2018 CIM RACE REPORT (California International Marathon)

Don’t worry! If you pass out, I will pause your Garmin!” One of many great signs seen at CIM (California International Marathon) yesterday.

Another personal favorite was the guy handing out tissues yelling, “TAKE THE SNOT HOME WITH YOU!”

Image: www.runsra.org

This year was a big CIM year for me as it was my 10th CIM. Last year was the celebratory 35th for the race and the swag handed out was awesome. This year, we were back to our usual long sleeve shirt but that’s okay, that is not what makes CIM so great.

Last year I ran CIM with my coworker, the year before that with my boss. This year, I ran with Stonegate who wanted to attempt CIM again after a back injury 6 years ago caused her to pull from toeing the line and ultimately shying away from road races all together.

As usual, we hit packet pickup on Friday. This expo is one of the biggest I have been to and it is so fun to watch everyone taking photos and checking out all the booths.

Saturday I spent my morning at the Western States Lottery in Auburn. Another one of my favorite things to do. I love seeing people’s faces as their names are called. Looking forward to 2019’s race with many familiar faces attending the big dance.

Sunday morning came quick for me. I did not get the usual amount of sleep I normally do for CIM but I still felt rested when I woke up.

After a few years of dialing in some things, I didn’t change much this year. I wore the same exact clothes as last year, made the same breakfast and had the same start routine.  I picked up Stonegate and brought her back to my house so she could leave a bag in my car for the finish line. TiggerT came to pick us up and we were on our way!

The starting area was different this year for CIM. If I had to pick one thing that didn’t sit well with me about the race, this would be it. They divided the starting line into sub 4 hour and longer than 4 hour sections. We had no time goals but we knew we would not be sub 4 hour with the little to no training we put forth this year.

Since we were on the other side, it took a full 10 minutes after the gun went off for us to even start walking toward the starting line. I realize it is a chip timed race and totally get this alleviates some insanity at the start. In MY mind however, this ate at me not being able to run when the gun went off. Yet, I do think this was a great way to mitigate 30,000 runners.

The other bonus to this divided start is it really allowed you to start off conservatively instead of being caught up in the crazy fast wave. Stonegate and I just ran, bobbing and weaving through a few runners to find a less crowded position. We got into a groove.

It was as if we were just out on a normal Sunday getting some miles in. The starting temps were on the chilly side but I knew it would warm up. We started with our cover-ups on but lost those a few miles into the race.

We enjoyed the spectators cheering us on, the funny signs along the way. We cracked up when the guy with the megaphone by the clothing drop yelled, “We are looking for a size large sweatshirt please to complete our Christmas shopping!” Seriously, I saw some nice stuff just tossed roadside!

Honestly the first few miles flew by. I made a conscious effort to not talk to Stonegate this week so that I had stories to share while we were running. That was probably the hardest thing as we usually talk or see each other daily.

Before I knew it, the first half of the race was behind us. We’d only run 13 or so miles in our “training” leading up to the race so anything beyond 13 was new territory for us.

Stonegate was looking forward to mile 17 where her mom would be waiting. Her mom had some extra fuel for her and it is always a boost to see someone you know along the course.

I did not see nearly the amount of people I usually see the first few miles of the race. Aid-stations it seems changed around and so the few I usually look forward to, were being run by another group. Don’t get me wrong, the aid-stations are stellar and they are always motivating.

After Stonegate’s mom it was my turn to look forward to some family faces. Vans and the girls were supposed to be their usual spot, mile 20 which is a crazy spot in the race.

I can’t help it, I always pick up the pace through this section because I am just so excited to give my girls a hug.
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Clearly beyond excited here. 🙂 We stopped for hugs and Stonegate started chit chatting and Vans was like, “Um no chit chat. There is a race going on!” So off we ran after my Peanut wanted our photo.

Miles 20 to 26 are my least favorite. Not really because of the ‘wall’ but because the streets usually just seem to take forever. However, maybe because I had Stonegate by my side and I was talking her ear off, these mile just flew by and before we knew it, we were making our way down L street towards the finish!

The spectators are fantastic along this section as well. You can’t help but help feel the energy and the music they have along the course is just fantastic and motivating. I was whooping and hollering the whole way down L street. Poor Stonegate must have wanted to shoot me. 🙂 I just get caught up in it all.

I kept telling Stonegate that we only had a few short turns and then we’d cross that finish line. The final turn into the shoot is just so exciting. They called our names … I tried to “jump” over the finish line but I have no idea if it worked.

