“Some people think the plant-based, whole foods diet is extreme. Half a million people a year will have their chests opened up and a vein taken from their leg and sewn onto their coronary artery. Some people would call that extreme.” – Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr.
That has to be one of my favorite quotes from Dr. Esselstyn, (and he has quite a few).

Next week I am headed back to beautiful Claverack, NY to attend Plant-Stock again (learn about Plant-Stock here).
I attended this event last year (read about my experience here) and it was the best weekend ever!
I met so many wonderful people who shared their journey with me. From being on death’s door and miserable to living a vibrant energetic life all the while, thanking Dr. Esselstyn, Dr. Campbell, and the Engine 2 and Forks Over Knives crew. It was inspiring.
The speakers last year were phenomenal. I don’t know how, but they’ve seemed to add even more amazing plant-based speakers to the list this year!
Here are a few that I am CRAZY excited to hear talk, meet and learn from next week:

Yup, the one and only Scott Jurek! Not only do we get to hear him talk, we get to go on a RUN with him! Kind of excited to pick his ultra-running plant-based brain!

That’s right! Mr. Rich Roll will be there too. I’ve followed Rich for years listening to his podcast, reading his blog (even his OLD blog) and of course his book and watching his YouTube channel.

This one I am SUPER excited to meet. Dr. Garth Davis, if you follow him on Facebook, has one of the best Facebook pages around . His book, Proteinaholic was a fantastic read – FULL of information. I highly recommend it.

Dr. Michael Greger I heard speak back in February (read about that here). He was AMAZING. Vans went with me to that talk and even HE was thoroughly impressed. Dr. Greger runs the infamous and highly informative website: www.nutritionfacts.org which is a go-to source for a lot of science based information and studies and he’s recently written the book How Not to Die (another recommended read).
With that said, there are a few repeat speakers that I am really happy are coming back …

Dr. Doug Lisle spoke last year at Plant-Stock and his talk called, How to Get Along without Going Along was one of my absolute favorites of the weekend. He is the co-author of The Pleasure Trap (an amazing book if you haven’t read it) and I really look forward to hearing him again this year.
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And of course, Plant-Stock would not be Plant-Stock without a cooking demo by two fabulously funny and engaging women!

Ann and Jane are the authors behind one of my favorite and frequently used plant-based cookbooks, The Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook. This dynamic duo are so fun to watch. After watching them last year, I wish I could just follow them around for the day. 🙂 They are so hard working and super personable. You can see how they just touch everyone they meet.
I can’t list all the people who are speaking (this blog would be way too long) but trust me when I say, I am ready for this weekend to blow my mind.
If you have any interest in attending any of the Engine2/Forks Over Knives events then I have good news for you! They’ve issued me a special code that will give you a discount to a few of their upcoming events (Plant-Stock is not included).
If you live near the Cleveland Ohio, Dallas Texas or Pasadena California area then you are in luck!

Visit this link here and use the discount code: TRAILVIP50 to received $50 of the registration fee for one of their weekend long events.

If you want an in-depth full on life-saving immersion into the Plant-Based lifestyle, then their Sedona, Arizona trip may be more suitable. Visit this link here and use the discount code: TRAILVIP150 to receive $150 off the registration fee.
I cannot stress enough how important diet is in one’s life. What you put in your mouth on a daily basis does affect the way you feel whether you want to realize it or not. If you have headaches, constipation, gas, heart palpitations, eczema – WHATEVER – stop and think about what you are consuming. If you lack energy, it most likely has to do with what you are eating.
If you can’t afford the trips I’ve listed above, I COMPLETELY understand. Start small. Maybe buy Dr. Greger or Dr. Davis’s book or check out their websites. Tiny changes still COUNT.
You don’t have to make drastic changes overnight. Start small and build from there. Do what you can on a daily basis and see what happens.
What have you go to lose?
See you after my trip!
Happy Trails!