Well, California asked for rain … and we got it. I know we need quite a bit more to make a dent in Folsom Lake, but today’s monsoon made for a great wet muddy run which always leads to some adventure.

Pigeon was working today so I reached out to TiggerT to see if she would be interested in doing 16 miles with me somewhere around El Dorado Hills. She agreed and told me that her friend Dirty David would be joining us. I’ve run with DD before, a few times actually. Along with TiggerT, he’s part of the Java Jogger group and is also known as TiggerT’s running husband.

After some random texting with TiggerT this morning on what we should wear, I decided on shorts thinking any additional clothing would be silly as it would only get wet and therefore make me cold on the run.

Dressed for the rain!
Dressed for the rain!

TiggerT showed up at my house and together we ran the half mile to meet Dirty David who was parked at the CSD.

TiggerT and I had decided in advance, what trails we were going to run to try and get our 16 miles. We started off down New York Creek which runs right near CSD and then headed up the climb to The Ridge Loop of Death.

The Ridge Hill
The Ridge Hill

I ran the whole hill. I was feeling great, my legs were feeling strong and I just was happy to be running! You can see TiggerT and Dirty David down the hill. The wind was pretty gusty on the hill. It was so windy that we had to stop and make a decision, do we run our normal counter-clockwise loop or do we go clockwise for some additional shelter from the crazy wind?

We normally go right here.
We normally go right here.

We opted for clockwise which was kind of fun since I have never run the loop in this direction before. However, when we made it to the streets of Serrano we were hit with major gusts of wind. I was almost sent chasing my hat and so we decided to turn around and run the direction we had just came back towards New York Creek.

Back down the Ridge, across the street and to New York Creek we ran just chatting and laughing away. Soon we came to a new obstacle …

Tree down!
Tree down!

New York Creek was completely blocked so we had to go around the tree.

Hiking around it.
Hiking around it.

When we came to end of New York Creek, TiggerT took us on Wild Oaks Trail. I knew about this trail but I had never been on it before because it is usually infested with turkeys and everyone knows how I feel about birds. I also wasn’t entirely sure which way to go. Now I know and I cannot wait to take Pigeon on these trails!

Soooo Pretty!!!!
Soooo Pretty!!!!

These trails are mostly downhill which is even more fun. We saw a huge deer dart off the trail too. Lots of rocks, which were slippery, I cannot wait to get back out there!

Cute little bridge!
Cute little bridge!

I kept stopping to take photos. Luckily TiggerT and Dirty David didn’t mind. TiggerT has done these trails many times. Vans actually mountain bikes through here at night sometimes.

They just keep going!
They just keep going!

Eventually these trails spit you out near Browns Marina where I have run many times before. We stopped to use the porta potty and tried to take shelter while each of us took a turn. It was definitely very windy out there.

However, we were not alone alone on the trails. We saw quite a few other runners and a mountain biker. Looks like the rain didn’t scare away too many people.

Folsom Lake shot - with a little more water at least!
Folsom Lake shot – with a little more water at least!

Up and down we ran, just chatting away some times and running in silence in others. It was somewhere along this trail that I noticed what felt like a tiny little pebble in my shoe. I even took off my shoe and tried to get it out. I thought I saw it fall but when I put my shoe back on, I still felt it. I assumed that it was stuck in my sock. I just kept going hoping that it would go away.

The trails were pretty slick and muddy out at Browns Ravine. Our original plan was to make it to the levee area and then run the levee to Folsom Point to add more mileage. However, when we stopped at the end of the trail I once again almost lost my hat!

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TiggerT suggested that we just turn around and go back the way we came. That was fine with me as I have always wanted to do that to see what the mileage was and also, I really detest running the pavement hills back to my house.

Dirty David was leading the way. When we came to the down hill (that incidentally we all slipped on when climbing UP earlier) he made the decision that he was going run down it, not walk. I quickly stopped and grabbed my camera. I just knew this would turn out interesting.

He ALMOST made it!
He ALMOST made it!
You can see his skid mark!
You can see his skid mark!

You can see how Dirty David has since earned his nickname on my blog. The whole rest of the run we were trying to come up different names for him … Skidmark was one of my favorites but he vetoed that one.