We did it! Stonegate’s first (and hopefully not last) CIM done! I am proud of that girl. She had some rough miles mixed with some good miles. Our training (if you call two runs training) was less then stellar thanks to my hamstring tear and her crazy mom-life but we did it!

My girls racing to the finish line to see us.

Vans was delayed getting to the finish line (new parking rules downtown). The weather was beyond perfect and glorious so Stonegate and I were content to sit with her mom and just chill.

Finally Vans and the girls showed up and I couldn’t have been happier to see them. I love that my kids know this race after years of finding me at the finish line.

Those two smiling face right there motivate me each year. Some day, I hope they decide to run CIM either with me or on their own.

A special shout out to this guy. He sacrifices every first Sunday in December to see me on course and be there at the finish. From sticking notes in my fuel bag to taking photos during the race, I could not do it if he wasn’t in my corner.

CIM number 10 is in the books. I have no idea who I will run with next year. 🙂 I enjoy not racing it, I enjoy running with someone who is either running it for the first time or who just wants to get some miles in on a beautiful sunny day.

Maybe some day I’ll get back to “racing” CIM the way I used to. Maybe some day I’ll get a PR or BQ but for now, number 10 goes down as a great day, a fun race and a fantastic memory.

Now, back to the trails!

Happy Trails!


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Pain is temporary. Facebook is Forever.” – One of the many signs that made me laugh during the 35th annual California International Marathon yesterday.

Photo from: www.runcim.org
Photo from: www.runcim.org

Yesterday was the 35th Annual California International Marathon. Last year, I ran with my boss for his first ever marathon.  This year, I ran with my co-worker/work-husband/friend, Grumpy for his.

Grumpy decided last December when our boss finished, that he too could do a marathon and so, I handed him a training plan and he did all the work.

Obligatory Race Expo Photo
Obligatory Race Expo Photo

This would be my 9th CIM to date and I was super excited to head to the Expo this year because I never claimed my 5 year anniversary Loyal Runner gift!

5 year pin and Travel Mug!
5 year pin and Travel Mug!

It was fun watching Grumpy wander the Expo. You could see his nervous energy as he zipped about. I have to say, he picked THE best CIM year to run as the swag this year was top notch! Well done SRA and CIM!

Best race swag year yet!
Best race swag year yet!

Seriously, that little waist pouch is the best thing ever. Super comfortable. Any other CIMers who don’t want theirs, let me know because this is one waist pack that doesn’t bounce (they all bounce). I even wore it IN the race without testing it out first.  Huge fan.

Okay, back to the race.

Sunday morning came fast. Saturday evening, my family and I went to our town Christmas Tree Lighting. Probably spent a little too much time on my feet but it was worth it.

Sunday bright and early, my dear friend TiggerT picked me up and we were off. Love this tradition of riding with TiggerT. She always makes me laugh.

I met Grumpy at the Chevron station where I told him to go and we take the shuttle buses to the start. He seemed ready. He was dressed pretty warmly but it was chilly at the start.

I went with shorts, a tank top, a long sleeve and then my space-blanket from last year’s CIM to keep me warm at the start. Always keep your space blankets for another use.

Pre-Race Photo!
Pre-Race Photo!

Grumpy said his ideal goal would be to finish in 5 hours. He wanted to start with the 4:30 pace group. I thought that was fine but I knew that we’d probably have to stop along the way and would lose the group eventually.

Grumpy ready to do this!
Grumpy ready to do this!

It took us 3 minutes from the gun to cross the timing mat. There were about 8,000 full marathon runners this year they said and another 7,000 participating in the relay. Incredible!

Another super cool bonus this year, was the National Anthem! This year they had Vince DiFiore from CAKE play the trumpet which was pretty kick ass. I love CAKE and they are locals and to have him play the national anthem, then have the gun go off and the start music be The Distance, was pretty freaking cool.

We ran with the 4:30 group until about miles 9 or 10 when we both decided that we had to stop and use the porta potties. That was the only downfall of the race. The porta potty lines were incredibly long throughout the race. There is one spot where I know they typically are not, but we couldn’t quite wait that long so we stopped. Like I suspected, we lost the 4:30 group and never really caught up to them.

Grumpy was doing great but he definitely slowed on the up hills. The down hills hurt his ankles. He’s battled a few aches and pains throughout his training, but he was moving and that was all that matter.

