ADVENTURES AHEAD – Plant Stock 2016 preview

Some people think the plant-based, whole foods diet is extreme.  Half a million people a year will have their chests opened up and a vein taken from their leg and sewn onto their coronary artery. Some people would call that extreme.” – Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr.

That has to be one of my favorite quotes from Dr. Esselstyn, (and he has quite a few).

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Next week I am headed back to beautiful Claverack, NY to attend Plant-Stock again (learn about Plant-Stock here).

I attended this event last year (read about my experience here) and it was the best weekend ever!


I met so many wonderful people who shared their journey with me. From being on death’s door and miserable to living a vibrant energetic life all the while, thanking Dr. Esselstyn, Dr. Campbell, and the Engine 2 and Forks Over Knives crew. It was inspiring.

The speakers last year were phenomenal. I don’t know how, but they’ve seemed to add even more amazing plant-based speakers to the list this year!

Here are a few that I am CRAZY excited to hear talk, meet and learn from next week:

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Yup, the one and only Scott Jurek! Not only do we get to hear him talk, we get to go on a RUN with him! Kind of excited to pick his ultra-running plant-based brain!

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That’s right! Mr. Rich Roll will be there too. I’ve followed Rich for years listening to his podcast, reading his blog (even his OLD blog) and of course his book and watching his YouTube channel.

Dr Garth
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This one I am SUPER excited to meet. Dr. Garth Davis, if you follow him on Facebook, has one of the best Facebook pages around . His book, Proteinaholic was a fantastic read – FULL of information. I highly recommend it.

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Dr. Michael Greger I heard speak back in February (read about that here). He was AMAZING. Vans went with me to that talk and even HE was thoroughly impressed. Dr. Greger runs the infamous and highly informative website: which is a go-to source for a lot of science based information and studies and he’s recently written the book How Not to Die (another recommended read).

With that said, there are a few repeat speakers that I am really happy are coming back  …

Dr lisle
Photo Courtesy of

Dr. Doug Lisle spoke last year at Plant-Stock and his talk called, How to Get Along without Going Along was one of my absolute favorites of the weekend. He is the co-author of The Pleasure Trap (an amazing book if you haven’t read it) and I really look forward to hearing him again this year.
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And of course, Plant-Stock would not be Plant-Stock without a cooking demo by two fabulously funny and engaging women!

Photo Courtesy of
Photo Courtesy of

Ann and Jane are the authors behind one of my favorite and frequently used plant-based cookbooks, The Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook. This dynamic duo are so fun to watch. After watching them last year, I wish I could just follow them around for the day. 🙂 They are so hard working and super personable. You can see how they just touch everyone they meet.

I can’t list all the people who are speaking (this blog would be way too long) but trust me when I say, I am ready for this weekend to blow my mind.

If you have any interest in attending any of the Engine2/Forks Over Knives events then I have good news for you! They’ve issued me a special code that will give you a discount to a few of their upcoming events (Plant-Stock is not included).

If you live near the Cleveland Ohio, Dallas Texas or Pasadena California area then you are in luck!

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Visit this link here and use the discount code: TRAILVIP50 to received $50 of the registration fee for one of their weekend long events.

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If you want an in-depth full on life-saving immersion into the Plant-Based lifestyle, then their Sedona, Arizona trip may be more suitable. Visit this link here and use the discount code: TRAILVIP150 to receive $150 off the registration fee.

I cannot stress enough how important diet is in one’s life. What you put in your mouth on a daily basis does affect the way you feel whether you want to realize it or not. If you have headaches, constipation, gas, heart palpitations, eczema – WHATEVER – stop and think about what you are consuming. If you lack energy, it most likely has to do with what you are eating.

If you can’t afford the trips I’ve listed above, I COMPLETELY understand. Start small. Maybe buy Dr. Greger or Dr. Davis’s book or check out their websites. Tiny changes still COUNT.

You don’t have to make drastic changes overnight. Start small and build from there. Do what you can on a daily basis and see what happens.

What have you go to lose?

See you after my trip!

Happy Trails!


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The last few days of school are upon us. While my kids are super excited for summer to start, they will miss seeing their friends on a daily basis.

However with the end of school, comes the end of school treats and celebrations.

Just this week, the Peanut had pizza on a field trip even though I packed a lunch for her (sigh – she paid the price with a tummy ache later). She had donuts in class the next day for their “free day” celebration. Finally, the classroom parents planned to have an Ice Cream Sundae Bar for the kids on the last day of school. They sent out an email requesting parents provide the following:


I know the kids would love this. I know MY kid would love this (and then pay for it later). I replied suggesting perhaps fruit popsicles could be an option instead combined with a classroom activity. I wasn’t rude and I even offered to supply all the popsicles for the class.

