I haven’t run in Auburn in quite some time. Well, pretty much the last time I set foot in Auburn was during the last few miles of AR50. I have been running, just not super far or anywhere outside of my little town. I could slowly feel my mojo for running seeping out little by little. I needed something to bring it back front and center. Something that would get me excited again to run trails again. One place does make me happy. Auburn (and Tahoe but Auburn is closer).

Which is why I reached out to Stonegate and Burning Girl. Pigeon was working this weekend so I knew she was out and she is also tapering for her big race next weekend. Burning Girl bailed last minute so it was just Stonegate and I. We were both eager to get out on some Auburn trails and just have a good run.

Due to some obligations that Stonegate had, I agreed to pick her up at 6 am and that we would be running by 6:30 so that she could be home in time for the rest of her day. This was hard as the night before, Vans and I had visited our favorite sushi restaurant and I know from past experiences, that sushi and wine before a long run, don’t generally mix. Luckily, things worked out just fine in that regard.

The sun was up and the parking lot was surprisingly active that early in the morning. Stone gate and I quickly gathered our gear, hit the restrooms and were off down the trail. It was a beautiful morning. We knew it was going to get hot but so far, there was a light breeze and the views were gorgeous.

Stonegate caught me staring at the amazing views.
Stonegate caught me staring at the amazing views.

We ran and talked all the way down the trail. When we rounded a corner I gasped out loud. Stonegate totally thought that I had seen a bear. I laughed. I hope I won’t squeal like that if I run into a bear. I didn’t the last time!

No, instead I gasped because I saw that some trail fairies had come and built such a beautiful bridge so that we no longer had to try and jump across the stream.

New Bridge at the Watering Hole!
New Bridge at the Watering Hole!

It may not seem like a big deal to most, but it isn’t easy to get down this far on the trail running or hiking let alone carrying tools and machinery. It is a beautiful bridge.

We came upon No Hands Bridge pretty fast and took advantage of the porta potties that are there before climbing our way back up towards Cool.

Soon we hit K2. We paused at the bottom of the hill, not quite ready to start out climb. The trails were pretty busy already with people hiking. We even ran into someone hiking down K2. I always see people hiking down …. why is it I am always hiking UP K2? 🙂

When we finally reached the top, we stopped to catch our breath before running again. Stonegate had some flashbacks from her Way Too Cool 50K race as we were running towards the fire station. She now understands the love hate relationship with that little fire-road where you can see the station but know you have to run around to get there.

We reached the fire station and decided that neither of us needed water or the porta potty. So, we just turned around and started making our way back to the trail.

The route back always seems to take a little longer. Mostly because quite a bit of it is going up hill back to the overlook.

We paused on No Hands for a quick selfie. Always have to have the selfie on a good run like this.


When we were making our way back towards the overlook, the hikers and families were all over the place. It was so good to see people out enjoying nature. On one of our climbs back up I saw this person just bouncing down the trail towards us and I smiled. Jumping Bean was headed out on a run with some friends. We both squealed and managed sweaty hugs. We chatted for a bit and I introduced her to Stonegate. It is always so nice to see her. She is such a sweet and genuine person. She too is running Quicksilver next weekend.

The climb back up definitely was as hard as it usually is. For a 14-15 mile run, it can always surprise you how hard it can be to make your way back to the car when the temps are rising. We probably hiked more on the way back but we kept moving (and talking). It took us just over 3 hours to complete this run.

When we got to the car, we immediately grabbed what we needed for a quick soak in the canal. No matter what, Stonegate wanted to make time for that and I will always oblige a nice cold soak after a good run like that.

That run will either boost your confidence or give you a reality check. It was nice to see that my fitness hasn’t completely left me high and dry. I am looking forward to some big runs later this month and now at least, I know that I can survive although it may be a bit more work than I originally planned.

The rest of the weekend consisted of bikes and more bikes. We went on a family bike ride on Saturday evening followed by a few races for Vans and the girls on Sunday morning/afternoon.

Vans riding on the prison grounds
Vans riding on the prison grounds

There is a bike series near by called Race Behind Bars bike series where you get to ride your bike on some amazing trails that are around Folsom Prison. I’ve run these trails last year and will again for the trail runner version of this same breakout series.

The girls and I sat and watched Vans complete 3 big loops around the prison grounds. We tried to entertain ourselves between each loop.

Elsa aka Squeaker
Elsa aka Squeaker
The Peanut and I chilling in the shade.


When Vans finished his race, it was time for the kids races! The girls decided at the last minute that they wanted to sign up and do the race. I was blown away because usually, racing events is not exactly their “thing” … but today, they were excited.