The miles really seemed to fly by in the beginning. I couldn’t believe it when we got to 6 and saw Not Chris, then it was the half way mark before we knew it. I saw lots of friends along the course which is always fun.

By the time we got to Watt Avenue (mile 19), I started texting our work crew that was waiting between miles 20 and 21. I also texted Vans to let him know that we were on our way. Mile 20, at Loehmans’ Plaza is always a huge huge aid-station and place of insanity.

I used the incentive that his friends were waiting for him with signs and good cheer to keep him moving.

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They cheered SO loud for him and had the funniest signs. Such a boost to have your own little cheering section just for you.


Surprisingly he didn’t stop, he wanted to keep moving. His IT band and achilles were really starting to flare up every couple of miles bringing us to a walk run type movement.

He kept apologizing but I told him to stop. He was doing awesome, he was moving and he was going to finish!

Mile 22 we came upon some race photographers. Such a fun photo spot too. I told him we HAD to run for the photos … so we ran. When we got near them, I jumped in the air (like in those old Toyota commercials) and the photographer yelled, “Great shot! How do you have all that energy?” About 5 runners turned and gave me the death stare! LOL Grumpy laughed, “They all hate you now.” .

I then texted our boss who lives in East Sac almost right on the course. I told him we were a few miles out. When we passed, he was out there cheering him on! Another boost for Grumpy!

Finally we were on L Street and making our way on the last two miles of the course. Still walking and running, he was gritting it out. Every so often we’d dance and sing to the music. Grumpy even encouraged a few runners along the way himself, “Come on! You got this!” We ran through a group of High School Cheerleaders and I yelled, “Come on! Cheer for Grumpy!” and they sure did! A whole little cheer just for him. 🙂

Vans and my girls were out there too!
Vans and my girls were out there too!

Vans and my girls were at mile 20 and then again on L street cheering us on! Love my little cheerleaders!

The last .2 of the race right here.
The last .2 of the race right here.

If you can zoom in on the above photo, it is quite hilarious the difference between our facial expressions. I really pushed him that last half mile or so to run and not stop. He was hurting but there is SO much support that last section, so many people cheering that you just can’t stop, you don’t want to.

Finally we made the turn towards the finish. I reminded him that we have to finish separately. One shoot for women and one for men. I told him to run!!


And run he did and then, he became a marathoner! Just like that. 🙂

So proud of him for gritting through all the pain and finishing. We finished in 5 hours and 25 minutes so not his goal time, but I do believe he said that’ll give him something to shoot for NEXT YEAR!

Also a huge thank you and congrats to this guy, for always being out on the course cheering me on and waiting for me with two tired and hungry girls at the finish line from  year to year.

Vans wins!
Vans wins!

I do believe his favorite part of CIM is the beer garden. 🙂 Well earned dear, well earned.

Next year will be CIM number 10 for me!

Thank you SRA and CIM for putting on another stellar marathon event. Everything ran smoothly from my running perspective. 🙂

Happy Trails Road,




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This is the worst parade ever!” – That was by FAR my favorite sign on the course. 🙂

On Sunday I ran the 2016 California International Marathon (CIM). It was my 14th marathon to date, my 8th (full) CIM and the 10th year I have been part of the festivities.

Clearly there is something about this race that keeps me coming back year after year. Last year I “raced it” meaning I set out to try and get a specific time. Boy did THAT hurt (I PR’d but didn’t reach my race goal).

This year, I just set my sights on pacing my boss to the finish-line of his first ever marathon.

Boss at the race expo.
Boss at the race expo.

Last year when I came into work after having run CIM, my boss said, “I want to run CIM next year. I want to run a marathon before I turn 50. Do you think I could do it?” I told him he could absolutely do it so long as he trained.

So, he trained. Every so often, Boss, SS (another running coworker) and I would run mid-week on our lunch hour. SS and I would give him some pointers or tips. Tell him stories of our first marathon etc. Boss would listen, take our advice and continue training.

Boss, Me and another coworker
Boss, Me and SS

Finally race morning arrived and I could feel his excitement. Sometimes you forget your first marathon and just how excited, nervous, anxious, freaked-out you are.

Right before the gun went off.
Right before the gun went off.

We made our way to the start line. I vowed to stick with him the whole race as I had no goals or objectives. I was out there to see him finish.

SS left us to go find a spot higher up in a faster group. We situated ourselves with the 4:00 hour pace group. I knew deep down Boss would love a four hour (even a sub four hour) finish time. I was okay with that, albeit a bit nervous having not run much on pavement these last few months.