The suggestion was well received but only as an ADDITION to the sundaes bring provided. Fine, that’s okay with me. I just wanted an alternative even though I know going up against an ice cream sundae bar, there will most likely be many left over fruit popsicles.

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I know and I understand that my thinking and way of eating is unfortunately in the minority compared to most people.  I get that.

My intentions are not to completely eliminate food as treats at school but I do believe, that if we are going continue to have these “treats” then a balance needs to happen.  Provide healthy alternatives OR alternate treats with activities! Such as jumping rope, hopscotch or kickball etc. Get our kids moving instead. I remember at the end of school our classroom “treat” was getting to play Heads Up 7-Up in class (who else remembers that game?!).

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I know of one other parent in the class whose child cannot handle dairy. They appreciated my suggestion. We’ll see how many kids choose the popsicles.

My simple suggestion however, caused quite the uproar among some of the parents. They were almost angered by the idea and some how felt perhaps that I was being unreasonable for suggesting no ice cream at all.

I see this a lot. I have been plant-based for over 20 years. No one questions my diet anymore but I see it often with Vans when he turned plant-based 4 years ago and with Stonegate when she turned plant-based a little over a year ago. THEIR dietary changes and choices seem to offend people. Why!?


It isn’t as if they rub it in other people’s faces or scowl at whatever it is someone else is eating. They just do their thing and make their choices but they get questioned or made fun of, a lot. Now honest genuine inquiries are fine. I know they both try their best to educate but I am talking about people who are down right upset by the fact that they no longer eat meat. Their personal choices upsets these other people.

It baffles me. I like to think that I live by example. I try not to push my way of life on others. Yes, yes I can get VERY excited if you ask me about it. I am passionate about plant-based living. Guilty as charged but I never force my opinions or views.
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Vans ate meat for the first 7 years of our marriage. It wasn’t me who changed him, it was a combination of things. It was watching Forks Over Knives and Vegucated. It was (I like to think) seeing me eat this way and then finish countless ultras over and over. The biggest factor I think however, was how he FELT!

For my daughter’s school, I just want OPTIONS and BALANCE. Is that terrible of me?

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Next year, both Squeaker and Peanut will be in elementary school. Some parents have advised me not to bother trying to change things. It is a losing battle. Stay quiet. I just think a little education is needed. Some compromise perhaps.

I don’t think it needs to be a “battle” but I am not afraid to try and institute a little change and perhaps provide some education and insight.

However I am often reminded of a quote from Jeff Novick, MS, RD, LD, LN,  “If you have to convince someone of the information, then it is not the right time.”

I don’t know when the “right time” will be but I do know that some people genuinely do not understand the correlation between what they eat and how they feel.

People also get very upset and offended when it comes to food. It is a very sensitive topic. You might think you’ve insulted their parenting style or something by their reactions sometimes. Even if the only thing you have done is picked a veggie burger instead of a hamburger at a picnic.

Again, I like to think that it is just lack of genuine open communication. I hope the school will be more open to increasing food education and perhaps institute some compromise when it comes to classroom treats next year. I know I plan to talk to both of my kids’ teachers by making some suggestions AND offering to help.

Maybe I am naive but I  have hope and I have a voice. I hope the parents, teachers and the school will be open-minded enough to discuss possible changes.

After all, we all have the same end goal: We want a healthy happy thriving child.

Happy Trails!


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After pacing my friend 25 miles in the American River 50 mile race, I got that post-race excitement bug. You know that feeling where you just can’t wait for your “A” race to arrive even though at times, you don’t feel 100% ready for it? That is how I felt after AR.

My mind has had waves of going a million miles a minute one second and then completely zoned out the next. We took a family trip to Disneyland a few weeks ago and up until that point, that trip consumed me. Planning, preparing and packing. It was a surprise for the kids so keeping it a secret required more energy than you realize.

The Evil Queen from Snow White was my absolute favorite character. :)
The Evil Queen from Snow White was my absolute favorite character. 🙂

But once that trip was over, and we had walked 8 miles every day for 3 days in a row, I felt … exhausted! Then, the head games started. “You can’t run anymore!” “You haven’t been running.” “Your last training run felt like hell.” You know those thoughts that tend to creep in when you least expect it? Yea, I had those.

Then I paced at AR and felt pretty amazing which is prompting me to keep my training going as is but I also want to change things up just a bit. I have a pretty odd week ahead of me in that I have a race on Sunday that I am treating 100% as a training run. It has a lot of elevation to it. I have been on these exact trails before, they are not easy, by any stretch which in theory is great preparation for my “A” race in May but I also don’t want to push too hard and end up having to rest longer than I truly want to.