Dad pinning on their race numbers!
Dad pinning on their race numbers!
Mom signing the papers and release of liability haha
Mom signing the papers and release of liability haha
Are you ready .....
The girls were ready ….. and easy to see in PINK.

They kids stood on the starting line. The MC guy came by and asked them all for their name and age. The Peanut proudly said her name and age over the loud speaker . Squeaker however, just whispered that she was 3. 🙂 She was the only one on a strider bike and I do believe that my girls were the only two GIRLS in the entire race. 🙂 (proud mama for sure)

The Peanut did awesome. She is handling her bike so much better and I do believe she actually had fun. She almost passed a boy coming into the finish shoot.

Peanut and her ribbon!
Peanut and her ribbon!

Squeaker had to use her legs since strider bikes do not have pedals. She ran and ran and ran. Vans ran along side her too wearing his mountain bike shoes AND mountain bike helmet still. 🙂

Go Squeaker Go!


I am not exactly sure how long their race was but I do know that they had to go down this hill and then back up. It was a mixture of paved bike path, grass and dirt.


The finish line was just busting with cheers for all the kids (and dads) making their way into the finish line. My heart melted a little bit when the Peanut stood at the finish cheering her sister’s name.

Squeaker and her medal!
Squeaker and her medal!

Both girls finished and both were smiling ear to ear (and also very thirsty). Squeaker despite being on the strider bike, did not come in last! You go girl!

After the bike racing was over, we headed over to the Folsom Zoo area and just hung out with friends, having a picnic and watching the kids play on the play ground. There were also wild peacocks walking about … I was so not loving that part.

Overall, it was a fantastic weekend spent outside the majority of the time being active as a family. I love weekends like these. Yes I have mountain of chores and errands to do still, but I love seeing my family so happy. Get outside. Your body and mind will thank you.

Happy Trails!


PS: I want to send many many Trailmomma vibes to my training partner Pigeon! She is running Quicksiler 100K this weekend. I won’t be out there cheering in person, but I will definitely be sending as much positive energy as I can muster to help carry her! Go Pigeon Go!

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Recently our little Peanut turned six.  From the start, we wanted to do something different for her birthday, something a little more active … something outside. One day when I was watching the Peanut ride her bike, an idea hit me, Safetyville USA! I had never been myself but I have heard great things about Safetyville and Vans said that the place has been around since he was a little Vans. The Peanut has really progressed in riding her bike so this place was perfect!

The Peanut and some of her friends.
The Peanut and some of her friends.

If you don’t know much about Safetyville, it is a mini replica of Sacramento complete with buildings, stop signs, railroad tracks and real working traffic lights!


You can see the size ratio of the lights compared to the adults.
You can see the size ratio of the lights compared to the adults.

We totally lucked out on the weather as it had rained the day before but that Saturday, it was gorgeous outside. Jersey Dad was still in town to help us set up and get things moving.

When I was organizing the party, I realized that the Peanut’s guest list has grown tremendously over the years. Between friends she has known since daycare, to close friends we have known forever ,to her new friends in kindergarten, the list went on and on. Luckily the place accommodated a large guest list and really, the more the merrier when it came to cruising around Safetyville.


What I did not want (or need) was huge piles of presents.  I know it is customary to bring presents to a party and I know that kids (especially six year olds) really look forward to all the presents but I knew that the Peanut would be happy with a few little things and so, Vans and I talked and decided to do something different this year.

Donations to
Donations to

We used for our invitations instead of the usual paper invitations. I happen to like because I can insert the date and party information directly onto our phone and we also limit the amount of paper produced.

Through we were able to notify guests that we were offering an “in lieu” of presents idea. When I told the Peanut what I was doing she didn’t understand. She thought she would receive NO presents on her birthday but when I assured her that she will have plenty to open, she was okay with what we were asking her to do. It made her happy to help.

I reached out to Mike on Trails over at You may remember when I posted about in this post here. Well he got the approvals he needed to begin this journey of brining a quality trail network and skills loop to EDH. Vans and I could not be more excited.

As avid trail runners and mountain bikers, having a trail that connects to our own street seems pretty sweet not to mention that it will provide a place for our kids to ride and play.

Vans and I support what Mike and are doing and since having moved to EDH a few years ago, I would say our love of “living local” has grown. From my work at Gold Country Run & Sport to Van’s support of Mraz Brewing Company (our local brewery) all the way to El Dorado Hills Natural Farms we are loving our local businesses and community.

Fresh berries from EDH Farms at the party.
Fresh berries from EDH Farms at the party.