The gun went off and we took off at a respectable pace. We stayed right where we were supposed to be for a 4 hour finish. Then, we started speeding up.

Miles 3 through 8 were faster than I thought we should be doing but Boss kept saying he felt good. We were slightly ahead of the 4 hour pace group.

Miles 9 and 10 we were right back down where we should have been.

Mile 11 included a pit-stop at the porta-potties. We didn’t take too long but it was long enough to have the 4:00 hour and 4:08 hour pace groups pass.

I could sense a little disappointment from Boss. He even asked if I was going to try and “catch” them. I told him if he wanted to we could try or we could just run and see what happens. The latter is exactly what we did.

Miles 12 through 14 we were back to our usual pace.

Around mile 14.5 I asked him if he took that gel he grabbed a while back and he said that he had taken 2/3rds of it. Uh-oh. I could feel his energy depleting. He had stopped talking and joking with me too.

I handed him some jelly beans. At first he refused but then he ate them. He seemed to gain some energy after that, enough to be more talkative.

Miles 15 – 18 he slowed significantly. He would no longer run along side of me, he’d run behind me. We would often walk a bit. I gave him a gluten free peanut butter and jelly bar to have as well, hoping that he wasn’t too far in the hole to bounce back.

Prior to this he had been urging me to go on without him but I refused. To appease him, I told him that I’d get him to mile 20 and then we’d reassess and if he still wanted me to leave him, I would.

Mile 18.6 he pulled to the side and told me to go. He said he really wanted me to go on without him. He promised he wouldn’t quit. I handed him all the fuel I had left on me and I made him swear that he would eat all of it.

I left him. I felt badly doing so but sometimes I can understand wanting to be alone, in your own misery to get yourself out of it.
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I surged on. I knew my family was at mile 20.

So happy to see my girls!
So happy to see my girls!

My pace quickened, Mile 20 was 8:19 (super excited to see my family!). I hugged my girls and Vans and kept moving.

You've gotta laugh and smile. Then you don't feel the pain.
You’ve gotta laugh and smile so you don’t feel the pain.

Mile 21- 8:45/mi

Mile 22 – 8:51/mi

Mile 23 – 8:41/mi

Mile 24 – 9:00/mi (the sharp turns from J Street to Alhambra then again to L Street)

Mile 25 – 8:56/mi

Mile 26 – 8:53/mi

I was doing my best to push and try to catch the 4 hour group but my body was not having it. It would give me a few good strides and then would feel as if I was running in quicksand. I had no fuel left and I ran out of water between miles 24 and 25 but refused to stop.

I was super happy to see the finish. I crossed the finish line in 4 hours and 6 minutes. I just could never quite catch that 4 hour pace group. 🙂

My favorite cheerleaders!
My favorite cheerleaders!

Once I finished I found my family and went in search of SS. We then heard from Boss that he was at mile 25 and walking in. Finally we saw him!

Running Boss into the finish!
Running Boss into the finish!

He seemed happy to see us because he started running so we joined him.

SS trying to take a running selfie.
SS trying to take a running selfie.

We made the sharp left turn towards the finish shoots and SS and I peeled off screaming Boss’s name the whole way! He had done it! He finished! His time was 4 hours and 50 minutes.

I am super proud of him. He followed through in his goal. He said he has a whole new appreciation for running and the distance. He doesn’t think he’ll sign up for another anytime soon but he’s super excited to have completed his very first marathon!

Three marathoners!
Three marathoners!

And I feel honored to have been there to witness it. Like I have been telling my coworkers all day, he put in all the work, I just tried to keep his mind off all the pain. 🙂

Happy Trails!


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This past Sunday I ran my 7th California International Marathon and my 11th marathon to date.

Last year when I ran this race (you can read that race report here), I decided that upon crossing the finish line that I wanted another shot at actually “running” this race and not just finishing (even though I ran the past few CIMs with TiggerT and had SO much fun while doing it). I had decided, that even though I am on the fence about ever running in Boston, I’d like to at least have the ability to say, “Why yes, I qualified!”

So when my trail season ended, I began running roads and started “lightly” following an old training plan that I had from years ago. I ran long on weekends all solo. I did speed work on Tuesday nights a few times a month with my old crew, the Buffalo Chips (man I missed that group and their workouts). I still ran with my morning crew but mostly on Thursdays.