What we all ran down (and up)
What we all ran down (and up)

Definitely a muddy day for sure but so much fun!!!! We were all pretty caked in mud but somehow my legs ended up being the cleanest of us all when all was said and done.

Once again, I stopped to take off my shoe and this time I even took off my sock! I couldn’t find that darn pebble so I just put everything back on and continued running back up Wild Oaks Trail.

We finally reached EDH Blvd. and collectively decided to take New York Creek again back towards the CSD to keep adding to our mileage.

When we came to the obstacle tree we’d passed earlier, TiggerT insisted that there was a “hole” in the tree for us to get through … Dirty David and I opted to go around but not before I grabbed my camera!

The hole was clearly TiggerT size
The hole was clearly TiggerT size

I think Dirty David and I made the wise decision here to go around otherwise I might still be stuck out there. I had quite a problem with being stuck today. Apparently the braid in my hair attached itself to a clip on my Jenny Vesta pack and I couldn’t lift my head … TiggerT had to come to my rescue but not without laughing hysterically at me first. Ahh, running with friends is so much fun!

Stream crossing!
Stream crossing!

I totally thought Dirty David would biff it into that stream. He was getting all fancy on us trying to figure out the best way to get around it … he made it across without any more falls though.

Soon we were back at Dirty David’s car where we thanked him for the run and the laughs. TiggerT and I continued running the half mile road to my house. The rain was really starting to come down hard at this point. I mentioned to TiggerT that the drops were getting larger by the minute. We.were.drenched!

Photo by the Peanut (age 5)
Photo by the Peanut (age 5)

When all was said and done, my Garmin read 15 miles. I am okay with that as I was soaked to the core and I really wanted to see what was going on with my foot. As it turns out, I now have the start of a huge blister on the ball of my foot. This is odd to me as I have never in my life had feet or blister problems before and now I seem ridden with them. Maybe it is time for new socks? Maybe it was just the really wet conditions (although I have run in worse). Who knows but I am glad it happened on a 15 mile training run and not next week’s Western States Training Run which is 21 miles (and I am SO stoked about it).

While I was out getting soaked, Vans and the girls were snuggled nice and warm in the house getting spoiled by watching Clifford and eating breakfast at the same time.

Saturday morning cartoons!
Saturday morning cartoons!

What a great start to the weekend!

Happy Trails!






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Back in October of 2011 I posted this on my old Trailmomma blog but I think I need to do a repost. I have been struggling all week with topics to write about lately and then one morning it dawned (no pun intended) on me as I was driving home from my workout at Breakout Fitness. It was before daylight savings and a couple was walking their dog at about 6:00 am. I know they are walking every morning because I see them but what I notice is that they wear nothing that is reflective nor do they even bring a flashlight! Yes my neighborhood is fairly quiet (especially at that time of day) however we do live on a street that is generally a passage way to those living in a nearby gated community. There is no shoulder and they can easily be struck by an oncoming car. I truly want to stop them and say please wear something reflective, not just a white shirt and bring a flash light but I am afraid they will probably freak out if I even slow my car down in the morning near them.

While government statistics don’t break down the fatality figures between runners/pedestrians and cars, Runners World did do a survey of their readers. They then posted this article back in 2010. I am sure with the large amount of smartphones and texting going on, that these numbers have probably risen more so in the last few years. In fact, a woman with whom I work out with every morning has had to battle her worst nightmare, her husband being hit by car that was going 50 mph while riding his bike. Luckily he survived but they have had to go through a series of struggles not to mention legal battles because the driver had no insurance.

I am not going to lie when I say that my heart skips a beat every time Vans goes out on a road ride. I am grateful he goes during the daytime but honestly, that doesn’t really mean much in today’s world of texting and driving.

When you add darkness to the mix, the game changes drastically and runners (as well as cyclists) need to be on the defensive. I have been running fairly consistently one night a week after work. Daylight savings has ensured that I will be running in total darkness at 6:30 pm and so I run in a variety of reflective gear and I carry two headlamps (one on my waist so that I can see and one in my hand so I can flash it at oncoming cars). I may look foolish when I leave the house but I feel safe. I also never run with headphones and I run against oncoming car traffic (never with).

Some of the items I wear are my Nathan Reflective Arm Sleeves as well as a reflective vest (I go back and forth between two brands). If I am wearing capris, Athleta’s Relay Capriss have some reflective piping on the legs for low-light conditions however I wouldn’t rely totally on that feature. I do wear one of their reflective hats as well.

