will be the amazing beauty that is Lake Tahoe and the Tahoe Rim Trail.


We drove to a parking lot outside of Spooner Lake (not the actual start/finish area of the race). We arrived close to 6:30 as Pigeon wanted to get an early start on the trail since we knew the temperature was going rise and fast.

We checked in. We said hi to Stonegate and Burning Girl and their friend Truckee and then were off. Pigeon knows these trails pretty well and the course wasn’t marked as well as most training runs so my faith was all in her as she led me down the trail.

First little bridge approaching Spooner Lake
First little bridge approaching Spooner Lake

Pigeon was visibly tired the first few miles (understandably so with 25 miles on her legs already) but I too was slowly adjusting to the altitude and the fact that my legs were not getting into the groove yet.

Stopping to take a gel and enjoy the morning glow
Stopping to take a gel and enjoy the morning glow

These first few miles are nothing but an uphill after uphill. I have heard rumors about the massive conga lines at the TRT 55K start and now I can see why. The trail is single track involves a very slow steady climb UP.



But the trails are amazing. It was still cool enough that we were able to climb and not feel the effects of the heat just yet but you could tell it was coming.

Pigeon shared a little bit about her run from the previous day, including going about a mile out of her way by missing a turn.


The first aid-station was going to be at Hobart. I had no idea how far that was and I wasn’t too worried as my pack was pretty jam full with lots of various things from home.

We were alone out on the trail for a quite a while but slowly we started hearing voices. Julie Fingar ran by us and then a few other ‘faster’ runners.

We approached a pretty lookout and stopped to take photos.

And fuel some more
And fuel some more
This was out on the trail and made me smile
This was out on the trail and made me smile

As we were finishing up our photo session, Stonegate and the gang came running in. I told them there were some pretty cool look out spots up around the corner as I know they like to take a ton of photos too.

Pigeon and I took off and soon reached the Hobart aid-station which Pigeon informed me is NOT where it will be located come race day. Good to know. They had moved the aid-station farther up the trail so as to help direct people up Snow Valley as the turn is not exactly clear if you were on your own.

Truckee, Stonegate and Burning Girl
Truckee, Stonegate and Burning Girl

The girls came in just as we were about to leave the aid-station. They looked like they were thoroughly enjoying themselves.

The next aid-station was at Tunnel Creek and I have run this section before. It was nice to see it from another direction. I don’t recall if I ate much at the Hobart aid-station. I had packed a potato with salt which I knew I was munching on most of the time along with a few jelly-beans (I love that sugar rush at times). I also had packed an apple sauce packet, a gluten-free peanut butter and honey sandwich and a whole fruit chia seed bar.


As you can see from the photos, the trail is pretty exposed to the sun and the sun wasn’t even nearly as strong as it was going to be yet. You run towards Lake Tahoe with Marlene Lake right next to it. If the altitude wasn’t taking your breath away, the views surely will.

Marlene Lake with Lake Tahoe behind it
Marlene Lake with Lake Tahoe behind it

Come on, look at that! SO amazing up there. Truly the most beautiful place in the world.

Uphill running in the sun
Uphill running in the sun

Once you get closer to Tunnel Creek, the trail gets a little more technical with some boulders and stuff to dance around.


I was looking forward to getting to Tunnel Creek. Pigeon was growing pretty quiet at times and I knew she was tired but she kept moving and I kept seeing her eat. At the aid-stations she would down chocolate milk so I know she had some calories in her but she was probably pretty dehydrated from the previous day and in a deficit to begin with.

Tunnel Creek Aid-Station!
Tunnel Creek Aid-Station!

I know this aid-station well. I hike to here every year to watch Pigeon (and friends) come in and out. This aid-station rocks because you get to hit it twice (or more depending on the race distance). It was here that I saw the Kettle Brand Sea Salt potato chips on the table. I dug in for a few handfuls. I also finished my baked potato here as well. I was craving some salt I guess.

We spent a lot of time at this aid-station. I was just listening to the conversations around me. Pigeon was fixing her shoe. We had planned on running the 6 mile Red House Loop here. Pigeon had run it yesterday and it was grueling. I have never run it before and am dying to see it but I was content to skip it when I saw the look on Pigeon’s face. She wasn’t into an extra 6 miles that would take us close to 2 hours to complete.

I have a marathon in less than 2 weeks so fine by me to skip that extra mileage. Pigeon kept asking me if it was okay that we skip it. She knew I wanted to run it. I kept saying it was FINE. Really. I was anxious to get back home earlier than normal too even though I was having a blast out there and the heat was really starting to hit. I love heat running but Pigeon does not. So, instead I told her that we could skip Red House if she agreed to run more than hike on our way back. She held onto that promise big time.


On our way out of the aid-station we saw Stonegate and the crew coming in. Burning Girl was all smiles, the other two looked like they could not wait to hit the aid-station. It was getting warm.

More boulders to climb
More boulders to climb

Pigeon definitely held onto her word and ran quite a bit more on the way back. Some times I would let her get way ahead and I would stop to take a bunch of photos and then run real hard to catch up to her. My legs were tired but I was still having a blast.


We stopped a few more times to take some photos again. Different angles and views than we saw on the way in. We also passed a few runners on their way into Tunnel Creek.


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Soon we found ourselves on the stretch of trail that leads you back to Hobart aid-station. This stretch is very exposed and a bit windy at times.