In the beginning, I was hitting my pace marks and felt strong and then, things started to fizzle. Either I lost motivation to run or was dealing with a few issues that my aging body did not thoroughly embrace.

Either way, for the last two months, my running has slacked. I ran Clarksburg but even then I knew, that the outlook wasn’t as positive as it had been earlier in my training. For various reasons that I won’t list here, I found myself waking up between 3 and 4 times a night.

Bottom line, I wasn’t recovering and I wasn’t hitting my marks. Still, I had faith and was determined to give it my best shot.

Come race morning, Stonegate and Burning Girl arrived at my house at 5:30 ready to whisk me away to the start. Their jokes and laughter made me smile, I was ready.

I had some pre-race laughs at the starting line with the McBride crew who always make me laugh, no matter what. They are, to put it simply, real good people.

Soon it was time to find my pace group.  I needed to run the marathon in 3 hours and 40 minutes to qualify for Boston. My CIM personal best was 3 hours and 56 minutes ran in 2008 when the Peanut was 8 months old and I was about 15 pounds lighter and still full of prego hormones. That would have been a major hail mary of a PR to pull off. Yet, I am a way different runner now than I was in 2008.

I decided to run with the 3:40 pace group. When the race started it was a crowded madhouse. I haven’t run in such a tight knit elbow to elbow race in a very long time. It was a little unnerving and I got slightly pushed away from the pace group.

I didn’t panic as I knew it would eventually clear out. My pace group started off pretty darn quick though. Our first few miles were jockeying between our needed pace and a little bit faster –  8:16, 8;24, 8:10, 8:23, 8:11 went the first few miles. Our pace should have been 8:23 but I understand how it works and was hanging in there just fine.

Every so often it would dump massive buckets of rain on us and then stop. I completely over dressed for this race. I should have gone with my instinct but I didn’t.

Mile 7.5 we were passing an aid-station area with lots of spectators and they started blaring Bon Jovi’s Living on a Prayer and I just started smiling and rocking out. It was a sign for this Jersey girl and I let the music carry me.

Fast forward to mile 13, when my quads started cramping and I decided to let the pace group go. I always, ALWAYS carry a salt tab with me and I didn’t have a single one.

I hung in there running just behind the 3:40 group, closer to the 3:45 group until about mile 17 when I decided my quads were going to either seize or fall off. From that moment on, I let myself walk through the aid-stations. Just that small adjustment alone brought some life back into my legs.

I was still smiling mind you. I had decided not to beat myself up about it and to just keep running. What will be will be. I knew if I could get to mile 20, that I’d see Vans and my girls which would help a lot and if I could get to about mile 22 (I think) I would see my Oiselle Volee team and get another boost.

Hi girls!!!
Hi girls!!!

I pretty much walked here and gave them high-fives. It was Vans who said, “Ok, keep moving, get moving.” Thanks honey. 🙂

I saw and heard my Oiselle team cheering for me as I ran by in my singlet. That helped, a lot.
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Running through downtown I tried my hardest not to look at the numbered street signs. I know how defeating that can be to not see them get smaller faster.

There were a few really SLOW moments in there between 23 and 26 where I just wanted to lay down and sleep. My quads were SCREAMING at me to stop. I just kept telling myself, “You can’t walk here. You can’t stop here! You have less than 2 miles to go!”

At one point, I said, forget this and starting pushing myself, hard … or at least it felt hard .. and then a wave of nausea hit me. I looked around and both sides of the street were lined 4 deep with people cheering us on. I thought, “Oh god, if I hurl here that would be really really bad!” 🙂

So, I slowed ever so slightly, enough to push the nausea away.

I crossed the finish line in 3 hours and 54 minutes. 2 minutes faster than my last “real” marathon and a sub 9 minute marathon. I know I have it in me to  run faster, I know it … I just need the motivation or the determination or perhaps maybe a coach to actually keep me more honest and more on track.


Overall, I am pleased with those stats. My quads had nothing left. I was a sweaty mess at the end because I dressed too warm and I haven’t quite figured out how to fuel in a road race yet compared to ultras where you have the time and the convenience of fully stocked aid-stations.

Depending on our plans in 2016, the chances of me running CIM 2016 are pretty darn high. I love this race. It is right in my back yard and I know it inside and out and yet the outcome is never quite the same. Road racing keeps you honest. It pushes you beyond limits you didn’t think were possible.

As much as I love and adore trails, the competitive part of me loves to challenge myself and try and exceed past attempts at things.