A lot of people run to relieve stress and unwind, especially after work and I would say that I am one of those (especially on my week day runs) however, one thing I make sure that I always do, is stay focused and pay attention. Night running is not the time to be thinking about your day at work, what you will have for dinner or what you will make the kids for lunch tomorrow. You need to be present, in the moment and with all cylinders running. Typically I will run from my house to a local track (that has lights for the football players) and when I get to the track, I will let my mind wander but the minute I leave the track and turn on my headlamps, my brain is focused on getting me home in one piece.

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It is often on my runs home that I see other runners, cyclists or dog walkers not wearing enough reflective gear as well as drivers looking at their phones. Please be careful and think defensively! Take the initiative and light yourself up like a Christmas tree in December and that doesn’t mean just throw on a white sweatshirt.

Watch this short youtube video :

from 3M Scotchlite’s No White At Night campaign. It will blow your mind. White is not reflective. While a great color to wear in the hot summer months, it is not ideal for night runs.

With the darkness starting to consume our evenings, please be prepared. Visit your local running store or shop online. If you have an active spouse that trains at night or in the morning, considering buying them some reflective gear and encouraging them to wear it. My kids love when I dig out my headlamps. Please share this post on Facebook or Twitter, encouraging others to run safe.

After all, it is not always about you.



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First let me say thank you to all of you that read my last post. I appreciate those that commented, shared it on Facebook or even emailed me directly in support. I also thank those that didn’t necessarily agree with my post and told me as such. As a reminder, that post was the letter that I WISH I could have sent to the PTA President and was not the actual letter I emailed (which was much nicer, sort of). My biggest issue with her initial response was how dismissive and rude she was to me and my concerns. She clearly could have just said something along the lines of “thank you for your email. I understand your concern and will take that into advisement next year when planning.” But she didn’t do that. Instead she tried to draw me into championing a new game to rival the ring toss and was downright rude about it. I am not going to beat a dead horse about this. I sent my letter last week in response and I cc’d the school principal so she was made aware of what her PTA president was doing and how she handled parent’s concerns. I have not heard anything from either one of them. I will be more on top of things next year when our Harvest Festival planning is in the works.

This past weekend marked a small running milestone for me. On Friday I was able to run the Ridge Loop of Death (7 miles) for the first time and boy was it disastrous. Not only was it sweltering (what the heck, it IS October right?) but I had forgotten that I had gone to Breakout Fitness that morning and had done a series of leg drills (squats, burpees, lunges). Not the wisest decision on my part however, I was thrilled to be getting an extra day out running in the first place since I don’t often get extra days to run. This also was the first time since surgery that I did the Ridge Loop of Death!

On Sunday, Pigeon and I had agreed to run when she got off from work which would be late afternoon. In a way, I enjoyed this late start because I was able to enjoy a nice leisurely morning with my family but it was also harder to motivate and figure out the meal situation. However, I could not complain because Pigeon had been on her feet working a 9 hour day prior to meeting me so really, hush up Trailmomma right?

I decided that I wanted to test out my new socks. I recently purchased the Injinji lightweight no-show socks (from Amazon).

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I don’t typically (knock on wood) have blister issues when running but I have noticed that my running form has suffered post-surgery because I have been running as if my ankle is GOING to hurt and therefore have been running on the outside of my foot. The Injinji socks really let you focus on putting more weight evenly on the front/ball of the foot including the big toe. The sock is really light weight, almost nonexistent compared to my Drymax socks that I usually wear when running trails. I am not entirely sure how these socks will hold up when running through streams and river crossings but overall on a dry hot day, they were great. I really liked how they felt and I didn’t have any issues when running. I purchased two pairs and will continue to wear them running to see how their fare through some winter running. Maybe I’ll do a search and see if they have a trail version that is perhaps a bit thicker. I have an old pair that I won years ago when they first came onto the market but I prefer the no-show look and the older pair was more of a crew sock.  Okay enough about socks.