No shade. Nadda.
Still no shade. Ouch.
But you have killer views!
But you have killer views!

We just kept plugging away in the heat. I took a few salts on this stretch and it really helped give me something extra. I was drinking and didn’t feel thirsty or dehydrated but I could probably always drink more.

Is that shade!?
Is that shade!?
Oh no, just kidding. No shade.
Oh no, just kidding. No shade.

I was anxious to get to Hobart again because I knew that we’d be going up Snow Valley on our return and that is a section I have never seen. It is also a section that again, has very little shade.

It does however, have PURPLE ROCKS! Yes, purple rocks and my girls love collecting rocks so I was sure to grab two and throw them into my pack to bring home.

Purple Rocks!
Purple Rocks!


Pigeon explained to me as we ran that Snow Valley is where she got stuck last year during her 100 miler when that massive thunder and lightning storm came. It brought hail and massive streaks of lightning. She was here when that storm hit ….

Here. In the middle of no where with no where to hide!? Crazy!!!
Here. In the middle of no where with no where to hide!? Crazy!!!

I told her that I would have laid down flat in the trail and cried my eyes out. How she managed that one is beyond me. She is one tough cookie.


At some point along this stretch, Pigeon had to find a pit stop so I climbed my way up to some high peak and took a bunch of photos. 🙂

The trail ahead is where we were going
The trail ahead on the right is where we were going
My favorite from the day
My favorite from the day

The decent up Snow Valley was about three miles up and then about 7 miles down according to Pigeon into Spooner and where we would finish.


The decent down Snow Valley involved a lot of running. Our pace was pretty good but Pigeon was growing quiet again. At one point we had a little “discussion” about mileage. She clearly did not like what my Garmin was reading and pretty much declared my GPS wrong. I wasn’t about to argue with her because sometimes, they are wrong … but the four miles we “only” had left were probably the four longest miles I have ever run.

At one point I felt something “fly” into my neck scarf that I had around my neck (full of ice). I yelled to Pigeon to stop as I thought it was a bee. Then I felt something bite me on my neck, not quite a sting, but a real bite. Pigeon came over to take a look and saw the bug. She said it as round black and flat with red markings on it but not a spider … awesome. The bite location stung and itched simultaneously for a while and then stopped. Nothing seems to be there now so that was pretty random. We just kept running after that.

Pigeon kept mumbling something about a “picket fence” and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what she was talking about but then when we came up along side a fence and I realized she what she was looking for all this time … this was where we turned to finally get back to our cars and the finish area.

Finish area with fresh made smoothies in hand!
Finish area with fresh made smoothies in hand!

So I have a lot to say about this training run. First and foremost, it only cost me $20 to sign up. The mileage options were 28 and 35. There were two full aid stations out there, three if you count the amazing one at the finish location.

The finish area was the best. Not only did they have a massive spread of food (NOT your standard junk food either) they had a blend and were making coconut water, apple juice, mango and strawberry smoothies on the spot!!!

Check out that spread and that is only half of it!
Check out that spread and that is only half of it!

They had a BBQ with black bean burgers and veggie burgers grilling away. They had GLUTEN FREE BREAD for the burgers and they even had gluten-free sandwiches a the aid-stations!

Gluten Free Bread!
Gluten Free Bread!

I didn’t have any of the gluten-free sandwiches they offered mostly because I am afraid of contamination and I didn’t have the burgers at the finish either because normally they are either not vegan or gluten-free or both AND I don’t like sharing the grill with real burgers. Hey, what can I say …. I like things the way I like things.

But still, these options are HUGE for a race. I am seeing more and more options like these at the end of my races. One of the awesome parts about living and racing in California I guess. 🙂

Pigeon and I cleaned up and loaded the car. We saw Stonegate and crew come in (they took a “different” route to get to the aid-station haha) so we said a quick hello and then were on our way.

When I got home the girls were happy, the house was clean and everyone was enjoying the pool. We also acquired a new pool toy compliments of Grandma.


The turtle was a birthday gift from Grandma and family and it has made its way into the pool (and stayed there).

I know Vans had his hands full with the girls for a day and a half but he did just great. I know Squeaker isn’t the easiest to work with sometimes but then again, neither is Vans. 🙂

This photo can say a million things
This photo can say a million things

They also enjoyed some art time on the patio. They had a great time with dad.

Art time!
Art time!

Some day, I would love for Vans to join me on this running adventure. For $20 and these amazing views of Lake Tahoe with, did I forget to mention, FREE BEER at the finish?! That is right up his alley, minus the running part and the heat. 🙂

Tahoe Brew!
Tahoe Brew!

Overall it was a great day. We ran 28 miles at some crazy elevation. That was my last long run before my marathon in two weeks which is also at elevation (but just a mere 4200 ft haha). I hope that next year the training run is again, not on Father’s Day weekend. 🙂 The volunteers at this run were amazing too. I have to mention how awesome they were out there. If it was hot for us, it was hot for them and they had to lug all that food and water out there and they always had a smile on their face for us. Thank you!!!


I look forward to coming back in July to cheer on Stonegate, Burning Girl and Truckee as they conquer the 55K and to crew Pigeon again as she toes the line for the TRT 100 mile race. She has no weights on her shoulders this year, only the chance to finally put this course where it belongs, behind her. I have no doubts that she can.

Happy Trails!


(please excuse the typos and grammar, this was not proof read) 🙂

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