My whole family was there at the finish. My heart was full. My girls and Vans were in good spirits and the weather was great.

Post Race Family photo for once
Post Race Family photo for once

I was happy. No matter what my time was, I was happy. And that is all that matters.

Happy Trails!







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Sunday was the Clarksburg Country Run. I opted for the 20 mile nonsactioned race because it is a great 20 mile training run before CIM (California International Marathon).

I forget how beautiful the Clarksburg area really is. It hit me driving in as the sun was rising on the river, that this truly is a hidden gem not too far from home.

So pretty
So pretty

My training plan going into this race was supposed to be “Predicted Marathon Pace PLUS 30 seconds” but secretly, I wanted to see if I could hold my marathon pace the entire 20 miles. Of course right? 🙂

I arrived super early. In all the years I have run this race, I never recall being the first to arrive. I think the participant number may have gone down slightly because I was the second person to arrive. Second. That scored me a killer parking spot mind you and I really didn’t have to wait all that long. But my parking space was kind of crazy. I should have taken a photo it was so good.

The temps were chilly and there was a good chance it was going to rain about half way into the race.

Finally it was time to head to the starting line. I saw McFunny as I was getting out of my car. She was also doing the 20 miler and is doing CIM. She always makes me laugh and it proved to be the perfect thing to calm my nerves before the run. McFunny agreed that Clarksburg, while a pretty race, usually leaves sour thoughts in your head when you are done because it is well, 20 miles of flat paved roads. Ouch.

They started the race and off I ran. I bobbed and weaved my way to a clear spot in the pack. I had my headphones and old iShuffle in my pocket. That was a last minute decision. I haven’t touched my shuffle since I loaded it for AR50 earlier this year.

As it turns out, I grew really tired of the conversation around me at about mile 4 and put in my ear buds. Normally I thrive off of the surrounding conversations but not this time.

I did fall in behind one woman. Did you ever just run behind someone and they seemed to float effortlessly as they run? This woman had nothing on her, no water, no music, no fuel yet she had ideal form and just was plugging away never showing any sign of fatigue.

I stuck with this woman for a long long time. At one point I pulled ahead, I think she may stopped at an aid-station but eventually she’d catch up to me again.

At about mile 10 the rain started coming. At first it was just a light sprinkle and then it grew stronger. Then, we changed course and were running right into a headwind with sideways rain.

I slowed to try and grab some fuel from my pocket hoping that would give me a boost and it did but it also put some distance between me and that girl.

I also started to just slow ever so slightly here. Prior to this point I was on point to run my marathon pace. After the fueling stop, I was leaning more towards what my training pace had called for.

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A few more turns on the course, more wind and more drenching rain and I was starting to lose my faith and mojo ever so slightly. I kept that girl in my sights even though she was down the road. She never faltered in her form. So many times I wished I was her or I thought, “Wow she is trained and you my friend, are not.” But I never gave up.

The final 2 miles were not fun but I could feel the finish. The last mile I even tried to picked up the pace a bit. When all was said and done, I ended up with the pace my training plan had called for … exactly.

I look like I might cry I am so happy to be done
I look like I might cry I am so happy to be done

I was frozen to the core when I finished. I had been battling an upset tummy since about mile 10 and when I finished I stood for a moment trying to figure out what it was my body wanted.

As I was standing there, the girl I had been following came up to me. She introduced herself and asked how I did. She was so sweet. She is training for CIM and it will be her first marathon. I told her she had amazing form and looked effortless when she ran. She said she had been so nervous for this 20 mile run. She was pleased with her finish and I told her she’ll have a great CIM if she runs like she ran today.

It just goes to show that everyone has some inner turmoil and demons. Not everyone shows it or wears it on their sleeves but we all have something. The only person you can rely on in a lot of these situations is yourself and your training. I know my training hasn’t been 100% on par and that I have been relying on my strength and stamina to try and make certain goals happen.

Come CIM, I am still hoping my strength and stamina will get me through whatever should come my way that day and I know deep inside this is the most I have actually trained for CIM since 2009.

The road is a hard mental beast sometimes. My body has been craving trails lately missing the fun and the ease that one can sometimes have on a dusty single track.

Yet the road can be also super rewarding when you hit your marks. It just takes hard work and training to make that happen.

I have one more race before CIM, our annual Thanksgiving Day race that Vans and I do together. That race is the week before CIM so usually I either feel awesome or I feel every ache and pain along the way. Whatever comes though, I am ready for it.

Happy Trails!





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