Pigeon showed up and instead of taking her on the Ridge Loop of Death we decided to try a new loop that Vans suggested that takes us on a bit of road and trails but ultimately dumps us into Browns Ravine and we found ourselves running right by a very dried up Folsom Lake.

photo 1-8 (2)

Brown’s Ravine

photo 5-4 (2)

Folsom Lake

It was a fun run and I brought my phone because well, running with Pigeon always involves the historical pretend we’re in a JCPenny Catalog Photo Shoot (probably just an excuse to stop running periodically).

photo 1-7 (2)

JCP Photo: Voila, the Trail!

photo 4-5 (2)

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JCP Photo: Oh dear, what’s my time?

photo 2-7 (2)

JCP Photo: Focusing on the sun.

photo 3-6 (2)

JCP Photo: Mighty Thirsty

The weather was pretty warm and sunny with little shade cover on most of the trail. I was having a blast. Running with Pigeon is fun regardless but just being back out there running up the hills (or power walking) and getting a little dusty felt awesome. Once we found ourselves on the levee by the lake we took the pavement back to my house by cutting through a fairly festive neighborhood.

photo 4-6 (2)

Scary spider!

In total, we did about 7.25 miles which is roughly what the Ridge Loop of Death is distance wise. No matter what you are running some massive hills on either route but I would say the hills on the Browns Loop were a bit worse and/or steeper. There seemed to be more of them and maybe that is just my recollection because I was dying from the heat and from being out of shape. Baby steps. Our fitness is coming.

Gear: For this run, besides my new Injinji socks, I also sported Athleta’s Stability Shorts  in black and their Printed Tinker Tank both of which are on sale (hint hint). The shorts I love and wear often (I have 3 different colors) and the tank,  which I usually reserve for Breakout Fitness type workouts did well for me on the run although I had to pair it with a sports bra for added support. When I can, I will try and do gear updates like this as often as I can so that perhaps someday Athleta will give me a shout out and welcome me into their wonderful world as a Featured Athlete. (hint hint). For hydration I brought my Camelback insulated handheld. I love this water bottle. I never leaks, holds enough cold water for distances up to 10 miles or so and has a handy little pocket that fits gels or in my case, dates in it.

I’ve been thinking a lot about 2014 and what runs I’ll be doing next year. Perhaps I’ll do a post on what my plans are and what I’d like to accomplish next year. Right now, I have no real races scheduled that I plan to race. I do have an entry into the California International Marathon that I am toying with right now.

In other news,  sadly Van’s is on a business trip this week so there will be no Breakout Fitness classes this week or trails runs until Saturday. I am okay with that. I look forward to spending time with these two little monkeys.

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photo 2-6 (2)


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As I reported in my last post, we were in Tahoe for our 9 year wedding anniversary. Instead of running the Emerald Bay Half Marathon, I changed my entry to the Lake Tahoe 5K. My doctor told me that I should be fine to walk the 5K when I told her I was considering it at my post-surgery follow-up appointment. She had given me the “ok” to start running then. I knew it would be hard mentally for me to even attempt walking this race and not run it. I started running on the track near my house a little bit at first and running in the mornings before attending Breakout Fitness but I had the itch to run. Bad.

When Vans and I attended the expo to pick up our race packets, I could see that the 5K field was small, very small. That is when I knew I wanted this race. I didn’t say too much about it. I joked that I could probably ‘win’ the whole thing as it there were not a lot of people at packet pick up but inside I was really considering racing it. Still, I knew that might be foolish and that I had to just play it by ear. Let pain be my guide is what my doctor had told me. The problem is, I have a high tolerance for pain.

Vans had his bike race on Saturday and then Saturday evening we sort of did a hodge-podge dinner as we were tired of going out to eat. I wasn’t feeling 100% but I made sure I was hydrated. We had quite a few evenings of Happy Hour at the hotel leading up to our races that I was craving coconut water each day trying to replenish my electrolytes.

Sunday morning came and we loaded the car. Vans was going to drop me off at the 5K start and drive to the finish (it was a point to point race). The wind was flying and it was a little chilly at the start but not too bad.