When all was said and done, most of the kids (and parents) agreed that they had a fun time at Safetyville.

See, even the parents had fun!
See, even the parents had fun!

Overall, the Peanut was able to raise $135 towards and have enough presents to open and play with for hours.


While the idea to donate to a charity or cause isn’t new, I  have to say I really loved it and I look forward to doing it more in the future. Santa Claus knows we have more than enough toys in our house. Sometimes giving back or giving to those who need it more, is a win win situation.

Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!

Happy Trails!



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 The internet is a funny thing. One day I was surfing the net, I can’t even recall what I was searching for when I came across this website . I thought, “What is this?” One click leads to another click leads to another leads to me attending a board meeting at our local CSD (Community Services District) to speak up in support of Mike from EDHTrails.

You read that right, SPEAK UP as in talk in front of more than one or two people! One of the most dreaded and detested fears (in addition to birds and turkeys) in my life. Granted, I didn’t talk for almost an hour like Mike did, but I did speak up and talk to the board casting our “vote” as to why we think what Mike and EDHTrails is doing, is a wonderful thing for our community.

I’ve posted about my running adventures in and around El Dorado Hills. From the “Ridge Loop of Death” (my own made up name mind you) to New York Creek to Brown’s Ravine. EDH has some awesome little trails for running and mountain biking.

When we moved here three years ago, I had no idea these trails existed. It was TiggerT that first showed me The Ridge (yes, blame her) and Vans told me about New York Creek when I first started running again after Squeaker was born.

The street on which we live in EDH even has some trails on it but they don’t necessarily lead anywhere or they are not groomed well enough to use easily.

Mike and EDHTrails want to change all that. For starters, he wants to create a Village Connector Trail.


The Village Connector Trail will be one mile in length on an already existing piece of land that sits underneath some telephone wires. This trail would connect El Dorado Hills to Folsom. It would also contain a Cross Country Skills Loop for kids to ease into mountain biking and have fun. You can see more photos on Mike’s webpage at

Wild Oaks Trail
Wild Oaks Trail

What happened at the board meeting on February 4th was exactly what Mike wanted to have happen; he wanted a seat at the big table. He presented his maps, photos and plan to some of the board members in an effort to get on their agenda for their big meeting on February 13th. He succeeded.

Those members present listened to Mike and others talk about the need for such an amazing outlet for our already very active community. What many people do not realize is that El Dorado Hills is slowly becoming a hub for ultra-fitness and outdoor enthusiasts.

For example, true-story  – A few months ago, while the Peanut, Vans and I were at our annual optometry check-up we discovered that our optometrist is a huge ultra-runner and cyclist running 50 mile races and riding in death rides. We thought that was not only interesting but absolutely awesome that she and her husband were so active. The whole rest of our eye appointment was spent comparing races and trails. Then, we discover that the father of my daughter’s classmate is one of the partners opening El Dorado Hill’s newest running store Gold Country Run and Sport where I now work on Sundays. The Folsom Lake Trail Runners, one of the largest organized running groups have many members (myself included) that live in El Dorado Hills or just around the corner in Folsom. If you go to Mraz Brewing on a Thursday evening, you will be greeted by quite few mountain bikers having just finished their night ride (Vans include) enjoying a beer at a local family run brewery. Even our local high school has a mountain bike team. 

The community is active. The community wants to support local business. The community needs to pull together.

The next order of business will be on February 13th. Mike and EDHTrails needs community support. The CSD Board will be there with all of its members present, ready to listen to Mike’s proposal (a condensed version mind you) and will put to vote whether or not a CSD team can be assembled to begin the initial process of vetting out costs and necessities to make this plan a reality.

If you are local, please share this and come. If you are active, please share this and come. Please share this post as much as possible. If you want kids to be active instead of at home playing video games and watching TV, please share this and come. If you can’t make it, find a friend who can. If you have kids, bring them! The Peanut was with me on the 4th watching her mommy stand up for something she believes in that will ultimately benefit her health as well.

I will post the details below and be sure to like Mike’s Facebook page as well so you will constantly be up to date on the progress of his plan and where all the meetings may be held.

Even if you do not live in the immediate area, please don’t be afraid to share this. All it takes is one community to be an example of an active healthy lifestyle for others to follow.  Who knows, maybe our small little community could be the catalyst for change. You never know!

Happy Trails!


CSD Board Meeting: Wednesday, February 13th

Time: 7:00 pm

Address: CSD Pavillion 1021 Harvard Way, El Dorado Hills

(see Facebook page HERE or contact Mike at for specific time and place)

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