I’ve also been experimenting with home-made plant-based fuel a bit and I plan to try it out at my race (you know, the one that is not a race), this weekend.

I purchased these cool reusable pouches to create my own fuel. They are larger than I anticipated but that’s good because I want to be able to consume more plant-based calories with each serving.

Cool pouches!
Cool pouches!

It may be dangerous to try these this coming weekend but I honestly don’t have any other chances. I spent a night creating a mixture of flours and other odds and ends, to fill 3 of the pouches with. This round was a bit more savory and not quite sweet. Not sure if I will bring all 3 with me this weekend but if they are a success, I will write about it my race report. If they are not a success, I will also write about it. 🙂

These can also be used to fill with smoothies or puddings for kids which I also plan to try and do since the box they came in included six pouches. They are freezer and dishwasher safe and BPA free. It has been kind of fun experimenting and calorie counting.

I also went for a nice solo workout run on Monday by myself just to get into my head and to also test my fitness a bit. Monday was gorgeous and the trail that leaves behind my house is one that I haven’t been on lately since I usually run so early in the morning. I couldn’t help but stop and take photos.

Just down my street.
Just down my street.

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This trail leads you to a road that then leads you to another trail where I can do some solid hill repeats and also see some amazing views.

So pretty!
So pretty!

And one of my favorite trees lives here.

Happy Trees
Happy Trees

I ran/hiked up and down the hill and even did a heart rate test to gauge my fitness level. I was happy with the results. Even though my weekly mileage has been down this week, I ran long on Saturday and I will be running long again this weekend. I am not one of those runners who has to run every single day pushing myself beyond what my body really wants or needs. I have faith in my muscle memory and my body and I truly believe that if you treat your body well, it serves you well in return.

I saw a quote on social media recently that said, “Look after your body, or you’ll have nowhere to live.” That sentence could not ring more true and I think a lot of ultra runners (and road runners) should take this advice to heart more often.

I happen to love where I live. Inside and Out. 🙂

Love where you live - Inside and Out
Love where you live – Inside and Out

Happy Trails,


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It has been a few weeks since my last post. Sorry about that. I took a quick (5 day) trip back east just days after the race and then returned home feeling quite drained and a bit behind in work/life.

I ran the first weekend home and it was a bit of a struggle. I blame a lot of it on lack of sleep and allergies. The minute I landed in California, I’ve been attacked severely by seasonal allergies like you wouldn’t believe. I know I am not alone. Geez. I know rain is what we need but lordy has it caused a slew of allergic reactions in our house.

So when Pigeon and Stonegate said they were ready to hit the trails for a nice long run this past weekend, I was super excited and hopeful that my allergies would give me a break for the day.

Trails and friends make everything better!
Trails and friends make everything better!

Wanting to get in some decent mileage we decided to do our usual loops adding and changing what we wanted to make the miles work.

Adding to the fun, my roommate from college mailed my girls her son’s Flat Stanley. I decided to include Flat Stanley on our run. 🙂

Flat Stanley checked out the Free Library stand in Auburn
Flat Stanley checked out the Free Library stand in Auburn

Our first loop was about 7 miles plus and did not disappoint. We were able to see some amazing waterfalls.

Waterfall fun!
Waterfall fun! Gotta Jump off Rocks

Then we refueled and dropped some gear off at the car. It was getting warm and the rain was holding off for us.

We started our second loop up Stagecoach hill. Stonegate was waiting for a friend to come join us on the second set of loops but he had not arrived just yet. So the three of us took off hiking up Stagecoach with the plan that Stonegate would turn around when she received notice that he had arrived and would head back down.

Well, we all reached the top of Stagecoach and it was then that Stonegate got the text that Paul had arrived. So she headed all the way back down as he was working his way up.

Pigeon and I decided instead to work on our power hiking skills. We’d run about half way down and then turn and power hike our way back up. We did that three times before we caught up to Stonegate and Paul who were climbing back up.

Through Auburn we ran to the Overlook and then back down towards No Hands. I had to stop by No Hands to remove a rock from my shoe … once again, we decided to have some fun jumping around off the rocks (really we were making fun of this trail running video that made the Facebook circuit earlier in the week).


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We all refueled at No Hands and then started making our way up K2.  K2 was actually quite busy! I ended up passing two men who were out there hiking. I am still working on my hiking skills to get ready for  13,000 ft of climbing come May.

Once we regrouped at the top it was time to fly down roller coaster back to No Hands. I thought that I would zoom like I have been lately but about half way down, my body just said, “Nope, not today!” The trails were super thick and sticky and every so often, we’d run into the trail maintenance crews out there so I took it a little more conservatively. My legs were happier with that.