Side note here, this will probably be the first of many posts where I talk about Athleta. I do not work for Athleta nor am I associated with them in anyway. I just happen to buy a lot of their clothes (usually on sale but not always). For this race, I was dressed head to toe in an Athleta outfit and I’ll be honest when I tell you what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to running. I am generally quite particular about my workout clothes.  My top was the Kenton Burnout Top and my running skirt was the printed Swagger Skort (the solid color is on sale right now). I love this skort for so many reasons but mostly because it is super cute, very flattering and does not ride up when running. I have not run in it for anything longer than 7 miles but when I have it has worked great. In Tahoe, the temperature was in the 40s during my race and I really appreciated having a shirt with thumbholes while waiting around at the starting line however, once the race started, I got hot. This top is warm! Granted I also had on a vest (Brooks) to cut the wind. I probably didn’t need both but once the race was over, again it was nice having the thumb holes.

IMG_1995-LBack to the race. Standing around at the starting line I noticed that the field looked small and that many peopled looked like they were out for a Sunday stroll instead of a race. There were a few women who looked serious though. I never think I look serious though and I just stood off to the side and tried to stretch and warm my muscles as much as I could. Everything felt stiff and foreign to me.

The start was very unassuming except for the guy that said “go” also had a huge rifle in his hand that blasted my ear drums when he fired it. As I took off running I noticed that four or five guys were sprinting pretty darn fast. I slowed my pace a little bit as I didn’t want to get caught up too fast. There was one girl who was in front of me and I silently made her my rabbit.

I passed my rabbit somewhere between miles 1 and 2. The course was on a paved bike trail and fairly flat. I noticed that my ankle felt great. My lungs on the other hand were burning like crazy. I was not wearing a watch at all because I had not planned on really running. It felt really nice to just let go and run not knowing my pace.

After I passed my rabbit I made a promise to myself that I would not turn around and look to see if she was close. I knew that if I turned around that I might see she was way far back and then would slow my own pace down OR I would see her right on my tail and try and push too hard to stay in front.

The course at one point got a little bit confusing. The arrows disappeared and there were no aid stations left. I saw a man walking along the road and I asked if I was going the right way. He said yes and that I would turn left shortly up the road. When I turned left down the drive to Pope Beach I realized my lungs hurt so bad that if I had to go another mile I might hurl.

I rounded a corner and I saw Vans and the girls walking towards the finish line. He turned and saw me and then tried to get the girls cheer for me.
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As I was passing him he yelled to me “Um, first female! FIRST FEMALE! RUN! RUN FAST!” Of course I thought that someone was behind me so I tried hard to add some extra fuel to the fire but my lungs were having none of it. I passed through the finish line and luckily did not hurl on the teenage girl handing me my medal.

My girls ran up to me and congratulated me. They wanted to see my medal. The Peanut was quick to tell me that Vans’s medal was bigger. Love that girl.

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The race director came up to me to tell me that he had a special prize for me and to not go anywhere meanwhile a nice woman came by with two kids in a double jogger and asked if we wanted her to take our photo so it would look like we vacationed together.

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Eventually the race director gathered myself and the first male winner and presented us with a large “trophy” that was in the shape of Lake Tahoe.

2My “big” award (pst, way bigger than Vans’s)

The guy doing the announcing interviewed the first male and female briefly in front of the (very) small crowd. We had to then wait around for the age group awards. I give my girls credit, they played on the beach and hung around even though it was a little windy and chilly outside.

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The truth of the matter is, this 5K is not as big a deal as it sounds. The field was quite small. I was 7th overall, first in my age group and first female however my pace was an 8 minute mile. Typically an 8 minute mile does NOT win a 5K. Ever. But I am not diminishing my win or discrediting it at all because I do think running an 8 minute mile 3 weeks post ankle surgery is pretty impressive.

Two weeks ago I was wearing a boot that reached up to my knee. The body is an amazing thing and I am grateful for the way in which mine healed from surgery and for the way it continues to surprise me each day by getting stronger. To be truthful, I’ve had a few twinges of pain when walking and/or running this week but not until more than a week after the race so I don’t necessarily think it is related to running but perhaps something I am doing incorrectly at Breakout Fitness Folsom. I am going to pay more attention to our movements this week.

October is my favorite month so I hope you all can take the time to enjoy the leaves turning colors, the awesome smell in the air and just the beauty that surrounds us each day.

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Keep Running.

