I just received my domain renewal notice from Go Daddy. Apparently my awesome 2 year stint at having my own domain name is up and it is time to renew. When I created this site initially, I got a great deal for two years but now that renewal time is approaching, Go Daddy wants $350 from me to keep this site going for another two years! I can already hear Vans now …. “What!? Are you kidding?! Unless this site earns you money there is no point!” Sigh. Sadly he is right. I hate it when he is right.
My old blogspot site is still up over at www.trailmomma.blogspot.com however I believe I have zero (or at least very little) photo space on that site as I reached my limit a few years ago. What can I say!? I liked posting photos of all my runs.
Decisions decisions. I love my blog. I can’t really tell who even reads it other than family and maybe some close friends. It is my creative outlet but, once again I hear Vans – “you need a less expensive outlet!”
I have until June 18th to decide what to do. I could chose to “park” my domain and just not renew the other “products” … really I need a class in what kind of products I have in general as I am not tech savvy in that regard. Anyone care to explain it to me? Should I just pay $5.99 for a month until I can figure it out? Sadly, I think I will incur more fees if I do that and eventually decide to keep this site going. Right now, that price includes a “renewal discount” from Go Daddy. Gee, thanks?
I am super happy I was able to get my last post published though. It apparently has helped quite a few people based on some comments that I have received on various social media sites and via email. If I helped just ONE person with that post, then I am content. I will be sad to see this site go along with all the photos, stories and race reports that I have posted throughout the last two years. I wish I could print them all and put them in a book for my girls to read some day. That is what I originally envisioned, unfortunately, maintenance and web hosting was never a thought.
Tis a sad day for this Trailmomma.