It has been a while since my last post. I feel like I say that all the time and maybe I do. Sorry about that. I know consistency on this blog isn’t my strongest asset. Most of the time it is due to the insanity that is sometimes my life but this time around, it stems mostly from me taking a step down. Backing away from some things and focusing on other things.
In all honesty, after all the pain I’ve endured just trying to keep this blog afloat, I seriously have been contemplating not having one. I know I will miss it and I know others will as well. I still haven’t figured out the problem with whoever is hosting my blog vs where my domain lives now. Apparently I need to do some kind of switch-a-rue with my “stuff” but I can’t figure it out and don’t have the patience (and time) to try and I don’t have the money to have someone else do it for me (sigh – woe is me right?).
What I have been toying with lately though is “vlogging” which is basically a VIDEO blog instead of a words and photo blog. I follow a few vloggers and I admire their ability to put it all out there. I’ve often toyed with doing one of these since they popped online quite a few years ago but I just never felt I was “vlog” worthy (I still don’t but I want to for other reasons – see below).
What mostly intrigues me about vlogging is the video editing process which is a small passion hobby that I have. Actually, that is what I was doing during most of my “away” time, editing a video or two from our trip to Oregon.
I’ve also been cooking. Or meal prepping. Okay, both. I’ve just felt the need to make sure we have healthy food. We ate well in Oregon so it wasn’t like I over indulged at all.

My pressure cooker has been on my counter almost consistently since we’ve been home. I’ve made and froze beans of various kinds and portions. I’ve also made potatoes which turn themselves magically into amazing little wedges.

I’ve also “deactivated” my account from Facebook. I’ve ignored Facebook for a while. I’ve also tried the “only logging in once a day” method and “only posting on weekends” trick but last week, I pulled the plug and deactivated myself. My intention was only to do it temporarily. Although, I have a big weekend ahead so I may have to reactivate my account in order to keep people posted on my adventures in Tahoe (pssst, Tahoe Rim Trail 100 is this weekend in case you were wondering – yes, I am crewing Pigeon again woot woot!)
There is nothing wrong with Facebook and I can’t say I was obsessed with it. I just, needed a break. I am already “online” via this blog, via instagram and who knows what else since I put myself “out-there” on the world wide web that I just really needed to take a step back. Facebook houses a lot of drama. It is also a great communication tool but that darn drama and the games people play, just made me need a break. If it wasn’t for family missing out on seeing my girls and me seeing what is happening with Dylan, I’d probably sign off for good.
In the meantime, I’ve been doing other things!
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Okay, so I really was just goofing around but secretly I’d love to be able to have the ability to skateboard. 🙂

Instead, I watched Vans skate with some friends one weekend. I love watching him skate and I love that photo above because his shadow reminds me of Peter Pan when he was chasing his shadow and made his way into Wendy’s room.
I have also been reading more which I started on vacation and realized I missed too much. So, I have made a point to try and read at least a few pages of a book daily.
All of this (reading, cooking, editing videos, kids, running, work) has made very little time for me to blog or figure out my blogging issues.
Don’t worry though, I will be back soon enough I am sure. Like I said above, Tahoe Rim Trail is this weekend so I will be out there with my camera taking race photos, crewing for Pigeon, supporting Stonegate and Burning Girl if I can and just enjoying myself in the amazing mountain air that is Lake Tahoe.
Happy Trails!
***PS: I am conducting an experiment and not TOUCHING my photos above. If they are sideways (like the one of me skating appears sideways on my PC) then I am waiting to see if blogger/whoeveritis – changes the orientation if viewed from a mobile device.***ÂÂ