When we all met at the bottom, we decided not to do another loop and to call it a day. I think we were all a bit tired. This was the longest toughest run I have done since FOURmidable three weeks prior.

We ended up finishing up at the perfect time as the winds started to pick up and the temps started to drop. We had perfect weather for our run but Mother Nature had decided enough was enough.


After I got home and showered, I warmed up some Split Pea soup that I had made earlier in the week along with a gluten free roll. It was exactly what I needed to warm up and refuel.

Post Run Plant-Based Recovery Fuel
Post Run Plant-Based Recovery Fuel

Overall it was a great day. I am happy with how my body responded during the run. I almost thought too much time off would hurt me but it was probably just what the trail doctor ordered.

I especially enjoyed all the laughs we had out there. Running with friends really can make all the difference in how you feel sometimes.

My face is priceless!
My face is priceless!

This photo makes me laugh so much so I had to include it. Before we climbed Stagecoach, I used the restroom and had left Flat Stanley outside (some things Flat Stanley doesn’t need to see).

Pigeon and Stonegate were trying to play a prank on me but I foiled it. My face cracks me up. 🙂

Laughter on the trails truly is the best!

Happy Trails!


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So normally I really despise Valentine’s Day. Mostly because it reminds me that the day following this “celebrated holiday of love” is the day that my mom passed away at age 47 of a heart attack.

Ironic if you think about it actually. She died because her heart was weak and blocked and restricting blood flow – she died the day after we were inundated with heart shaped everything (that looks nothing like the real heart mind you) AND even more ironic because February is Heart Attack Awareness month – the leading killer of women in America.

So needless to say, I don’t “love” the holiday of love quite as much as most. Vans has always understood this and honored this part about me.

This year however, I learned that Dr. Michael Greger, author of the book How Not to Die and founder of was speaking at Kaiser in Sacramento … FOR FREE. You had to reserve tickets in advance, which I did … for both Vans and I.

I later told Vans what I did and he was open minded albeit a bit sarcastic (when isn’t he) about going to hear Dr. Greger talk.

The Book
The Book

I am currently reading his book How Not to Die and have been to a few talks given by Plant-Based doctors before. Vans however has not. I don’t think he was sure what to expect. I know he thought we’d be the youngest couple there (we weren’t) and that it would not be a large crowd (it was more or less).

Dr. Greger
Dr. Greger

This talk was very inspiring and very eye opening. Since I am reading his book and have followed him and his research for a while, most of what he shared was not “news” to me but it was to Vans and even more amazing was the way in which Dr. Greger presented the information.

He is full of humor and sarcasm but yet full of knowledge, science based knowledge that is presented so matter of fact you can’t help but go, “He is so right!”

Talking about Heart Disease
Talking about Heart Disease

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He is also great at explaining what and why certain industries are not sharing a lot of this information with the public. He drew the connection from smoking in the early 1940’s and 50’s to eating meat in modern day.

There was a time (not too long ago sadly) where DOCTORS prescribed smoking to patients and/or smoked themselves because they didn’t know any better. They were not taught in medical school that smoking was bad and studies (when they were finally conducted) were hidden from them. Not to mention the fact that the smoking industry paid pretty darn well on the side … fast forward, and the same is happening with the meat and dairy industry.

In Dr. Greger’s talk, he discussed the top 15 causes of death in America and how most can easily be prevented  and/or reversed by choosing a plant-based diet alone.

Needless to say, all of this was right up my ally. I love this stuff. I thought for a minute that I would turn to Vans in the middle of the talk to see him bored or uninterested but I have to say, it had the opposite affect on him. He was listening. Intently.

Vans has always known I am very passionate about nutrition and specifically a plant-based diet but I think now, he understands even more so. I don’t just pull all the things I share with him out of the blue … I research. I read. I study it and love it. I want my family to live it and see the rewards that I see from eating this way.

So for the first time in 22 years, I have truly loved Valentine’s Day. On Valentine’s Day I honored my body by sweating, I honored my brain by filling it with plant-based knowledge and I honored my LOVES, Vans and my girls, by sharing this experience with them.

So as I write this, the day that my mom passed 22 years ago to the day, I am smiling. Of course I miss her terribly but I know she would be proud that I am using her passing, as a motivator to instill healthy habits within my own family and my own life. Would I love to have her here with me and meet my girls, of course. But I know, deep down, that she IS here and she IS with me. Smiling just as much as I am.

Thank you Dr. Greger for all the work that you do.
Thank you Dr. Greger for all the work that you do.

Happy Trails (Happy Heart),


PS: If you want to hear the same talk that we heard, click HERE – All of the proceeds from Dr. Greger’s books go charity as well as any money he makes from any speaking engagements! Pretty cool Doc. Pretty cool.


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