~ Trailmomma

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So on Friday September 6th I had my long-awaited ankle surgery. Technically it was arthroscopic ankle surgery with the possibility for an arthrotomy but as far as I know, they only needed to “scope” it which is a good thing recovery wise. Since about 2009 (that’s my best guess as to when this all happened) I’ve had an anterior ankle impingement which has progressively become worse over the years. I can run but at a certain point (or mileage) my ankle would start to hurt (bad) and I would lose any flexibility. So if I was running trails, and I hit a rock, the whole foot, ankle, leg would jam instead of “giving” and it would completely lock up. Running hills was excruciating and I’ve had a swollen ankle since about 2009 as well. That’s a great look let me tell you.

Here is an image (not my real ankle) of what an ankle impingement or “bone spur” looks like….


According to my Doctors, my bone spur was not only huge, it also went down into the talus/joint area which ultimately prevented me from flexing my foot towards my face. That makes driving a car pretty awesome too.

I finally decided, after years of pain and really inhibited running, that I was done. I want to have a long running career and there are races that I want to run and races that I want to pace for others and this ankle problem, was seriously taxing my abilities. So I decided to finally go for the surgery.

I checked in late morning and the whole surgery took 3 hours. All I can say is that being under anesthesia is like having the best most restful sleep you could ever have but you pay the price later. I had a terrible headache and nausea from the anesthesia later that evening but it was worth it for how rested my body felt.

1Vans was sure to capture a post-op photo for me. That boot that you see on my foot as become my biggest enemy. What was nice is that I got out of surgery early enough that Vans was able to bring me home and get me settled while he ran out to pick up the Peanut from kindergarten and then Squeaker from daycare.

I just relaxed at home on the couch with a few pillows, some ice and the tv. It was quite nice.


What was even better was the fact that The Great Outdoors was on tv! I absolutely love that movie so I was content to just sit there. I was not given crutches, just the boot and some drugs (which I didn’t need). Vans picked up the girls and sent me this photo that made me laugh out loud.


They are just too silly when they are together. They also picked up some Thai food for me from my favorite Thai place down by our old neighborhood and brought it home.6

Yum!! Not only did he leave me with my favorite Thai food, he then took the girls out to the skate park for some event they were having.


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They were having a blast eating ice cream and watching all the skate boarders and BMX bikers.

That first night was pretty easy going. Like I said earlier, I have had no pain at all with this surgery which has actually been a little surprising. I went to work the following Monday wearing that stinking boot and all was fine. I’ve developed a little bit of bruising near my heel but I think that may be some of the blood settling post surgery because so far so good.

The only pain in the butt is the boot which makes my whole body lopsided and has been causing some hip and back pain. I don’t wear it anymore while I am at home but going out of the house, I have to wear it (which means taking it off and on to drive, awesome).

Life has been the usual since the surgery, not much has changed except the fact that I can’t work out and I have to shower every other day at night wearing a garbage bag on my leg.

Yesterday, I decided to go to Athleta located in the Roseville Galleria because they host free yoga classes on Saturday mornings and I could use a stretch in my back/hip.

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Athleta is my all time favorite store. You’ll see once I start posting more about running and training because I’ll be bragging and reviewing all their clothes/gear that I own because it is my long time dream to be one of their “featured athletes.” I also wear a lot of their clothes to work too. Athleta’s clothes are just so well made and they have the most awesome return policy ever. Yes, a lot of their stuff is overpriced but compared to places like Lululemon, they are way more reasonable and really, I try really hard to only buy sale items when I can. So Vans, if you read my blog (hint hint). 🙂

Back to my ankle. Tomorrow I have my first follow-up post surgery. They did not give me much instruction when I left the hospital after surgery which I found kind of annoying. Basically I am to let pain and swelling be my guide. If I can get rid of the swelling, then I can start doing more things like squats and lunges and ultimately return to Breakout Fitness in the mornings with running soon to follow. Trail running cannot happen until I have complete and total strength and flexibility in my ankle.

So that’s about it … our weekend has been low-key which is kind of nice. Next weekend my family from New Jersey will be out visiting for a family reunion and I am attending Pigeon’s wedding which is going to be great. Squeaker has had a big girl bed for about a week as well. This morning she woke up and came to visit us and then disappeared … this is where I found her ….

photo 5 (2)I can’t help but smile either. 🙂

I hope everyone has a great week. Make sure to make some time to get outside no matter the weather and remember to give thanks to Mother Nature for all she gives to us each day.



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